# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #video memory size should be at least 32meg for windows 7 to do full screen on my desktop # I'm not sure how to set that with veewee::session yet Veewee::Session.declare({ :os_type_id => 'Windows7', # http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/cc442495.aspx # The 90-day Trial is offered for a limited time and in limited quantity. # The download will be available through June 30th, 2012, while supplies last. :iso_file => "7600.16385.090713-1255_x86fre_enterprise_en-us_EVAL_Eval_Enterprise-GRMCENEVAL_EN_DVD.iso", :iso_src => "http://care.dlservice.microsoft.com/dl/download/evalx/win7/x86/EN/7600.16385.090713-1255_x86fre_enterprise_en-us_EVAL_Eval_Enterprise-GRMCENEVAL_EN_DVD.iso", :iso_md5 => "62675A3B76D21815367F372961B71A56", :iso_download_timeout => "100000", :cpu_count => '1', :memory_size=> '512', :disk_size => '20280', :disk_format => 'VDI', :hostiocache => 'off', :floppy_files => [ "Autounattend.xml", "install-winrm.bat", "install-cygwin-sshd.bat", "oracle-cert.cer" ], :boot_wait => "1", #ten minutes, ten seconds :boot_cmd_sequence => [''], :ssh_login_timeout => "10000", # Actively attempt to winrm (no ssh on base windows) in for 10000 seconds :ssh_user => "vagrant", :ssh_password => "vagrant", :ssh_key => "", :ssh_host_port => "59867", :ssh_guest_port => "22", # And run postinstall.sh for up to 10000 seconds :postinstall_timeout => "10000", :postinstall_files => ["postinstall.sh"], # No sudo on windows :sudo_cmd => "sh '%f'", # Shutdown is different as well #:shutdown_cmd => "shutdown /s /t 0 /d P:4:1 /c \"Vagrant Shutdown\"", :shutdown_cmd => "shutdown /p /t 0 /c \"Vagrant Shutdown\" /f /d p:4:1", })