module Octokit
class Client
# Methods for the Checks API
# @see
module Checks
# Methods for Check Runs
# @see
# Create a check run
# @param repo [Integer, String, Hash, Repository] A GitHub repository
# @param name [String] The name of the check
# @param head_sha [String] The SHA of the commit to check
# @return [Sawyer::Resource] A hash representing the new check run
# @see
# @example Create a check run
# check_run = @client.create_check_run("octocat/Hello-World", "my-check", "7638417db6d59f3c431d3e1f261cc637155684cd")
# # => "my-check"
# check_run.head_sha # => "7638417db6d59f3c431d3e1f261cc637155684cd"
# check_run.status # => "queued"
def create_check_run(repo, name, head_sha, options = {})
ensure_api_media_type(:checks, options)
options[:name] = name
options[:head_sha] = head_sha
post "#{Repository.path repo}/check-runs", options
# Update a check run
# @param repo [Integer, String, Hash, Repository] A GitHub repository
# @param id [Integer] The ID of the check run
# @return [Sawyer::Resource] A hash representing the updated check run
# @see
# @example Update a check run
# check_run = @client.update_check_run("octocat/Hello-World", 51295429, status: "in_progress")
# # => 51295429
# check_run.status # => "in_progress"
def update_check_run(repo, id, options = {})
ensure_api_media_type(:checks, options)
patch "#{Repository.path repo}/check-runs/#{id}", options
# List check runs for a specific ref
# @param repo [Integer, String, Hash, Repository] A GitHub repository
# @param ref [String] A SHA, branch name, or tag name
# @param options [Hash] A set of optional filters
# @option options [String] :check_name Returns check runs with the specified name
# @option options [String] :status Returns check runs with the specified status
# @option options [String] :filter Filters check runs by their completed_at timestamp
# @return [Sawyer::Resource] A hash representing a collection of check runs
# @see
# @example List check runs for a specific ref
# result = @client.check_runs_for_ref("octocat/Hello-World", "7638417db6d59f3c431d3e1f261cc637155684cd", status: "in_progress")
# result.total_count # => 1
# result.check_runs.count # => 1
# result.check_runs[0].id # => 51295429
# result.check_runs[0].status # => "in_progress"
def check_runs_for_ref(repo, ref, options = {})
ensure_api_media_type(:checks, options)
get "#{Repository.path repo}/commits/#{ref}/check-runs", options
alias :list_check_runs_for_ref :check_runs_for_ref
# List check runs in a check suite
# @param repo [Integer, String, Hash, Repository] A GitHub repository
# @param id [Integer] The ID of the check suite
# @param options [Hash] A set of optional filters
# @option options [String] :check_name Returns check runs with the specified name
# @option options [String] :status Returns check runs with the specified status
# @option options [String] :filter Filters check runs by their completed_at timestamp
# @return [Sawyer::Resource] A hash representing a collection of check runs
# @see
# @example List check runs in a check suite
# result = @client.check_runs_for_check_suite("octocat/Hello-World", 50440400, status: "in_progress")
# result.total_count # => 1
# result.check_runs.count # => 1
# result.check_runs[0] # => 50440400
# result.check_runs[0].status # => "in_progress"
def check_runs_for_check_suite(repo, id, options = {})
ensure_api_media_type(:checks, options)
get "#{Repository.path repo}/check-suites/#{id}/check-runs", options
alias :list_check_runs_for_check_suite :check_runs_for_check_suite
# Get a single check run
# @param repo [Integer, String, Hash, Repository] A GitHub repository
# @param id [Integer] The ID of the check run
# @return [Sawyer::Resource] A hash representing the check run
# @see
def check_run(repo, id, options = {})
ensure_api_media_type(:checks, options)
get "#{Repository.path repo}/check-runs/#{id}", options
# List annotations for a check run
# @param repo [Integer, String, Hash, Repository] A GitHub repository
# @param id [Integer] The ID of the check run
# @return [Array] An array of hashes representing check run annotations
# @see
# @example List annotations for a check run
# annotations = @client.check_run_annotations("octocat/Hello-World", 51295429)
# annotations.count # => 1
# annotations[0].path # => ""
# annotations[0].message # => "Looks good!"
def check_run_annotations(repo, id, options = {})
ensure_api_media_type(:checks, options)
get "#{Repository.path repo}/check-runs/#{id}/annotations", options
# Methods for Check Suites
# @see
# Get a single check suite
# @param repo [Integer, String, Hash, Repository] A GitHub repository
# @param id [Integer] The ID of the check suite
# @return [Sawyer::Resource] A hash representing the check suite
# @see
def check_suite(repo, id, options = {})
ensure_api_media_type(:checks, options)
get "#{Repository.path repo}/check-suites/#{id}", options
# List check suites for a specific ref
# @param repo [Integer, String, Hash, Repository] A GitHub repository
# @param ref [String] A SHA, branch name, or tag name
# @param options [Hash] A set of optional filters
# @option options [Integer] :app_id Filters check suites by GitHub App id
# @option options [String] :check_name Filters checks suites by the name of the check run
# @return [Sawyer::Resource] A hash representing a collection of check suites
# @see
# @example List check suites for a specific ref
# result = @client.check_suites_for_ref("octocat/Hello-World", "7638417db6d59f3c431d3e1f261cc637155684cd", app_id: 76765)
# result.total_count # => 1
# result.check_suites.count # => 1
# result.check_suites[0].id # => 50440400
# result.check_suites[0] # => 76765
def check_suites_for_ref(repo, ref, options = {})
ensure_api_media_type(:checks, options)
get "#{Repository.path repo}/commits/#{ref}/check-suites", options
alias :list_check_suites_for_ref :check_suites_for_ref
# Set preferences for check suites on a repository
# @param repo [Integer, String, Hash, Repository] A GitHub repository
# @param options [Hash] Preferences to set
# @return [Sawyer::Resource] A hash representing the repository's check suite preferences
# @see
# @example Set preferences for check suites on a repository
# result = @client.set_check_suite_preferences("octocat/Hello-World", auto_trigger_checks: [{ app_id: 76765, setting: false }])
# result.preferences.auto_trigger_checks.count # => 1
# result.preferences.auto_trigger_checks[0].app_id # => 76765
# result.preferences.auto_trigger_checks[0].setting # => false
# result.repository.full_name # => "octocat/Hello-World"
def set_check_suite_preferences(repo, options = {})
ensure_api_media_type(:checks, options)
patch "#{Repository.path repo}/check-suites/preferences", options
# Create a check suite
# @param repo [Integer, String, Hash, Repository] A GitHub repository
# @param head_sha [String] The SHA of the commit to check
# @return [Sawyer::Resource] A hash representing the new check suite
# @see
# @example Create a check suite
# check_suite = @client.create_check_suite("octocat/Hello-World", "7638417db6d59f3c431d3e1f261cc637155684cd")
# check_suite.head_sha # => "7638417db6d59f3c431d3e1f261cc637155684cd"
# check_suite.status # => "queued"
def create_check_suite(repo, head_sha, options = {})
ensure_api_media_type(:checks, options)
options[:head_sha] = head_sha
post "#{Repository.path repo}/check-suites", options
# Rerequest check suite
# @param repo [Integer, String, Hash, Repository] A GitHub repository
# @param id [Integer] The ID of the check suite
# @return [Boolean] True if successful, raises an error otherwise
# @see
def rerequest_check_suite(repo, id, options = {})
ensure_api_media_type(:checks, options)
post "#{Repository.path repo}/check-suites/#{id}/rerequest", options