var graphXOffset = 50;
var graphYOffset = 30;
var graphXDistance = 150;
var graphYDistance = 60;
var nodeWidth = 80;
var nodeHeight = 20;
//var graphEngine = "wireit";
var graphEngine = "jsPlumb";
* Provide a JSON document of the following form:
* {
* "nodes" : [
* { "ID" : "n1", "name" : "Node 1" },
* { "ID" : "n2", "name" : "Node 2" },
* { "ID" : "n3", "name" : "Node 3" }
* ],
* "edges" : [
* { "from" : "n1", "to" : "n2", "label" : "Edge 1", "short_label" : "e1", "href" : "http://..." },
* { "from" : "n1", "to" : "n3", "label" : "Edge 2", "short_label" : "e2", "href" : "http://..." }
* ]
* }
function loadGraph(graphJSON) {
var nodes = Array();
var nodeIDs = Array();
var wires = Array();
var errors = Array();
var i = 0;
var nodesJSON = graphJSON["nodes"];
if(typeof(nodesJSON) == "undefined" || !nodesJSON) {
throw "The graph does not contain any nodes. Probably the generation was aborted because the graph would have grown too big for rendering in the Web browser.";
for(i = 0; i < nodesJSON.length; i++) {
var node = nodesJSON[i];
var id = node["ID"];
nodes[id] = new Object();
nodes[id]["name"] = node["name"];
nodes[id]["from"] = new Array();
nodes[id]["to"] = new Array();
nodes[id]["content"] = node["content"].replace(/\n/g,"\n
nodes[id]["column"] = node["column"];
nodes[id]["row"] = 0;
if(nodesJSON.length > 50) {
if(!confirm("Graph contains " + nodesJSON.length + " nodes, do you want to start rendering?")) {
var edgesJSON = graphJSON["edges"];
for(i = 0; i < edgesJSON.length; i++) {
var edge = edgesJSON[i];
var from = edge["from"];
var to = edge["to"];
var label_short = edge["label_short"];
var label = edge["label"];
var href = edge["href"];
// TODO: better construct object instead of Array..
var wire = new Array(from, to, label_short, label, href);
getNodePositions(nodes, nodeIDs);
if(graphEngine == "wireit") {
drawGraphWireit(nodeIDs, nodes, wires);
} else if(graphEngine == "jsPlumb") {
cont = $("#graphContainer");
drawGraphJSPlumb(cont, nodeIDs, nodes, wires);
function drawGraphJSPlumb(container, nodeIDs, nodes, wires) {
var color = "gray";
// notice the 'curviness' argument to this Bezier curve. the curves on this page are far smoother
// than the curves on the first demo, which use the default curviness value.
//Connector : [ "Bezier", { curviness: 20 } ],
DragOptions : { cursor: "pointer", zIndex:2000 },
PaintStyle : { strokeStyle:color, lineWidth:2 },
EndpointStyle : { radius:0, fillStyle:color },
HoverPaintStyle : {strokeStyle:"#ec9f2e" },
EndpointHoverStyle : {fillStyle:"#ec9f2e" }
var connector = {
connector: [ "Bezier", { curviness: 20 } ],
endpoint: "Blank",
anchor: "AutoDefault"
for(var i = 0; i < nodeIDs.length ; i++) {
var id = nodeIDs[i];
var node = nodes[id];
node["containerId"] = i;
var x = graphXOffset + (graphXDistance * (node["column"] - 1));
var y = graphYOffset + (graphYDistance * (node["row"] - 1));
if(id == "__start__") {
" +
" +
} else if(id == "__end__") {
container.append("" +
" +
} else {
container.append("" +
" + node["name"] + "
" +
" + (node["content"] ? node["content"] : "") + "
" +
$("#" + id).resizable();
$("#" + id).css("left", x);
$("#" + id).css("top", y);
for(var i = 0 ; i < wires.length ; i++) {
var wc = wires[i];
var label_short = wc[2];
var label = wc[3];
var href = wc[4];
var wireID = "edgeText" + i;
overlays = [["PlainArrow", {
location:1, width:10, length:12
if(label_short != "") {
var theLabel = "" + label_short + "
" +
" +
overlays.push(["Label", {
label : theLabel,
location: 0.5,
"click": function(label, evt) {}
jsPlumb.connect(connector, {
source: wc[0],
target: wc[1],
overlays: overlays,
if(label_short != "") {
$("#tip_" + wireID).mouseover(function() {
$("#tip_" + wireID).mouseout(function() {
// double click on any connection
//jsPlumb.bind("dblclick", function(connection, originalEvent) { alert("double click on connection from " + connection.sourceId + " to " + connection.targetId); });
// make divs draggable
jsPlumb.draggable(jsPlumb.getSelector(".jsPlumbNode"), {handle: ".nodeName"});
function drawGraphWireit(nodeIDs, nodes, wires) {
wireit_containers = {};
wireit_wires = new Array();
g = function(Y) {
var layerEl ='#graphContainer');
var mygraphic = new Y.Graphic({render: "#graphContainer"});
for(var i = 0; i < nodeIDs.length ; i++) {
var id = nodeIDs[i];
var node = nodes[id];
node["containerId"] = i;
var x = graphXOffset + (graphXDistance * (node["column"] - 1));
var y = graphYOffset + (graphYDistance * (node["row"] - 1));
container = addGraphNode(Y, layerEl, node["name"], node["content"], x, y)
wireit_containers[id] = container;
for(var i = 0 ; i < wires.length ; i++) {
var wc = wires[i];
var srcCont = wireit_containers[wc[0]]
var tgtCont = wireit_containers[wc[1]]
edge = addGraphEdge(Y, mygraphic, srcCont, tgtCont)
YUI({filter: 'raw'}).use('image-container', 'container', 'arrow-wire',
'bezier-wire', 'straight-wire', 'inputex-group', 'json', g);
function graphOnNodeSelect(event) {
function addGraphNode(Y, layerEl, name, content, x, y) {
c = new Y.Container({
children: [
{ align: {points:["tl", "lc"]}, offset: [0,0], dir: [-0.3, -0.0], name: 'lc', editable: false },
{ align: {points:["tl", "rc"]}, offset: [0,0], dir: [0.3, -0.0], name: 'rc', editable: false },
{ align: {points:["tl", "tl"]}, offset: [0,0], dir: [-0.2, -0.1], name: 'lt', editable: false },
{ align: {points:["tl", "tr"]}, offset: [0,0], dir: [0.2, -0.1], name: 'rt', editable: false }
type: 'Container',
width: nodeWidth,
height: nodeHeight,
xy: [x, y],
icons: {},
headerContent: name,
//bodyContent: "" + content + "
bodyContent: content,
zIndex: 5,
render: layerEl,
fillHeight: true
return c
function addGraphEdge(Y, mygraphic, srcCont, tgtCont) {
var wire = mygraphic.addShape({
type: (srcCont == tgtCont) ? Y.BezierWire : Y.BezierWire,
stroke: {
weight: 4,
color: "rgb(173,216,230)"
label: "wire",
labelContent: "wire",
src: (srcCont == tgtCont) ? srcCont.item(3) : srcCont.item(1),
tgt: (srcCont == tgtCont) ? tgtCont.item(2) : tgtCont.item(0)
function getNodePositions(nodes, nodeIDs) {
var unProccessedIDs = nodeIDs;
var values = { maxRow: 0, usedCells: [], unProccessedIDs: nodeIDs }
var index;
hasRoot = false;
for(var i = 0; i < unProccessedIDs.length; i ++) {
var id = unProccessedIDs[i];
var node = nodes[id];
//starting nodes without dependencies
if ((node["from"].length) == 0) {
hasRoot = true;
getNodePosRecursive(nodes, node, 1, values.maxRow + 1, values, new Array());
if(nodeIDs.length > 0 && !hasRoot) {
alert("Warning: Graph contains a cycle.");
function getNodePosRecursive(nodes, node, column, row, values, path_so_far) {
startRow = -1;
endRow = row;
thisRow = row;
//process only new nodes
if (node["row"] == 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < node["to"].length; i++) {
var nextNode = nodes[ node["to"][i] ];
var childRow = 1
if(!path_so_far.contains(nextNode)) {
childRow = getNodePosRecursive(nodes, nextNode, nextNode["column"], 1, values, path_so_far);
startRow = (startRow < 0 || childRow < startRow) ? childRow : startRow;
endRow = childRow > endRow ? childRow : endRow;
startRow = (startRow < 0) ? 1 : startRow;
thisRow = startRow + ((endRow - startRow) / 2);
thisRow = Math.floor(thisRow)
//alert(startRow + "," + endRow + " - " + (endRow - startRow))
if((endRow - startRow) <= 1)
thisRow = startRow;
positionOK = false
while(!positionOK) {
positionOK = true;
for(var i = 0; i < values.usedCells.length; i ++) {
if(values.usedCells[i].row == thisRow && values.usedCells[i].column == column) {
positionOK = false;
thisRow += 1;
//node["column"] = column;
node["row"] = thisRow;
values.usedCells.push({ "row" : thisRow, "column" : column })
return node["row"];
function estimateMaxSubTreeWith(node, nodesMap, seenNodes) {
total = 1;
seenNodes = new Array();
if (seenNodes.contains(node)) {
alert("Looks like the graph contains a cycle - already saw node " + inspect(node));
return result;
if (!seenNodes.contains(node)) {
for (var i = 0; i < node["to"].length; i++) {
child = nodesMap[ node["to"][i] ]
seenNodesCopy = seenNodes.slice(0) // make copy
total += estimateMaxSubTreeWith(child, nodesMap, seenNodesCopy);
return total;
function getMaxDescendantBreadth(nodes, nodesMap) {
max = 0;
seenNodes = []
while(nodes.length > 0) {
nodes = getDescendants(nodes, seenNodes, nodesMap);
if(nodes.length > max)
max = nodes.length;
return max;
function getDescendants(nodeList, seenNodes, nodesMap) {
result = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++) {
node = nodeList[i];
if (seenNodes.contains(node)) {
alert("Looks like the graph contains a cycle, already saw node " + node);
return result;
for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++) {
node = nodeList[i];
if (!seenNodes.contains(node)) {
for (var j = 0; j < node["to"].length; j++) {
nextNode = nodesMap[ node["to"][j] ];
if (!result.contains(nextNode)) {
return result;
function inspect(obj) {
res = "";
for(i in obj) {
res += i + " = " + obj[i];
res += "\n";
return res;
Array.prototype.contains = function(obj) {
var i = this.length;
while (i--) {
if (this[i] === obj) {
return true;
return false;
Array.prototype.contains_equal = function(obj) {
var i = this.length;
while (i--) {
if (this[i] == obj) {
return true;
return false;
function indexOf(someArray,someValue) {
var i = 0;
for(i in someArray) {
if(someArray[i] == someValue)
return i;
return -1;