module MetricFu module GchartGrapher COLORS = %w{009999 FF7400 A60000 008500 E6399B 344AD7 00B860 D5CCB9} GCHART_GRAPH_SIZE = "945x317" # maximum permitted image size is 300000 pixels NUMBER_OF_TICKS = 6 def determine_y_axis_scale(values) values.collect! {|val| val || 0.0 } if values.empty? @max_value = 10 @yaxis = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10] else @max_value = values.max + Integer(0.1 * values.max) portion_size = (@max_value / (NUMBER_OF_TICKS - 1).to_f).ceil @yaxis = [] NUMBER_OF_TICKS.times {|n| @yaxis << Integer(portion_size * n) } @max_value = @yaxis.last end end end class Grapher include MetricFu::GchartGrapher def self.require_graphing_gem require 'gchart' if MetricFu.graph_engine == :gchart rescue LoadError puts "#"*99 + "\n" + "If you want to use google charts for graphing, you'll need to install the googlecharts rubygem." + "\n" + "#"*99 end end class FlayGchartGrapher < FlayGrapher def graph! determine_y_axis_scale(@flay_score) url = Gchart.line( :size => GCHART_GRAPH_SIZE, :title => URI.escape("Flay: duplication"), :data => @flay_score, :max_value => @max_value, :axis_with_labels => 'x,y', :axis_labels => [@labels.values, @yaxis], :format => 'file', :filename => File.join(MetricFu.output_directory, 'flay.png')) end end class FlogGchartGrapher < FlogGrapher def graph! determine_y_axis_scale(@top_five_percent_average + @flog_average) url = Gchart.line( :size => GCHART_GRAPH_SIZE, :title => URI.escape("Flog: code complexity"), :data => [@flog_average, @top_five_percent_average], :stacked => false, :bar_colors => COLORS[0..1], :legend => ['average', 'top 5% average'], :custom => "chdlp=t", :max_value => @max_value, :axis_with_labels => 'x,y', :axis_labels => [@labels.values, @yaxis], :format => 'file', :filename => File.join(MetricFu.output_directory, 'flog.png')) end end class RcovGchartGrapher < RcovGrapher def graph! url = Gchart.line( :size => GCHART_GRAPH_SIZE, :title => URI.escape("Rcov: code coverage"), :data => self.rcov_percent, :max_value => 101, :axis_with_labels => 'x,y', :axis_labels => [self.labels.values, [0,20,40,60,80,100]], :format => 'file', :filename => File.join(MetricFu.output_directory, 'rcov.png') ) end end class ReekGchartGrapher < ReekGrapher def graph! determine_y_axis_scale(@reek_count.values.flatten.uniq) values = [] legend = @reek_count.keys.sort legend.collect {|k| values << @reek_count[k]} url = Gchart.line( :size => GCHART_GRAPH_SIZE, :title => URI.escape("Reek: code smells"), :data => values, :stacked => false, :bar_colors => COLORS, :legend => legend, :custom => "chdlp=t", :max_value => @max_value, :axis_with_labels => 'x,y', :axis_labels => [@labels.values, @yaxis], :format => 'file', :filename => File.join(MetricFu.output_directory, 'reek.png')) end end class RoodiGchartGrapher < RoodiGrapher def graph! determine_y_axis_scale(@roodi_count) url = Gchart.line( :size => GCHART_GRAPH_SIZE, :title => URI.escape("Roodi: potential design problems"), :data => @roodi_count, :max_value => @max_value, :axis_with_labels => 'x,y', :axis_labels => [@labels.values, @yaxis], :format => 'file', :filename => File.join(MetricFu.output_directory, 'roodi.png')) end end class StatsGchartGrapher < StatsGrapher def graph! determine_y_axis_scale(@loc_counts + @lot_counts) url = Gchart.line( :size => GCHART_GRAPH_SIZE, :title => URI.escape("Stats: LOC & LOT"), :data => [@loc_counts, @lot_counts], :bar_colors => COLORS[0..1], :legend => ['Lines of code', 'Lines of test'], :custom => "chdlp=t", :max_value => @max_value, :axis_with_labels => 'x,y', :axis_labels => [@labels.values, @yaxis], :format => 'file', :filename => File.join(MetricFu.output_directory, 'stats.png')) end end class RailsBestPracticesGchartGrapher < RailsBestPracticesGrapher def graph! determine_y_axis_scale(@rails_best_practices_count) url = Gchart.line( :size => GCHART_GRAPH_SIZE, :title => URI.escape("Rails Best Practices: design problems"), :data => self.rails_best_practices_count, :bar_colors => COLORS[0..1], :legend => ['Problems'], :custom => "chdlp=t", :max_value => @max_value, :axis_with_labels => 'x,y', :axis_labels => [@labels.values, @yaxis], :format => 'file', :filename => File.join(MetricFu.output_directory, 'rails_best_practices.png') ) end end end