# Rails Settings Cached The best solution for store global settings in Rails applications. This gem will managing a table of а global key, value pairs easy. Think of it like a global Hash stored in your database, that uses simple ActiveRecord like methods for manipulation. Keep track of any global setting that you don't want to hard code into your rails app. You can store any kind of object. Strings, numbers, arrays, booleans, or any object. 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Now just put that migration in the database with: ```bash $ rails db:migrate ``` ## Usage The syntax is easy. First, let's create some settings to keep track of: ```ruby irb > Setting.host "http://example.com" irb > Setting.app_name "Rails Settings" irb > Setting.app_name = "Rails Settings Cached" irb > Setting.app_name "Rails Settings Cached" irb > Setting.user_limits 20 irb > Setting.user_limits = "30" irb > Setting.user_limits 30 irb > Setting.user_limits = 45 irb > Setting.user_limits 45 irb > Setting.captcha_enable 1 irb > Setting.captcha_enable? true irb > Setting.captcha_enable = "0" irb > Setting.captcha_enable false irb > Setting.captcha_enable = "1" irb > Setting.captcha_enable true irb > Setting.captcha_enable = "false" irb > Setting.captcha_enable false irb > Setting.captcha_enable = "true" irb > Setting.captcha_enable true irb > Setting.captcha_enable? true irb > Setting.admin_emails ["admin@rubyonrails.org"] irb > Setting.admin_emails = %w[foo@bar.com bar@dar.com] irb > Setting.admin_emails ["foo@bar.com", "bar@dar.com"] irb > Setting.admin_emails = "huacnlee@gmail.com,admin@admin.com\nadmin@rubyonrails.org" irb > Setting.admin_emails ["huacnlee@gmail.com", "admin@admin.com", "admin@rubyonrails.org"] irb > Setting.notification_options { send_all: true, logging: true, sender_email: "foo@bar.com" } irb > Setting.notification_options = { sender_email: "notice@rubyonrails.org" } irb > Setting.notification_options { sender_email: "notice@rubyonrails.org" } ``` ### Get defined fields > version 2.3+ ```rb # Get all keys Setting.keys => ["app_name", "host", "default_locale", "readonly_item"] # Get editable keys Settng.editable_keys => ["app_name", "default_locale"] # Get readonly keys Setting.readonly_keys => ["host", "readonly_item"] # Get options of field Setting.get_field("host") => { key: "host", type: :string, default: "http://example.com", readonly: true } Setting.get_field("app_name") => { key: "app_name", type: :string, default: "Rails Settings", readonly: false } ``` ## Validations You can use `validates` options to special the [Rails Validation](https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveModel/Validations/ClassMethods.html#method-i-validates) for fields. ```rb class Setting < RailsSettings::Base # cache_prefix { "v1" } field :app_name, default: "Rails Settings", validates: { presence: true, length: { in: 2..20 } } field :default_locale, default: "zh-CN", validates: { presence: true, inclusion: { in: %w[zh-CN en jp], message: "is not included in [zh-CN, en, jp]" } } end ``` Now validate will work on record save: ```rb irb> Setting.app_name = "" ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: (Validation failed: App name can't be blank) irb> Setting.app_name = "Rails Settings" "Rails Settings" irb> Setting.default_locale = "zh-TW" ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: (Validation failed: Default locale is not included in [zh-CN, en, jp]) irb> Setting.default_locale = "en" "en" ``` Validate by `save` / `valid?` method: ```rb setting = Setting.find_or_initialize_by(var: :app_name) setting.value = "" setting.valid? # => false setting.errors.full_messages # => ["App name can't be blank", "App name too short (minimum is 2 characters)"] setting = Setting.find_or_initialize_by(var: :default_locale) setting.value = "zh-TW" setting.save # => false setting.errors.full_messages # => ["Default locale is not included in [zh-CN, en, jp]"] setting.value = "en" setting.valid? # => true ``` ## Use Setting in Rails initializing: In `version 2.3+` you can use Setting before Rails is initialized. For example `config/initializers/devise.rb` ```rb Devise.setup do |config| if Setting.omniauth_google_client_id.present? config.omniauth :google_oauth2, Setting.omniauth_google_client_id, Setting.omniauth_google_client_secret end end ``` ```rb class Setting < RailsSettings::Base field :omniauth_google_client_id, default: ENV["OMNIAUTH_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID"] field :omniauth_google_client_secret, default: ENV["OMNIAUTH_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET"] end ``` ## Readonly field You may also want use Setting before Rails initialize: ``` config/environments/*.rb ``` If you want do that do that, the setting field must has `readonly: true`. For example: ```rb class Setting < RailsSettings::Base field :mailer_provider, default: (ENV["mailer_provider"] || "smtp"), readonly: true field :mailer_options, type: :hash, readonly: true, default: { address: ENV["mailer_options.address"], port: ENV["mailer_options.port"], domain: ENV["mailer_options.domain"], user_name: ENV["mailer_options.user_name"], password: ENV["mailer_options.password"], authentication: ENV["mailer_options.authentication"] || "login", enable_starttls_auto: ENV["mailer_options.enable_starttls_auto"] } end ``` config/environments/production.rb ```rb # You must require_relative directly in Rails 6.1+ in config/environments/production.rb require_relative "../../app/models/setting" Rails.application.configure do config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = Setting.mailer_options.deep_symbolize_keys end ``` ## Caching flow: ``` Setting.host -> Check Cache -> Exist - Get value of key for cache -> Return | Fetch all key and values from DB -> Write Cache -> Get value of key for cache -> return | Return default value or nil ``` In each Setting keys call, we will load the cache/db and save in [ActiveSupport::CurrentAttributes](https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveSupport/CurrentAttributes.html) to avoid hit cache/db. Each key update will expire the cache, so do not add some frequent update key. ## Change cache key Some times you may need to force update cache, now you can use `cache_prefix` ```ruby class Setting < RailsSettings::Base cache_prefix { "you-prefix" } ... end ``` In testing, you need add `Setting.clear_cache` for each Test case: ```rb class ActiveSupport::TestCase teardown do Setting.clear_cache end end ``` --- ## How to manage Settings in the admin interface? If you want to create an admin interface to editing the Settings, you can try methods in following: config/routes.rb ```rb namespace :admin do resource :settings end ``` app/controllers/admin/settings_controller.rb ```rb module Admin class SettingsController < ApplicationController def create @errors = ActiveModel::Errors.new setting_params.keys.each do |key| next if setting_params[key].nil? setting = Setting.new(var: key) setting.value = setting_params[key].strip unless setting.valid? @errors.merge!(setting.errors) end end if @errors.any? render :new end setting_params.keys.each do |key| Setting.send("#{key}=", setting_params[key].strip) unless setting_params[key].nil? end redirect_to admin_settings_path, notice: "Setting was successfully updated." end private def setting_params params.require(:setting).permit(:host, :user_limits, :admin_emails, :captcha_enable, :notification_options) end end end ``` app/views/admin/settings/show.html.erb ```erb <%= form_for(Setting.new, url: admin_settings_path) do |f| %> <% if @errors.any? %>