module EventMachine module Smsified class MessageError < StandardError; end class DeliveryInfoNotification attr_reader :delivery_status, :code, :message_id, :sender_address, :address, :created_date_time, :sent_date_time, :parts, :direction, :message ## # Intantiate a new object to provide convenience methods on a Delivery Info Notification. # Note: This class only pulls the first delivery info object from the notification. There can be more as per the spec. # # # @param [required, String] valid JSON for an Delivery Info Notifcation to be parsed # @return [Object] the parsed delivery info notification # @raise [ArgumentError] if json is not valid JSON or an Delivery Info Notifcation type # @example # del = # puts del.message # foobar def initialize(json) begin @json = JSON.parse json contents = @json['deliveryInfoNotification']['deliveryInfo'] @delivery_status = contents['deliveryStatus'] @code = contents['code'] @message_id = contents['messageId'] @sender_address = contents['senderAddress'] @address = contents['address'] @created_date_time = Time.parse contents['createdDateTime'] @sent_date_time = Time.parse contents['sentDateTime'] @parts = contents['parts'] @direction = contents['direction'] @message = contents['message'] rescue => error raise EventMachine::Smsified::MessageError, "Not valid JSON or DeliveryInfoNotification" end end end class IncomingMessage attr_reader :date_time, :destination_address, :message, :message_id, :sender_address, :json ## # Intantiate a new object to provide convenience methods on an Incoming Message # # # @param [required, String] valid JSON for an Incoming Message to be parsed # @return [Object] the parsed incoming message # @raise [ArgumentError] if json is not valid JSON or an Incoming Message type # @example # incoming_message = # puts incoming_message.message # foobar def initialize(json) begin @json = JSON.parse json contents = @json['inboundSMSMessageNotification']['inboundSMSMessage'] @date_time = Time.parse contents['dateTime'] @destination_address = contents['destinationAddress'] @message = contents['message'] @message_id = contents['messageId'] @sender_address = contents['senderAddress'] rescue => error raise EventMachine::Smsified::MessageError, "Not valid JSON or IncomingMessage" end end end end end