var path = require('path'), assert = require('assert'), events = require('events'), http = require('http'), fs = require('fs'), vows = require('vows'); function status(code) { return function (e, res) { assert.ok(res || e); assert.equal((res || e).headers.status || (res || e).status, code); }; } function shouldQueryCouch(name) { return { topic: function (c) { return c.database(name) }, "info()": { topic: function (db) {; }, "returns a 200": status(200), "returns database info": function (info) { assert.equal(info['db_name'], name); } }, "fetching a document by id (GET)": { topic: function (db) { db.get('mike', this.callback) }, "returns a 200": status(200), "returns the document": function (res) { assert.equal(, 'mike'); }, "when not found": { topic: function (_, db) { db.get('tyler', this.callback) }, "returns a 404": status(404), "returns the error": function (err, res) { assert.isObject(err); assert.isObject(err.headers); assert.isUndefined(res); }, } }, "head()": { topic: function (db) { db.head('mike', this.callback) }, "returns the headers": function (res) { assert.match(res.etag, /^"\d-[a-z0-9]+"$/); } }, "save()": { "with an id & doc": { topic: function (db) {'joe', {gender: 'male'}, this.callback); }, "creates a new document (201)": status(201), "returns the revision": function (res) { assert.ok(res.rev); } }, "with a doc containing non-ASCII characters": { topic: function (db) {'john', {umlauts: 'äöü'}, this.callback); }, "creates a new document (201)": status(201) }, "with a large doc": { topic: function (db) { var text = (function (s) { for (var i = 0; i < 18; i++) { s += s } return s; })('blah');'large-bob', { gender: 'male', speech: text }, this.callback); }, "creates a new document (201)": status(201) }, "with a '_design' id": { topic: function (db) {'_design/horses', { all: { map: function (doc) { if (doc.speed == 72) emit(null, doc); } } }, this.callback); }, "creates a doc (201)": status(201), "returns the revision": function (res) { assert.ok(res.rev); }, "creates a design doc": { topic: function (res, db) { db.view('horses/all', this.callback); }, "which can be queried": status(200) } }, "without an id (POST)": {}, }, "calling save() with an array": { topic: function (db) {[{_id: 'tom'}, {_id: 'flint'}], this.callback); }, "returns an array of document ids and revs": function (res) { assert.equal(res[0].id, 'tom'); assert.equal(res[1].id, 'flint'); }, "should bulk insert the documents": { topic: function (res, db) { var promise = new(events.EventEmitter); db.get('tom', function (e, tom) { db.get('flint', function (e, flint) { promise.emit('success', tom, flint); }); }); return promise; }, "which can then be retrieved": function (e, tom, flint) { assert.ok(tom._id); assert.ok(flint._id); } } }, "getting all documents": { "with no options": { topic: function (db) { db.all(this.callback); }, "returns a 200": status(200), "returns a list of all docs": function (res) { assert.isArray(res); assert.isNumber(res.total_rows); assert.isNumber(res.offset); assert.isArray(res.rows); }, "which can be iterated upon": function (res) { assert.isFunction(res.forEach); } }, "with { limit: 1 }": { topic: function (db) { db.all({ limit: 1 }, this.callback); }, "returns a 200": status(200), "returns a list of all docs": function (res) { assert.isArray(res); assert.isNumber(res.total_rows); assert.isNumber(res.offset); assert.isArray(res.rows); assert.lengthOf(res.rows, 1); }, "which can be iterated upon": function (res) { assert.isFunction(res.forEach); } }, "with { keys: ['mike'] }": { topic: function (db) { db.all({ keys: ['mike'] }, this.callback); }, "returns a 200": status(200), "returns a list of all docs": function (res) { assert.isArray(res); assert.isNumber(res.total_rows); assert.isNumber(res.offset); assert.isArray(res.rows); assert.lengthOf(res.rows, 1); }, "which can be iterated upon": function (res) { assert.isFunction(res.forEach); } } }, "updating a document (PUT)": { topic: function (db) { var promise = new(events.EventEmitter); db.get('mike', function (err, doc) {'mike', doc.rev, {color: doc.color, age: 13}, function (err, res) { if (! err) promise.emit('success', res, db); else promise.emit('error', res); }); }); return promise; }, "returns a 201": status(201), "returns the revision": function (res) { assert.ok(res.rev); assert.match(res.rev, /^2/); }, }, "deleting a document (DELETE)": { topic: function (db) { var promise = new(events.EventEmitter); db.get('deleteme', function (e, res) { db.remove('deleteme', res.rev, function (e, res) { promise.emit('success', res); }); }); return promise; }, "returns a 200": status(200) } } } var cradle = require('../lib/cradle'); vows.describe('cradle/database').addBatch({ "Connection": { topic: function () { return new(cradle.Connection)('', 5984, {cache: false}); }, "database() with no /": shouldQueryCouch('pigs'), "database() with /": shouldQueryCouch('animals/snorlax') } }).export(module);