# frozen_string_literal: true module Migrator module Converter class TracToGithub def initialize(args) @trac_ticket_base_url = args[:cfg]["trac"]["ticketbaseurl"] @attachurl = args[:opts][:attachurl] || args[:cfg].dig("ticket", "attachments", "url") @changeset_base_url = args[:cfg]["trac"]["changeset_base_url"] || "" @singlepost = args[:opts][:singlepost] @labels_cfg = args[:cfg]["labels"].transform_values(&:to_h) @milestonesfromtrac = args[:cfg]["milestones"] @users = args[:cfg]["users"].to_h @trac_mails_cache = {} @repo = args[:cfg]["github"]["repo"] @client = GithubApi::Client.new(access_token: args[:cfg]["github"]["token"]) @wiki_attachments_url = args[:cfg].dig("wiki", "attachments", "url") @revmap_file_path = args[:opts][:revmapfile] || args[:cfg]["revmap_path"] @attachment_options = { url: @attachurl, hashed: args[:cfg].dig("ticket", "attachments", "hashed") } load_milestone_map create_labels_on_github(@labels_cfg["severity"].values) create_labels_on_github(@labels_cfg["priority"].values) create_labels_on_github(@labels_cfg["tracstate"].values) create_labels_on_github(@labels_cfg["component"].values) @uri_parser = URI::Parser.new @twf_to_markdown = Migrator::Converter::TwfToMarkdown.new( @trac_ticket_base_url, @attachment_options, @changeset_base_url, @wiki_attachments_url, @revmap_file_path, git_repo: @repo, home_page_name: args[:opts]["home-page-name"] ) end def compose(ticket) body = "" closed_time = nil # summary line: # body += %i[id component priority resolution].map do |cat| # ticket[cat] and !ticket[cat].to_s.lstrip.empty? and # "**#{cat}:** #{ticket[cat]}" # end.select { |x| x }.join(" | ") # Initial report # TODO: respect ticket[:changetime] body += "\n\n" unless @singlepost body += ticket_change(@singlepost, { ticket: ticket[:id], time: ticket[:time], author: ticket[:reporter], assigne: ticket[:owner], field: :initial, oldvalue: nil, newvalue: ticket[:description] })["body"] changes = if ticket.is_a? Hash [] else ticket.all_changes end # replay all changes in chronological order: comments = changes.map { |x| ticket_change(@singlepost, x) }.select { |x| x }.to_a if @singlepost body += comments.map { |x| x["body"] }.join("\n") comments = [] end labels = Set[] changes.each do |x| del = @labels_cfg.fetch(x[:field], {})[x[:oldvalue]] # add = @labels_cfg.fetch(x[:field], {})[x[:newvalue]] @labels_cfg.fetch(x[:field], {})[x[:newvalue]] labels.delete(del) if del # labels.add(add) if add closed_time = x[:time] if x[:field] == "status" && x[:newvalue] == "closed" end # we separate labels from badges # labels: are changed frequently in the lifecycle of a ticket, therefore are transferred to github lables # badges: are basically fixed and are transferred to a metadata table in the ticket badges = Set[] badges.add(@labels_cfg.fetch("type", {})[ticket[:type]]) badges.add(@labels_cfg.fetch("resolution", {})[ticket[:resolution]]) badges.add(@labels_cfg.fetch("version", {})[ticket[:version]]) labels.add(@labels_cfg.fetch("severity", {})[ticket[:severity]]) labels.add(@labels_cfg.fetch("priority", {})[ticket[:priority]]) labels.add(@labels_cfg.fetch("tracstate", {})[ticket[:status]]) labels.add(@labels_cfg.fetch("component", {})[ticket[:component]]) labels.delete(nil) keywords = ticket[:keywords] if keywords if ticket[:keywords].downcase == "discuss" labels.add(@labels_cfg.fetch("keywords", {})[ticket[:keywords].downcase]) else badges.add(@labels_cfg.fetch("keywords", {})[ticket[:keywords]]) end end # If the field is not set, it will be nil and generate an unprocessable json milestone = @milestonemap[ticket[:milestone]] # compute footer footer = "_Issue migrated from #{trac_ticket_link(ticket)} at #{Time.now}_" # compute badgetabe # github_assignee = map_assignee(ticket[:owner]) badges = badges.to_a.compact.sort badgetable = badges.map { |i| %(`#{i}`) }.join(" ") badgetable += begin " | by #{trac_mail(ticket[:reporter])}" rescue StandardError "deleted Ticket" end # badgetable += " | **->#{ticket[:owner]}**" # note that from github to gitlab we loose the assigne # compose body body = [badgetable, body, footer].join("\n\n___\n") labels.add("name" => "owner:#{github_assignee}") unless github_assignee.nil? || github_assignee.empty? labels = labels.map { |label| label["name"] } issue = { "title" => ticket[:summary], "body" => body, "labels" => labels.to_a, "closed" => ticket[:status] == "closed", "created_at" => format_time(ticket[:time]), "milestone" => milestone } if @users.key?(ticket[:owner]) owner = trac_mail(ticket[:owner]) github_owner = @users[owner]["username"] $logger.debug("..owner in trac: #{owner}") $logger.debug("..assignee in GitHub: #{github_owner}") issue["assignee"] = github_owner end ### as the assignee stuff is pretty fragile, we do not assign at all # issue['assignee'] = github_assignee if github_assignee if ticket[:changetime] # issue["updated_at"] = format_time(ticket[:changetime]) end if issue["closed"] issue["closed_at"] = if closed_time format_time(closed_time) else format_time(ticket[:closed_at].to_i) end end { "issue" => issue, "comments" => comments } end private def map_user(user) @users.fetch(user, {})["email"] || user end def map_assignee(user) @users.fetch(user, {})["email"] end def load_milestone_map read_milestones_from_github newmilestonekeys = @milestonesfromtrac.keys - @milestonemap.keys newmilestonekeys.each do |milestonelabel| milestone = { "title" => milestonelabel.to_s, "state" => @milestonesfromtrac[milestonelabel][:completed].to_i.zero? ? "open" : "closed", "description" => @milestonesfromtrac[milestonelabel][:description] || "no description in trac", "due_on" => "2012-10-09T23:39:01Z" } due = @milestonesfromtrac[milestonelabel][:due] milestone["due_on"] = Time.at(due / 1_000_000).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") if due $logger.info "creating #{milestone}" @client.create_milestone(@repo, milestone) end read_milestones_from_github nil end def read_milestones_from_github milestonesongithub = @client.milestones(@repo, { state: "all", sort: "due_on", direction: "desc" }) @milestonemap = milestonesongithub.map { |i| [i["title"], i["number"]] }.to_h nil end def create_labels_on_github(labels) return if labels.nil? || labels.empty? page = 1 existing_labels = [] result = @client.labels(@repo, per_page: 100, page: page).map { |label| label["name"] } until result.empty? existing_labels += result page += 1 result = @client.labels(@repo, per_page: 100, page: page).map { |label| label["name"] } end new_labels = labels.reject { |label| existing_labels.include?(label["name"]&.strip) } new_labels.each do |label| params = { name: label["name"] } params["color"] = label["color"] unless label["color"].nil? @client.create_label(@repo, params) $logger.info("Created label: #{label["name"]}") end end def ticket_change(append, meta) # kind kind = if meta[:ticket] meta[:field].to_s else "attachment" end kind = "title" if kind == "summary" # don't care return unless interested_in_change?(kind, meta[:newvalue]) # author author = meta[:author] author = trac_mail(author) author = "@#{map_user(author)}" if @users.key?(author) text = "" if kind != "initial" text += "\n___\n" if append text += "_#{author}_ " if author end case kind when "owner", "status", "title", "resolution", "priority", "component", "type", "severity", "platform", "milestone" old = meta[:oldvalue] new = meta[:newvalue] if old && new text += "_changed #{kind} from `#{old}` to `#{new}`_" elsif old text += "_removed #{kind} (was `#{old}`)_" elsif new text += "_set #{kind} to `#{new}`_" end when :initial, "initial" body = meta[:newvalue] # text += "created the issue\n\n" if body && !body.lstrip.empty? # text += "\n___\n" if not append text += @twf_to_markdown.convert(body, id: meta[:ticket]) end when "comment" body = meta[:newvalue] changeset = body.match(/In \[changeset:"(\d+)/).to_a[1] text += if changeset # changesethash = @revmap[changeset] "_committed #{Tractive::Utilities.map_changeset(changeset, @revmap, @changeset_base_url)}_" else "_commented_\n\n" end text += "\n___\n" unless append text += @twf_to_markdown.convert(body, id: meta[:ticket]) if body when "attachment" text += "_uploaded file " name = meta[:filename] body = meta[:description] if @attachurl url = @uri_parser.escape("#{@attachurl}/#{Tractive::Utilities.attachment_path(meta[:id], name, @attachment_options)}") text += "[`#{name}`](#{url})" body += "\n![#{name}](#{url})" if [".png", ".jpg", ".gif"].include? File.extname(name).downcase else text += "`#{name}`" end text += " (#{(meta[:size] / 1024.0).round(1)} KiB)_" text += "\n\n#{body}" when "description" # (ticket[:description] already contains the new value, # so there is no need to update) text += "_edited the issue description_" else # this should not happen text += "changed #{kind} which not transferred by tractive" end { "body" => text, "created_at" => format_time(meta[:time]) } end # returns the author mail if found, otherwise author itself def trac_mail(author) return @trac_mails_cache[author] if @trac_mails_cache.key?(author) # tries to retrieve the email from trac db data = Tractive::Session.select(:value).where(Sequel.lit('name = "email" AND sid = ?', author)) return (@trac_mails_cache[author] = data.first[:value]) if data.count == 1 (@trac_mails_cache[author] = author) # not found end # Format time for github API def format_time(time) time = Time.at(time / 1e6, time % 1e6) time.strftime("%FT%TZ") end def interested_in_change?(kind, newvalue) !(%w[keywords cc reporter version].include?(kind) || (kind == "comment" && (newvalue.nil? || newvalue.lstrip.empty?))) end def trac_ticket_link(ticket) return "trac:#{ticket[:id]}" unless @trac_ticket_base_url "[trac:#{ticket[:id]}](#{@trac_ticket_base_url}/#{ticket[:id]})" end end end end