require 'stringio' require_relative 'ast_building' require_relative 'regex_repr' # The purpose of a ASTBuilder is to build piece by piece an AST # (Abstract Syntax Tree) from a sequence of input tokens and # visit events produced by walking over a GFGParsing object. # Uses the Builder GoF pattern. # The Builder pattern creates a complex object # (say, a parse tree) from simpler objects (terminal and non-terminal # nodes) and using a step by step approach. class ASTBuilder < Rley::Parser::ParseTreeBuilder include ASTBuilding Terminal2NodeClass = { }.freeze attr_reader :options protected # Overriding method. # Factory method for creating a node object for the given # input token. # @param aTerminal [Terminal] Terminal symbol associated with the token # @param aTokenPosition [Integer] Position of token in the input stream # @param aToken [Token] The input token def new_leaf_node(aProduction, aTerminal, aTokenPosition, aToken) node =, aTokenPosition) return node end # Method to override. # Factory method for creating a parent node object. # @param aProduction [Production] Production rule # @param aRange [Range] Range of tokens matched by the rule # @param theTokens [Array] The input tokens # @param theChildren [Array] Children nodes (one per rhs symbol) def new_parent_node(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) node = case when 'srl_0' # rule 'srl' => 'expression' return_first_child(aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'expression_0' # rule 'expression' => %w[pattern separator flags] reduce_expression_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'expression_1' # rule 'expression' => 'pattern' return_first_child(aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'pattern_0' # rule 'pattern' => %w[pattern separator quantifiable] reduce_pattern_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'pattern_1' # rule 'pattern' => 'quantifiable' return_first_child(aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'separator_0' # rule 'separator' => 'COMMA' return_first_child(aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'separator_1' # rule 'separator' => [] nil when 'flags_0' # rule 'flags' => %[flags separator single_flag] ### NEW reduce_flags_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'single_flag_0' # rule 'single_flag' => %w[CASE INSENSITIVE] ### NEW reduce_single_flag_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'single_flag_1' # rule 'single_flag' => %w[MULTI LINE] ### NEW reduce_single_flag_1(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'single_flag_2' # rule 'single_flag' => %w[ALL LAZY] ### NEW reduce_single_flag_2(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) # rule 'quantifiable' => %w[begin_anchor anchorable end_anchor] when 'quantifiable_0' reduce_quantifiable_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) # rule 'quantifiable' => %w[begin_anchor anchorable] when 'quantifiable_1' reduce_quantifiable_1(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) # rule 'quantifiable' => %w[anchorable end_anchor] when 'quantifiable_2' reduce_quantifiable_2(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'quantifiable_3' # rule 'quantifiable' => 'anchorable' return_first_child(aRange, theTokens, theChildren) # rule 'begin_anchor' => %w[STARTS WITH] # rule 'begin_anchor' => %w[BEGIN WITH] when 'begin_anchor_0', 'begin_anchor_1' reduce_begin_anchor_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'end_anchor_0' # rule 'end_anchor' => %w[MUST END] reduce_end_anchor_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'anchorable_0' # rule 'anchorable' => 'assertable' return_first_child(aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'anchorable_1' # rule 'anchorable' => %w[assertable assertion] reduce_anchorable_1(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'anchorable_1' # rule 'anchorable' => %w[assertable assertion] reduce_anchorable_1(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) # rule 'assertion' => %w[IF FOLLOWED BY assertable] when 'assertion_0' reduce_assertion_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) # rule 'assertion' => %w[IF NOT FOLLOWED BY assertable] when 'assertion_1' reduce_assertion_1(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) # rule 'assertion' => %w[IF ALREADY HAD assertable] when 'assertion_2' reduce_assertion_2(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) # rule 'assertion' => %w[IF NOT ALREADY HAD assertable] when 'assertion_3' reduce_assertion_3(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'assertable_0' # rule 'assertable' => 'term' return_first_child(aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'assertable_1' # rule 'assertable' => %w[term quantifier] reduce_assertable_1(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'term_0' # rule 'term' => 'atom' return_first_child(aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'term_1' # rule 'term' => 'alternation' return_first_child(aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'term_2' # rule 'term' => 'grouping' return_first_child(aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'term_3' # rule 'term' => 'capturing_group' return_first_child(aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'atom_0' # rule 'atom' => 'letter_range' return_first_child(aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'atom_1' # rule 'atom' => 'digit_range' return_first_child(aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'atom_2' # rule 'atom' => 'character_class' return_first_child(aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'atom_3' # rule 'atom' => 'special_char' return_first_child(aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'atom_4' # rule 'atom' => 'literal' return_first_child(aRange, theTokens, theChildren) # rule 'letter_range' => %w[LETTER FROM LETTER_LIT TO LETTER_LIT] when 'letter_range_0' reduce_letter_range_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) #rule 'letter_range' => %w[UPPERCASE LETTER FROM LETTER_LIT TO LETTER_LIT] when 'letter_range_1' reduce_letter_range_1(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'letter_range_2' # rule 'letter_range' => 'LETTER' reduce_letter_range_2(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'letter_range_3' # rule 'letter_range' => %w[UPPERCASE LETTER] reduce_letter_range_3(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) # rule 'digit_range' => %w[digit_or_number FROM DIGIT_LIT TO DIGIT_LIT] when 'digit_range_0' reduce_digit_range_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'digit_range_1' # rule 'digit_range' => 'digit_or_number' reduce_digit_range_1(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'character_class_0' # rule 'character_class' => %w[ANY CHARACTER] reduce_character_class_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'character_class_1' # rule 'character_class' => %w[NO CHARACTER] reduce_character_class_1(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'character_class_2' # rule 'character_class' => 'WHITESPACE' reduce_character_class_2(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'character_class_3' # rule 'character_class' => %w[NO WHITESPACE] reduce_character_class_3(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'character_class_4' # rule 'character_class' => 'ANYTHING' reduce_character_class_4(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'character_class_5' # rule 'character_class' => %w[ONE OF STRING_LIT] reduce_character_class_5(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'special_char_0' # rule 'special_char' => 'TAB' reduce_special_char_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'special_char_1' # rule 'special_char' => 'BACKSLASH' reduce_special_char_1(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'special_char_2' # rule 'special_char' => %w[NEW LINE] reduce_special_char_2(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'literal_0' # rule 'literal' => %[LITERALLY STRING_LIT] reduce_literal_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) # rule 'alternation' => %w[ANY OF LPAREN alternatives RPAREN] when 'alternation_0' reduce_alternation_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) # rule 'alternatives' => %w[alternatives separator quantifiable] when 'alternatives_0' reduce_alternatives_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'alternatives_1' # rule 'alternatives' => 'quantifiable' reduce_alternatives_1(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'grouping_0' # rule 'grouping' => %w[LPAREN pattern RPAREN] reduce_grouping_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) # rule 'capturing_group' => %w[CAPTURE assertable] when 'capturing_group_0' reduce_capturing_group_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) # rule 'capturing_group' => %w[CAPTURE assertable UNTIL assertable] when 'capturing_group_1' reduce_capturing_group_1(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) # rule 'capturing_group' => %w[CAPTURE assertable AS var_name] when 'capturing_group_2' reduce_capturing_group_2(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) # rule 'capturing_group' => %w[CAPTURE assertable AS var_name UNTIL assertable] when 'capturing_group_3' reduce_capturing_group_3(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'var_name_0' # rule 'var_name' => 'STRING_LIT' return_first_child(aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'quantifier_0' # rule 'quantifier' => 'ONCE' multiplicity(1, 1) when 'quantifier_1' # rule 'quantifier' => 'TWICE' multiplicity(2, 2) when 'quantifier_2' # rule 'quantifier' => %w[EXACTLY count TIMES] reduce_quantifier_2(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) # rule 'quantifier' => %w[BETWEEN count AND count times_suffix] when 'quantifier_3' reduce_quantifier_3(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'quantifier_4' # rule 'quantifier' => 'OPTIONAL' multiplicity(0, 1) when 'quantifier_5' # rule 'quantifier' => %w[ONCE OR MORE] multiplicity(1, :more) when 'quantifier_6' # rule 'quantifier' => %w[NEVER OR MORE] multiplicity(0, :more) when 'quantifier_7' # rule 'quantifier' => %w[AT LEAST count TIMES] reduce_quantifier_7(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) # rule 'digit_or_number' => 'DIGIT' # rule 'digit_or_number' => 'NUMER' when 'digit_or_number_0', 'digit_or_number_1' return_first_child(aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'count_0', 'count_1' return_first_child(aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'times_suffix_0', 'times_suffix_1' nil else raise StandardError, "Don't know production #{}" end return node end def multiplicity(lowerBound, upperBound) return, upperBound, :greedy) end def string_literal(aString, to_escape = true) if aString.size > 1 chars = [] aString.each_char do |ch| if to_escape && Regex::Character::MetaChars.include?(ch) chars <<"\\") end chars << end result =*chars) else if to_escape && Regex::Character::MetaChars.include?(aString) result ="\\"), else result = end end return result end def char_range(lowerBound, upperBound) # TODO fix module nesting lower = upper = return, upper) end def char_class(toNegate, *theChildren), *theChildren) end def char_shorthand(shortName) end def wildcard() end def repetition(expressionToRepeat, aMultiplicity) return, aMultiplicity) end # rule 'expression' => %w[pattern separator flags] def reduce_expression_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) @options = theChildren[2] if theChildren[2] return_first_child(aRange, theTokens, theChildren) end # rule 'pattern' => %w[pattern separator quantifiable] def reduce_pattern_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) return[0], theChildren[2]) end # rule 'flags' => %[flags separator single_flag] def reduce_flags_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) theChildren[0] << theChildren[2] end # rule 'single_flag' => %w[CASE INSENSITIVE] def reduce_single_flag_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) return [, true) ] end # rule 'single_flag' => %w[MULTI LINE] def reduce_single_flag_1(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) return [, true) ] end # rule 'single_flag' => %w[ALL LAZY] def reduce_single_flag_2(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) return [, true) ] end # rule 'quantifiable' => %w[begin_anchor anchorable end_anchor] def reduce_quantifiable_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) theChildren[1].begin_anchor = theChildren[0] theChildren[1].end_anchor = theChildren[2] return theChildren[1] end # rule 'quantifiable' => %w[begin_anchor anchorable] def reduce_quantifiable_1(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) theChildren[1].begin_anchor = theChildren[0] return theChildren[1] end # rule 'quantifiable' => %w[anchorable end_anchor] def reduce_quantifiable_2(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) theChildren[0].end_anchor = theChildren[1] return theChildren[0] end # rule 'begin_anchor' => %w[STARTS WITH] # rule 'begin_anchor' => %w[BEGIN WITH] def reduce_begin_anchor_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) return'^') end # rule 'end_anchor' => %w[MUST END] def reduce_end_anchor_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) return'$') end # rule 'anchorable' => %w[assertable assertion] def reduce_anchorable_1(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) assertion = theChildren.last assertion.children.unshift(theChildren[0]) return assertion end # rule 'assertion' => %w[IF FOLLOWED BY assertable] def reduce_assertion_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) return, :ahead, :positive) end # rule 'assertion' => %w[IF NOT FOLLOWED BY assertable] def reduce_assertion_1(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) return, :ahead, :negative) end # rule 'assertion' => %w[IF ALREADY HAD assertable] def reduce_assertion_2(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) return, :behind, :positive) end # rule 'assertion' => %w[IF NOT ALREADY HAD assertable] def reduce_assertion_3(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) return, :behind, :negative) end # rule 'anchorable' => %w[term quantifier] def reduce_assertable_1(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) quantifier = theChildren[1] term = theChildren[0] repetition(term, quantifier) end # rule 'letter_range' => %w[LETTER FROM LETTER_LIT TO LETTER_LIT] def reduce_letter_range_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) lower = theChildren[2].token.lexeme upper = theChildren[4].token.lexeme ch_range = char_range(lower, upper) char_class(false, ch_range) end # rule 'letter_range' => %w[UPPERCASE LETTER FROM LETTER_LIT TO LETTER_LIT] def reduce_letter_range_1(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) lower = theChildren[3].token.lexeme upper = theChildren[5].token.lexeme ch_range = char_range(lower.upcase, upper.upcase) char_class(false, ch_range) end # rule 'letter_range' => 'LETTER' def reduce_letter_range_2(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) ch_range = char_range('a', 'z') char_class(false, ch_range) end #rule 'letter_range' => %w[UPPERCASE LETTER] def reduce_letter_range_3(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) ch_range = char_range('A', 'Z') char_class(false, ch_range) end # rule 'digit_range' => %w[digit_or_number FROM DIGIT_LIT TO DIGIT_LIT] def reduce_digit_range_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) reduce_letter_range_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) end # rule 'digit_range' => 'digit_or_number' def reduce_digit_range_1(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) char_shorthand('d') end # rule 'character_class' => %w[ANY CHARACTER] def reduce_character_class_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) char_shorthand('w') end # rule 'character_class' => %w[NO CHARACTER] def reduce_character_class_1(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) char_shorthand('W') end # rule 'character_class' => 'WHITESPACE' def reduce_character_class_2(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) char_shorthand('s') end # rule 'character_class' => %w[NO WHITESPACE] def reduce_character_class_3(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) char_shorthand('S') end # rule 'character_class' => 'ANYTHING' def reduce_character_class_4(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) wildcard end # rule 'character_class' => %w[ONE OF STRING_LIT] def reduce_character_class_5(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) raw_literal = theChildren[-1].token.lexeme.dup alternatives = { |ch| } return, *alternatives) # TODO check other implementations end # rule 'special_char' => 'TAB' def reduce_special_char_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren)'\t') end # rule 'special_char' => 'BACKSLASH' def reduce_special_char_1(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren)'\\') end # rule 'special_char' => %w[NEW LINE] def reduce_special_char_2(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) # TODO: control portability'\n') end # rule 'literal' => %[LITERALLY STRING_LIT] def reduce_literal_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) # What if literal is empty?... raw_literal = theChildren[-1].token.lexeme.dup return string_literal(raw_literal) end # rule 'alternation' => %w[ANY OF LPAREN alternatives RPAREN] def reduce_alternation_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) return*theChildren[3]) end # rule 'alternatives' => %w[alternatives separator quantifiable] def reduce_alternatives_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) return theChildren[0] << theChildren[-1] end # rule 'alternatives' => 'quantifiable' def reduce_alternatives_1(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) return [theChildren.last] end # rule 'grouping' => %w[LPAREN pattern RPAREN] def reduce_grouping_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) return[1]) end # rule 'capturing_group' => %w[CAPTURE assertable] def reduce_capturing_group_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) return[1]) end # rule 'capturing_group' => %w[CAPTURE assertable UNTIL assertable] def reduce_capturing_group_1(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) group =[1]) return, theChildren[3]) end # rule 'capturing_group' => %w[CAPTURE assertable AS var_name] def reduce_capturing_group_2(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) name = theChildren[3].token.lexeme.dup return[1], name) end # rule 'capturing_group' => %w[CAPTURE assertable AS var_name UNTIL assertable] def reduce_capturing_group_3(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) name = theChildren[3].token.lexeme.dup group =[1], name) return, theChildren[5]) end # rule 'quantifier' => %w[EXACTLY count TIMES] def reduce_quantifier_2(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) count = theChildren[1].token.lexeme.to_i multiplicity(count, count) end # rule 'quantifier' => %w[BETWEEN count AND count times_suffix] def reduce_quantifier_3(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) lower = theChildren[1].token.lexeme.to_i upper = theChildren[3].token.lexeme.to_i multiplicity(lower, upper) end # rule 'quantifier' => %w[AT LEAST count TIMES] def reduce_quantifier_7(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) count = theChildren[2].token.lexeme.to_i multiplicity(count, :more) end end # class # End of file