begin require 'active_support/core_ext/object/deep_dup' # AS 4.1 rescue LoadError => ex require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/deep_dup' # AS >= 3.1 end module Padrino ## # Padrino application module providing means for mass-assignment protection. # module ParamsProtection class << self def registered(app) included(app) end def included(base) base.send(:include, InstanceMethods) base.extend(ClassMethods) end end module ClassMethods ## # Implements filtering of url query params. Can prevent mass-assignment. # # @example # post :update, :params => [:name, :email] # post :update, :params => [:name, :id => Integer] # post :update, :params => [:name => proc{ |v| v.reverse }] # post :update, :params => [:name, :parent => [:name, :position]] # post :update, :params => false # post :update, :params => true # @example # params :name, :email, :password => prox{ |v| v.reverse } # post :update # @example # App.controller :accounts, :params => [:name, :position] do # post :create # post :update, :with => [ :id ], :params => [:name, :position, :addition] # get :show, :with => :id, :params => false # get :search, :params => true # end # def params(*allowed_params) allowed_params = prepare_allowed_params(allowed_params) condition do @original_params = params.deep_dup filter_params!(params, allowed_params) end end private def prepare_allowed_params(allowed_params) param_filter = {} allowed_params.each do |key,value| case when key.kind_of?(Hash) && !value param_filter.update(prepare_allowed_params(key)) when value.kind_of?(Hash) || value.kind_of?(Array) param_filter[key.to_s] = prepare_allowed_params(value) else param_filter[key.to_s] = value == false ? false : (value || true) end end param_filter.freeze end end module InstanceMethods ## # Filters a hash of parameters leaving only allowed ones and possibly # typecasting and processing the others. # # @param [Hash] params # Parameters to filter. # Warning: this hash will be changed by deleting or replacing its values. # @param [Hash] allowed_params # A hash of allowed keys and value classes or processing procs. Supported # scalar classes are: Integer (empty string is cast to nil). # # @example # filter_params!( { "a" => "1", "b" => "abc", "d" => "drop" }, # { "a" => Integer, "b" => true } ) # # => { "a" => 1, "b" => "abc" } # filter_params!( { "id" => "", "child" => { "name" => "manny" } }, # { "id" => Integer, "child" => { "name" => proc{ |v| v.camelize } } } ) # # => { "id" => nil, "child" => { "name" => "Manny" } } # filter_params!( { "a" => ["1", "2", "3"] }, # { "a" => true } ) # # => { "a" => ["1", "2", "3"] } # filter_params!( { "persons" => {"p-1" => { "name" => "manny", "age" => "50" }, "p-2" => { "name" => "richard", "age" => "50" } } }, # { "persons" => { "name" => true } } ) # # => { "persons" => {"p-1" => { "name" => "manny" }, "p-2" => { "name" => "richard" } } } # def filter_params!(params, allowed_params) params.each do |key,value| type = allowed_params[key] next if value.kind_of?(Array) && type case when type.kind_of?(Hash) if key == key.pluralize value.each do |array_index,array_value| value[array_index] = filter_params!(array_value, type) end else params[key] = filter_params!(value, type) end when type == Integer params[key] = value.empty? ? nil : value.to_i when type.kind_of?(Proc) params[key] = when type == true else params.delete(key) end end end ## # Returns the original unfiltered query parameters hash. # def original_params @original_params || params end end end end