minimo ------- > Mini Mock server > Rack based REST corresponding server Install ======== ```ruby gem install minimo ``` Usage ====== It is placed in the directory you specify a response file. For example, in the case of the json response to the POST method. To place the json file in ```response/POST/hello/world.json```. ```sh $ mkdir -p response/POST/hello $ cd response/POST/hello $ vi world.json { "hello": "world" } ``` To start the minimo server. ```ruby # initialize.rb require 'minimo' # set response file dir set :fixture_path, File.dirname( __FILE__ ) + '/response' # set log file dir set :log_dir, File.dirname( __FILE__ ) + '/log' # set http header set :headers, { 'Vary' => 'Accept-Encoding' } minimo::Application, Port: 9292 ``` And run the POST method. ```sh $ curl -X POST http://localhost:9292/hello/world/ -d "{ hey: 'ok' }" { "hello": "world" } ``` You can check the log file ```sh $ cat log/minimo.log - -> /hello/world/ ::1 - - [14/Jul/2016:21:45:17 JST] "POST /hello/world/ HTTP/1.1" 201 16 ``` ### Other The response can be created json, xml, in the text. In addition to the POST, HEAD, PUT, corresponds to DELETE. ```sh # To place the response file in response/GET/hello/world.(txt|jso|xml) # http status 200 $ curl -X GET http://localhost:9292/hello/world/ # To place the response file in response/HEAD/hello/world.(txt|jso|xml) # http status 200 $ curl -I http://localhost:9292/hello/world/ # To place the response file in response/PUT/hello/world.(txt|jso|xml) # http status 204 $ curl -X PUT http://localhost:9292/hello/world/ # To place the response file in response/DELETE/hello/world.(txt|jso|xml) # http status 204 $ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:9292/hello/world/ ``` Contributing =============== Contributions to this gem are always welcome :smile: See [CONTRIBUTING]( for more information on how to get started. License ======== This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the [LICENSE]( file.