require 'pango' require_relative '../args/typographer' require_relative 'embedding_utils' module Squib class Card # :nodoc: # @api private def draw_text_hint(cc, x, y, layout, color) color = @deck.text_hint if color.to_s.eql? 'off' and not @deck.text_hint.to_s.eql? 'off' return if color.to_s.eql? 'off' or color.nil? # when w,h < 0, it was never set. extents[1] are ink extents w = layout.width / Pango::SCALE w = layout.extents[1].width / Pango::SCALE if w < 0 h = layout.height / Pango::SCALE h = layout.extents[1].height / Pango::SCALE if h < 0 cc.rounded_rectangle(0, 0, w, h, 0, 0) cc.set_source_color(color) cc.set_line_width(2.0) cc.stroke end # :nodoc: # @api private def compute_valign(layout, valign, embed_h) return 0 unless layout.height > 0 ink_extents = layout.extents[1] ink_extents.height = embed_h * Pango::SCALE if ink_extents.height == 0 # JUST embed, bug #134 case valign.to_s.downcase when 'middle' Pango.pixels((layout.height - ink_extents.height) / 2) when 'bottom' Pango.pixels(layout.height - ink_extents.height) else 0 end end def set_font_rendering_opts!(layout) font_options = font_options.antialias = Conf::ANTIALIAS_OPTS[(@deck.antialias || 'gray').downcase] font_options.hint_metrics = 'on' # TODO make this configurable font_options.hint_style = 'full' # TODO make this configurable layout.context.font_options = font_options end # :nodoc: # @api private def set_wh!(layout, width, height) layout.width = width * Pango::SCALE unless width.nil? || width == :auto layout.height = height * Pango::SCALE unless height.nil? || height == :auto end # Compute the width of the carve that we need def compute_carve(rule, range) w = rule[:box].width[@index] if w == :native file = rule[:file][@index].file case rule[:type] when :png Squib.cache_load_image(file).width.to_f / (range.size - 1) when :svg svg_data = rule[:svg_args].data[@index] unless file.to_s.empty? || svg_data.to_s.empty? Squib.logger.warn 'Both an SVG file and SVG data were specified' end return 0 if (file.nil? or file.eql? '') and svg_data.nil? svg_data = if svg_data.to_s.empty? RSVG::Handle.new_from_data(svg_data).width end else rule[:box].width[@index] * Pango::SCALE / (range.size - 1) end end # # :nodoc: # # @api private def embed_images!(embed, str, layout, valign) return [] unless embed.rules.any? layout.markup = str clean_str = layout.text attrs = layout.attributes || EmbeddingUtils.indices(clean_str, embed.rules.keys).each do |key, ranges| rule = embed.rules[key] ranges.each do |range| carve =, 0, compute_carve(rule, range), 0) att =, carve, rule) att.start_index = range.first att.end_index = range.last attrs.insert(att) end end layout.attributes = attrs layout.context.set_shape_renderer do |cxt, att, do_path| unless do_path # when stroking the text rule = x = Pango.pixels(layout.index_to_pos(att.start_index).x) + rule[:adjust].dx[@index] y = Pango.pixels(layout.index_to_pos(att.start_index).y) + rule[:adjust].dy[@index] + compute_valign(layout, valign, rule[:box].height[@index]) rule[:draw].call(self, x, y) cxt.reset_clip [cxt, att, do_path] end end end def stroke_outline!(cc, layout, draw) if draw.stroke_width > 0 cc.pango_layout_path(layout) cc.fancy_stroke draw cc.set_source_squibcolor(draw.color) end end def warn_if_ellipsized(layout) if @deck.conf.warn_ellipsize? && layout.ellipsized? Squib.logger.warn { "Ellipsized (too much text). Card \##{@index}. Text: \"#{layout.text}\". \n (To disable this warning, set warn_ellipsize: false in config.yml)" } end end # :nodoc: # @api private def text(embed, para, box, trans, draw) Squib.logger.debug {"Rendering text with: \n#{para} \nat:\n #{box} \ndraw:\n #{draw} \ntransform: #{trans}"} extents = nil use_cairo do |cc| cc.set_source_squibcolor(draw.color) cc.translate(box.x, box.y) cc.rotate(trans.angle) cc.move_to(0, 0) font_desc = font_desc.size = para.font_size * Pango::SCALE unless para.font_size.nil? layout = cc.create_pango_layout layout.font_description = font_desc layout.text = para.str if para.markup para.str = @deck.typographer.process(layout.text) layout.markup = para.str end set_font_rendering_opts!(layout) set_wh!(layout, box.width, box.height) layout.wrap = para.wrap layout.ellipsize = para.ellipsize layout.alignment = para.align layout.justify = para.justify unless para.justify.nil? layout.spacing = para.spacing unless para.spacing.nil? embed_images!(embed, para.str, layout, para.valign) vertical_start = compute_valign(layout, para.valign, 0) cc.move_to(0, vertical_start) stroke_outline!(cc, layout, draw) if draw.stroke_strategy == :stroke_first cc.move_to(0, vertical_start) cc.show_pango_layout(layout) stroke_outline!(cc, layout, draw) if draw.stroke_strategy == :fill_first draw_text_hint(cc, box.x, box.y, layout, para.hint) extents = { width: layout.extents[1].width / Pango::SCALE, height: layout.extents[1].height / Pango::SCALE } warn_if_ellipsized layout end return extents end end end