<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <description>This measure adds a load associated with charging of electric vehicles (EVs) to a building in URBANopt. EV load profiles were generated in EVI-Pro for specific building types. This measure allows running of customized load profiles for buildings in the Pena Station Next project, and also for generating typical charging load profiles based on the location type (home, public, or office).</description>
  <modeler_description>This measure adds an EV charging load to a building model. Load profiles for EV charging were generated in EVI-Pro. Different options are available for charging control type and charging behavior.</modeler_description>
      <display_name>Charging Flexibility Option</display_name>
      <description>Represents charging flexibility scenarios applied to workplace charging. Min Delay indicates EVs begin charging immediately upon arriving at work, Max Delay indicates EVs are plugged in immediately but do not begin charging until necessary and Min Power indicates EVs are charged at minimum rate over the parking event.</description>
      <default_value>Min Delay</default_value>
          <value>Max Delay</value>
          <display_name>Max Delay</display_name>
          <value>Min Delay</value>
          <display_name>Min Delay</display_name>
          <value>Min Power</value>
          <display_name>Min Power</display_name>
      <display_name>Consumer Charging Behavior</display_name>
      <description>Describes different scenarios of EV Charging. Business as Usual represents home dominant charging behavior where the majority of the electrical energy consumed by EV charging is during evening hours and overnight. Free Workplace Charging at Project Site indicates that the peak power draw from EV charging on weekdays occurs during morning hours, due to EV charging at workplaces. Overnight residential charging remains a significant share of the total electricity use for EV charging. Free Workplace Charging Across Metro Area reduces the Home EV charging relative to the Free Workplace Charging at Project Site scenario, for people who work elsewhere and can charge their vehicles for free at those workplaces.</description>
      <default_value>Business as Usual</default_value>
          <value>Business as Usual</value>
          <display_name>Business as Usual</display_name>
          <value>Free Workplace Charging at Project Site</value>
          <display_name>Free Workplace Charging at Project Site</display_name>
          <value>Free Workplace Charging Across Metro Area</value>
          <display_name>Free Workplace Charging Across Metro Area</display_name>
      <display_name>Charging Station Type</display_name>
      <default_value>Typical Public</default_value>
          <value>Typical Home</value>
          <display_name>Typical Home</display_name>
          <value>Typical Public</value>
          <display_name>Typical Public</display_name>
          <value>Typical Work</value>
          <display_name>Typical Work</display_name>
      <display_name>Percent of Vehicles Parked at Building That Are EVs</display_name>
      <description>Denotes percentage of vehicles between 0 to 100 that are electric on site.</description>
      <display_name>Use occupancy from OpenStudio Model to determine number of electric vehicles</display_name>
  <outputs />
  <provenances />
    <tag>Equipment.Electric Equipment</tag>
      <name>Measure Type</name>
      <name>Intended Software Tool</name>
      <value>Apply Measure Now</value>
      <name>Intended Software Tool</name>
      <value>OpenStudio Application</value>
      <name>Intended Software Tool</name>
      <value>Parametric Analysis Tool</value>