require 'google/cloud/storage' require 'fileutils' require 'yaml' require 'json' module CartBinaryUploader class GoogleCloudStorage FRAMEWORK_EXTENSION_NAME = ".framework" JSON_EXTENSION_NAME = ".json" JSON_EXTENSION_ZIP = ".zip" attr_accessor :projectId attr_accessor :credentialsFilePath attr_accessor :bucketName attr_accessor :frameworkName attr_accessor :frameworkVersion attr_accessor :storage attr_accessor :bucket def initialize( projectId, credentialsFile, bucketName, frameworkName, frameworkVersion ) @projectId = projectId @credentialsFilePath = credentialsFile @bucketName = bucketName @frameworkName = frameworkName @frameworkVersion = frameworkVersion createStorage createBucket end def createStorage puts "Creating google storage with id: " + @projectId + "credenciasPath: " + @credentialsFilePath @storage = project_id: @projectId, credentials: @credentialsFilePath ) end def createBucket puts "Creating bucket name: " + @bucketName @bucket = @storage.bucket @bucketName end def uploadFrameWork puts "Prepering to upload file to google cloud" frameworkNameSource = @frameworkName + FRAMEWORK_EXTENSION_NAME + JSON_EXTENSION_ZIP frameworkNameDestination = @frameworkName + FRAMEWORK_EXTENSION_NAME + "." + @frameworkVersion + JSON_EXTENSION_ZIP jsonPath = @frameworkName + JSON_EXTENSION_NAME puts "Framework Source: " + frameworkNameSource puts "Framework Destination: " + frameworkNameDestination puts "JSON Path: " + jsonPath unless !hasFileOnGoogleCloud frameworkNameDestination throw :the_version_file_already_exists, "The current version: " + @frameworkVersion + " already exists on google cloud" else puts "File version "+ @frameworkVersion +" not exists yet, starting generate file on google cloud" jsonFile = downloadZConfigJsonFile(jsonPath) if jsonFile.nil? throw :could_not_download_json_file, "JSON With name: " + jsonPath end frameworkFile = bucket.create_file(frameworkNameSource, frameworkNameDestination) sharedUrl = frameworkFile.signed_url(method: 'GET', expires: 3.154e+8) jsonObject = loadJSONObject jsonPath jsonObject[@frameworkVersion] = sharedUrl saveJSONObject(jsonPath, jsonObject) uploadJson jsonPath end end def hasFileOnGoogleCloud file puts "Verifying if the version file "+ file +" already exists" bucketFile = bucket.file file !bucketFile.nil? end def downloadZConfigJsonFile fromFile #jsonPath = 'CarrefourAPI.json' jsonFile = @bucket.file fromFile fromFile jsonFile end def loadJSONObject jsonPath puts "Loading JSON file" json = object = JSON.parse(json) puts object puts "JSON Loaded" object end def saveJSONObject(jsonPath, jsonObject) binaryJson = JSON.pretty_generate(jsonObject) puts "Saving JSON Object in: " + jsonPath + "JSON: " + binaryJson File.write(jsonPath, binaryJson) puts "JSON Saved" end def uploadJson jsonPath puts "Starting upload file to google cloud" @bucket.create_file(jsonPath, jsonPath) puts "Uploaded complete" end end end