--- http_interactions: - request: method: get uri: http://jdoe:<%= super_secret_password %>@localhost:8080/hawkular/inventory/traversal/f;<%= feed_uuid %>/rt;WildFly%20Server/type=ot body: encoding: US-ASCII string: '' headers: Accept: - application/json Accept-Encoding: - identity User-Agent: - hawkular-client-ruby Hawkular-Tenant: - hawkular Content-Type: - application/json response: status: code: 200 message: OK headers: Expires: - '0' Cache-Control: - no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate X-Powered-By: - Undertow/1 Server: - WildFly/10 Pragma: - no-cache Date: - Fri, 22 Jul 2016 17:54:43 GMT X-Total-Count: - '7' Connection: - keep-alive Content-Type: - application/json Content-Length: - '2390' Link: - /rt;WildFly%20Server/type=ot>; rel="current" body: encoding: UTF-8 string: |- [ { "path" : "/t;hawkular/f;<%= feed_uuid %>/rt;WildFly%20Server/ot;JDR", "properties" : { "__identityHash" : "417bead4a2974c52ae9884323ecd2840879e1195" }, "name" : "JDR", "identityHash" : "417bead4a2974c52ae9884323ecd2840879e1195", "id" : "JDR" }, { "path" : "/t;hawkular/f;<%= feed_uuid %>/rt;WildFly%20Server/ot;Reload", "properties" : { "__identityHash" : "248fc590d2a2a222938f445ecdad85d7c9f3e91" }, "name" : "Reload", "identityHash" : "248fc590d2a2a222938f445ecdad85d7c9f3e91", "id" : "Reload" }, { "path" : "/t;hawkular/f;<%= feed_uuid %>/rt;WildFly%20Server/ot;Resume", "name" : "Resume", "identityHash" : "b5103168d783b0bb67bf88f30c1fad462b635e", "id" : "Resume" }, { "path" : "/t;hawkular/f;<%= feed_uuid %>/rt;WildFly%20Server/ot;Shutdown", "properties" : { "params" : [ { "name" : "timeout", "type" : "number", "description" : "Timeout in seconds to allow active connections to drain", "defaultValue" : "0" }, { "name" : "restart", "type" : "bool", "description" : "Should the server be restarted after shutdown?", "defaultValue" : "false" } ], "__identityHash" : "126f14e6849f5c843f1939e64db92a7f5f126e41" }, "name" : "Shutdown", "identityHash" : "126f14e6849f5c843f1939e64db92a7f5f126e41", "id" : "Shutdown" }, { "path" : "/t;hawkular/f;<%= feed_uuid %>/rt;WildFly%20Server/ot;Suspend", "properties" : { "__identityHash" : "d57569ae2270cde6d0843fb1da72eae3d679c6a" }, "name" : "Suspend", "identityHash" : "d57569ae2270cde6d0843fb1da72eae3d679c6a", "id" : "Suspend" }, { "path" : "/t;hawkular/f;<%= feed_uuid %>/rt;WildFly%20Server/ot;Deploy", "properties" : { "__identityHash" : "c6252032c0e198b69179c06fdaa95e511836f2f" }, "name" : "Deploy", "identityHash" : "c6252032c0e198b69179c06fdaa95e511836f2f", "id" : "Deploy" }, { "path" : "/t;hawkular/f;<%= feed_uuid %>/rt;WildFly%20Server/ot;Undeploy", "properties" : { "__identityHash" : "dff1f5b0a0cc8840825994c38becf0829098f963" }, "name" : "Undeploy", "identityHash" : "dff1f5b0a0cc8840825994c38becf0829098f963", "id" : "Undeploy" } ] http_version: recorded_at: Fri, 22 Jul 2016 17:54:43 GMT recorded_with: VCR 3.0.3