require 'spec_helper' describe Reviewlette::GithubConnection do subject {, token) } let(:repo) { 'test' } let(:token) { 'foo' } let(:member1) { double(name: 'test1', github_handle: 'githubtest1') } let(:member2) { double(name: 'test2', github_handle: 'githubtest2') } describe '.new' do it 'initializes octokit client and repo' do expect(Octokit::Client).to receive(:new).with(:access_token => token) expect(subject.repo).to eq(repo) end end describe '#add_assignees' do it 'adds assignees to the GitHub issue' do expect(subject.client).to receive(:update_issue).with(repo, 11, assignees: ['test']) subject.add_assignees(11, ['test']) end end describe '#comment_reviewers' do it 'comments on a given issue' do card = reviewers = [member1, member2] allow(card).to receive(:url).and_return('url') expect(subject.client).to receive(:add_comment).with(repo, 11, anything) subject.comment_reviewers(11, reviewers, card) end end describe '#pull_requests' do it 'lists all pullrequests for a given repository' do expect(subject.client).to receive(:pull_requests).with(repo) subject.pull_requests end end describe '#repo_exists?' do it 'checks if a certain repository exists' do expect(subject.client).to receive(:repository?).with(repo) subject.repo_exists? end end end