TEST TEST TEST Mac: Copy xml files to ~/Library/Preferences/RubyMine/color. You must restart RubyMine on the Mac, then look for new color schemes. /home/apache/ruby_scripts/rmtg/test/rmt_respective_waitress.xml /home/apache/ruby_scripts/rmtg/test/rmt_respective_waitress.tmTheme testing to_css testing themename respective_waitress testing plist_to_tokenlist.rb indoc, as just read in seeing if I can traverse all the kids seeing if I can traverse all the kids seeing if I can traverse all the kids seeing if I can traverse all the kids seeing if I can traverse all the kids seeing if I can traverse all the kids inspect << tap clone value wrap public_methods __send__ object_id instance_variable_defined? indent equal? freeze value= extend send methods hash dup each_recursive node_type bytes to_enum instance_variables eql? instance_eval id next_sibling_node singleton_methods next_sibling empty? taint find_first_recursive enum_for frozen? instance_variable_get next_sibling= replace_with document raw instance_of? display to_a method dclone type previous_sibling_node raw= parent instance_exec < protected_methods <=> between? == > === index_in_parent parent= remove write_with_substitution instance_variable_set write respond_to? kind_of? >= xpath to_s <= indent_text class private_methods =~ tainted? __id__ previous_sibling untaint nil? parent? previous_sibling= is_a?