require "rspec" require "rspec/its" require "rspec/json_expectations" require "webmock/rspec" require "cleanroom/rspec" require "omnibus" def windows? !!(RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin|mingw|windows/) end def mac? !!(RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/) end RSpec.configure do |config| # Custom matchers and shared examples require_relative "support/examples" require_relative "support/matchers" require_relative "support/env_helpers" config.include(Omnibus::RSpec::EnvHelpers) require_relative "support/file_helpers" config.include(Omnibus::RSpec::FileHelpers) require_relative "support/git_helpers" config.include(Omnibus::RSpec::GitHelpers) require_relative "support/logging_helpers" config.include(Omnibus::RSpec::LoggingHelpers) require_relative "support/ohai_helpers" config.include(Omnibus::RSpec::OhaiHelpers) require_relative "support/output_helpers" config.include(Omnibus::RSpec::OutputHelpers) require_relative "support/path_helpers" config.include(Omnibus::RSpec::PathHelpers) require_relative "support/shell_helpers" config.include(Omnibus::RSpec::ShellHelpers) config.filter_run(focus: true) config.run_all_when_everything_filtered = true config.filter_run_excluding(windows_only: true) unless windows? config.filter_run_excluding(mac_only: true) unless mac? config.filter_run_excluding(not_supported_on_windows: true) if windows? if # Use the documentation formatter for detailed output, # unless a formatter has already been configured # (e.g. via a command-line flag). config.default_formatter = "doc" config.color = true end config.before(:each) do # Suppress logging Omnibus.logger.level = :nothing # Reset config Omnibus.reset! Omnibus::Config.append_timestamp(false) # Clear the tmp_path on each run FileUtils.rm_rf(tmp_path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmp_path) # Don't run Ohai - tests can still override this stub_ohai(platform: "ubuntu", version: "12.04") # Default to real HTTP requests WebMock.allow_net_connect! end config.after(:each) do Omnibus.reset! end # Force the expect syntax config.expect_with :rspec do |c| c.syntax = :expect end # Run specs in a random order config.order = "random" end # # Shard example group for asserting a DSL method # # @example # it_behaves_like 'a cleanroom setter', :name, <<-EOH # name 'foo' # EOH # RSpec.shared_examples "a cleanroom setter" do |id, string| it "for `#{id}'" do expect { subject.evaluate(string) } .to_not raise_error end end # # Shard example group for asserting a DSL method # # @example # it_behaves_like 'a cleanroom getter', :name # RSpec.shared_examples "a cleanroom getter" do |id| it "for `#{id}'" do expect { subject.evaluate("#{id}") }.to_not raise_error end end