require 'thread' class Sfp::Runtime attr_reader :modules def initialize(model) @mutex_procedure = @root = model @modules = nil end def execute_action(action) def normalise_parameters(params) p = {} params.each { |k,v| p[k[2,k.length-2]] = v } p end self.get_state if not defined?(@modules) or @modules.nil? module_path, method_name = action['name'].pop_ref mod =[:_self] raise Exception, "Module #{module_path} cannot be found!" if mod.nil? raise Exception, "Cannot execute #{action['name']}!" if not mod.respond_to?(method_name) params = normalise_parameters(action['parameters']) if mod.synchronized.rindex(method_name) @mutex_procedure.synchronize { mod.send method_name.to_sym, params } else mod.send method_name.to_sym, params end # TODO - check post-execution state for verification end def get_state(as_sfp=false) def cleanup(model) { |k,v| k[0,1] != '_' and !(v.is_a?(Hash) and v['_context'] != 'object') } end def add_hidden_attributes(model, state) model.each { |k,v| state[k] = v if (k[0,1] == '_' and k != '_parent') or (v.is_a?(Hash) and v['_context'] == 'procedure') } end # Load the implementation of an object, and return its current state # @param model a Hash # @return a Hash which is the state of the object # def instantiate_module(model, root, as_sfp=false) # extract class name class_name = model['_isa'].sub(/^\$\./, '') # throw an exception if schema's implementation is not exist! raise Exception, "Implementation of schema #{class_name} is not available!" if not Sfp::Module.const_defined?(class_name) # create an instance of the schema mod = Sfp::Module::const_get(class_name).new default = cleanup(['_isa'])) ruby_model = cleanup(model) mod.init(ruby_model, default) # update synchronized list of procedures model.each { |k,v| next if k[0,1] == '_' or not (v.is_a?(Hash) and v['_context'] == 'procedure') mod.synchronized << k if v['_synchronized'] } # return the object instant mod end # Return the state of an object # def get_object_state(model, root, as_sfp=false, path='$') modules = {} state = {} if model['_context'] == 'object' and model['_isa'].to_s.isref if model['_isa'] != '$.Object' # if this model is an instance of a subclass of Object, then # get the current state of this object #modules[:_self] = nil mod = (!defined?(@modules) or @modules.nil? ? nil : if mod.is_a?(Hash) modules[:_self] = mod[:_self] else # the module has not been instantiated yet! modules[:_self] = instantiate_module(model, root, as_sfp) end # update and get the state modules[:_self].update_state state = modules[:_self].state if !mod.nil? and mod.has_key?(:_vars) state.keep_if { |k,v| mod[:_vars].index(k) } modules[:_vars] = mod[:_vars] else modules[:_vars] = state.keys end # set hidden attributes add_hidden_attributes(model, state) if as_sfp end end # get the state for each attributes which are not covered by this # object's module (model.keys - state.keys).each do |key| next if key[0,1] == '_' if model[key].is_a?(Hash) modules[key], state[key] = get_object_state(model[key], root, as_sfp, path.push(key)) if model[key]['_context'] == 'object' modules[key]['_parent'] = modules if modules[key].is_a?(Hash) else state[key] = end end [modules, state] end root = Sfp::Helper.deep_clone(@root) root.accept(ParentEliminator) @modules, state = get_object_state(root, root, as_sfp) @modules.accept(ParentGenerator) state end protected ParentEliminator = ParentGenerator = def ParentGenerator.visit(name, value, parent) value['_parent'] = parent if value.is_a?(Hash) true end end