package org.sunflow.core.accel; import org.sunflow.core.AccelerationStructure; import org.sunflow.core.IntersectionState; import org.sunflow.core.PrimitiveList; import org.sunflow.core.Ray; import org.sunflow.math.BoundingBox; import org.sunflow.system.Memory; import org.sunflow.system.Timer; import org.sunflow.system.UI; import org.sunflow.system.UI.Module; import org.sunflow.util.IntArray; public class BoundingIntervalHierarchy implements AccelerationStructure { private int[] tree; private int[] objects; private PrimitiveList primitives; private BoundingBox bounds; private final int maxPrims; public BoundingIntervalHierarchy() { maxPrims = 2; } @Override public void build(PrimitiveList primitives) { this.primitives = primitives; int n = primitives.getNumPrimitives(); UI.printDetailed(Module.ACCEL, "Getting bounding box ..."); bounds = primitives.getWorldBounds(null); objects = new int[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { objects[i] = i; } UI.printDetailed(Module.ACCEL, "Creating tree ..."); int initialSize = 3 * (2 * 6 * n + 1); IntArray tempTree = new IntArray((initialSize + 3) / 4); BuildStats stats = new BuildStats(); Timer t = new Timer(); t.start(); buildHierarchy(tempTree, objects, stats); t.end(); UI.printDetailed(Module.ACCEL, "Trimming tree ..."); tree = tempTree.trim(); // display stats stats.printStats(); UI.printDetailed(Module.ACCEL, " * Creation time: %s", t); UI.printDetailed(Module.ACCEL, " * Usage of init: %6.2f%%", (double) (100.0 * tree.length) / initialSize); UI.printDetailed(Module.ACCEL, " * Tree memory: %s", Memory.sizeof(tree)); UI.printDetailed(Module.ACCEL, " * Indices memory: %s", Memory.sizeof(objects)); } private static class BuildStats { private int numNodes; private int numLeaves; private int sumObjects; private int minObjects; private int maxObjects; private int sumDepth; private int minDepth; private int maxDepth; private int numLeaves0; private int numLeaves1; private int numLeaves2; private int numLeaves3; private int numLeaves4; private int numLeaves4p; private int numBVH2; BuildStats() { numNodes = numLeaves = 0; sumObjects = 0; minObjects = Integer.MAX_VALUE; maxObjects = Integer.MIN_VALUE; sumDepth = 0; minDepth = Integer.MAX_VALUE; maxDepth = Integer.MIN_VALUE; numLeaves0 = 0; numLeaves1 = 0; numLeaves2 = 0; numLeaves3 = 0; numLeaves4 = 0; numLeaves4p = 0; numBVH2 = 0; } void updateInner() { numNodes++; } void updateBVH2() { numBVH2++; } void updateLeaf(int depth, int n) { numLeaves++; minDepth = Math.min(depth, minDepth); maxDepth = Math.max(depth, maxDepth); sumDepth += depth; minObjects = Math.min(n, minObjects); maxObjects = Math.max(n, maxObjects); sumObjects += n; switch (n) { case 0: numLeaves0++; break; case 1: numLeaves1++; break; case 2: numLeaves2++; break; case 3: numLeaves3++; break; case 4: numLeaves4++; break; default: numLeaves4p++; break; } } void printStats() { UI.printDetailed(Module.ACCEL, "Tree stats:"); UI.printDetailed(Module.ACCEL, " * Nodes: %d", numNodes); UI.printDetailed(Module.ACCEL, " * Leaves: %d", numLeaves); UI.printDetailed(Module.ACCEL, " * Objects: min %d", minObjects); UI.printDetailed(Module.ACCEL, " avg %.2f", (float) sumObjects / numLeaves); UI.printDetailed(Module.ACCEL, " avg(n>0) %.2f", (float) sumObjects / (numLeaves - numLeaves0)); UI.printDetailed(Module.ACCEL, " max %d", maxObjects); UI.printDetailed(Module.ACCEL, " * Depth: min %d", minDepth); UI.printDetailed(Module.ACCEL, " avg %.2f", (float) sumDepth / numLeaves); UI.printDetailed(Module.ACCEL, " max %d", maxDepth); UI.printDetailed(Module.ACCEL, " * Leaves w/: N=0 %3d%%", 100 * numLeaves0 / numLeaves); UI.printDetailed(Module.ACCEL, " N=1 %3d%%", 100 * numLeaves1 / numLeaves); UI.printDetailed(Module.ACCEL, " N=2 %3d%%", 100 * numLeaves2 / numLeaves); UI.printDetailed(Module.ACCEL, " N=3 %3d%%", 100 * numLeaves3 / numLeaves); UI.printDetailed(Module.ACCEL, " N=4 %3d%%", 100 * numLeaves4 / numLeaves); UI.printDetailed(Module.ACCEL, " N>4 %3d%%", 100 * numLeaves4p / numLeaves); UI.printDetailed(Module.ACCEL, " * BVH2 nodes: %d (%3d%%)", numBVH2, 100 * numBVH2 / (numNodes + numLeaves - 2 * numBVH2)); } } private void buildHierarchy(IntArray tempTree, int[] indices, BuildStats stats) { // create space for the first node tempTree.add(3 << 30); // dummy leaf tempTree.add(0); tempTree.add(0); if (objects.length == 0) { return; } // seed bbox float[] gridBox = {bounds.getMinimum().x, bounds.getMaximum().x, bounds.getMinimum().y, bounds.getMaximum().y, bounds.getMinimum().z, bounds.getMaximum().z}; float[] nodeBox = {bounds.getMinimum().x, bounds.getMaximum().x, bounds.getMinimum().y, bounds.getMaximum().y, bounds.getMinimum().z, bounds.getMaximum().z}; // seed subdivide function subdivide(0, objects.length - 1, tempTree, indices, gridBox, nodeBox, 0, 1, stats); } private void createNode(IntArray tempTree, int nodeIndex, int left, int right) { // write leaf node tempTree.set(nodeIndex + 0, (3 << 30) | left); tempTree.set(nodeIndex + 1, right - left + 1); } private void subdivide(int left, int right, IntArray tempTree, int[] indices, float[] gridBox, float[] nodeBox, int nodeIndex, int depth, BuildStats stats) { if ((right - left + 1) <= maxPrims || depth >= 64) { // write leaf node stats.updateLeaf(depth, right - left + 1); createNode(tempTree, nodeIndex, left, right); return; } // calculate extents int axis = -1, prevAxis, rightOrig; float clipL = Float.NaN, clipR = Float.NaN, prevClip = Float.NaN; float split = Float.NaN, prevSplit; boolean wasLeft = true; while (true) { prevAxis = axis; prevSplit = split; // perform quick consistency checks float d[] = {gridBox[1] - gridBox[0], gridBox[3] - gridBox[2], gridBox[5] - gridBox[4]}; if (d[0] < 0 || d[1] < 0 || d[2] < 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("negative node extents"); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (nodeBox[2 * i + 1] < gridBox[2 * i] || nodeBox[2 * i] > gridBox[2 * i + 1]) { UI.printError(Module.ACCEL, "Reached tree area in error - discarding node with: %d objects", right - left + 1); throw new IllegalStateException("invalid node overlap"); } } // find longest axis if (d[0] > d[1] && d[0] > d[2]) { axis = 0; } else if (d[1] > d[2]) { axis = 1; } else { axis = 2; } split = 0.5f * (gridBox[2 * axis] + gridBox[2 * axis + 1]); // partition L/R subsets clipL = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; clipR = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; rightOrig = right; // save this for later float nodeL = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; float nodeR = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (int i = left; i <= right;) { int obj = indices[i]; float minb = primitives.getPrimitiveBound(obj, 2 * axis + 0); float maxb = primitives.getPrimitiveBound(obj, 2 * axis + 1); float center = (minb + maxb) * 0.5f; if (center <= split) { // stay left i++; if (clipL < maxb) { clipL = maxb; } } else { // move to the right most int t = indices[i]; indices[i] = indices[right]; indices[right] = t; right--; if (clipR > minb) { clipR = minb; } } if (nodeL > minb) { nodeL = minb; } if (nodeR < maxb) { nodeR = maxb; } } // check for empty space if (nodeL > nodeBox[2 * axis + 0] && nodeR < nodeBox[2 * axis + 1]) { float nodeBoxW = nodeBox[2 * axis + 1] - nodeBox[2 * axis + 0]; float nodeNewW = nodeR - nodeL; // node box is too big compare to space occupied by primitives? if (1.3f * nodeNewW < nodeBoxW) { stats.updateBVH2(); int nextIndex = tempTree.getSize(); // allocate child tempTree.add(0); tempTree.add(0); tempTree.add(0); // write bvh2 clip node stats.updateInner(); tempTree.set(nodeIndex + 0, (axis << 30) | (1 << 29) | nextIndex); tempTree.set(nodeIndex + 1, Float.floatToRawIntBits(nodeL)); tempTree.set(nodeIndex + 2, Float.floatToRawIntBits(nodeR)); // update nodebox and recurse nodeBox[2 * axis + 0] = nodeL; nodeBox[2 * axis + 1] = nodeR; subdivide(left, rightOrig, tempTree, indices, gridBox, nodeBox, nextIndex, depth + 1, stats); return; } } // ensure we are making progress in the subdivision if (right == rightOrig) { // all left if (clipL <= split) { // keep looping on left half gridBox[2 * axis + 1] = split; prevClip = clipL; wasLeft = true; continue; } if (prevAxis == axis && prevSplit == split) { // we are stuck here - create a leaf stats.updateLeaf(depth, right - left + 1); createNode(tempTree, nodeIndex, left, right); return; } gridBox[2 * axis + 1] = split; prevClip = Float.NaN; } else if (left > right) { // all right right = rightOrig; if (clipR >= split) { // keep looping on right half gridBox[2 * axis + 0] = split; prevClip = clipR; wasLeft = false; continue; } if (prevAxis == axis && prevSplit == split) { // we are stuck here - create a leaf stats.updateLeaf(depth, right - left + 1); createNode(tempTree, nodeIndex, left, right); return; } gridBox[2 * axis + 0] = split; prevClip = Float.NaN; } else { // we are actually splitting stuff if (prevAxis != -1 && !Float.isNaN(prevClip)) { // second time through - lets create the previous split // since it produced empty space int nextIndex = tempTree.getSize(); // allocate child node tempTree.add(0); tempTree.add(0); tempTree.add(0); if (wasLeft) { // create a node with a left child // write leaf node stats.updateInner(); tempTree.set(nodeIndex + 0, (prevAxis << 30) | nextIndex); tempTree.set(nodeIndex + 1, Float.floatToRawIntBits(prevClip)); tempTree.set(nodeIndex + 2, Float.floatToRawIntBits(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); } else { // create a node with a right child // write leaf node stats.updateInner(); tempTree.set(nodeIndex + 0, (prevAxis << 30) | (nextIndex - 3)); tempTree.set(nodeIndex + 1, Float.floatToRawIntBits(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)); tempTree.set(nodeIndex + 2, Float.floatToRawIntBits(prevClip)); } // count stats for the unused leaf depth++; stats.updateLeaf(depth, 0); // now we keep going as we are, with a new nodeIndex: nodeIndex = nextIndex; } break; } } // compute index of child nodes int nextIndex = tempTree.getSize(); // allocate left node int nl = right - left + 1; int nr = rightOrig - (right + 1) + 1; if (nl > 0) { tempTree.add(0); tempTree.add(0); tempTree.add(0); } else { nextIndex -= 3; } // allocate right node if (nr > 0) { tempTree.add(0); tempTree.add(0); tempTree.add(0); } // write leaf node stats.updateInner(); tempTree.set(nodeIndex + 0, (axis << 30) | nextIndex); tempTree.set(nodeIndex + 1, Float.floatToRawIntBits(clipL)); tempTree.set(nodeIndex + 2, Float.floatToRawIntBits(clipR)); // prepare L/R child boxes float[] gridBoxL = new float[6]; float[] gridBoxR = new float[6]; float[] nodeBoxL = new float[6]; float[] nodeBoxR = new float[6]; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { gridBoxL[i] = gridBoxR[i] = gridBox[i]; nodeBoxL[i] = nodeBoxR[i] = nodeBox[i]; } gridBoxL[2 * axis + 1] = gridBoxR[2 * axis] = split; nodeBoxL[2 * axis + 1] = clipL; nodeBoxR[2 * axis + 0] = clipR; // free memory gridBox = nodeBox = null; // recurse if (nl > 0) { subdivide(left, right, tempTree, indices, gridBoxL, nodeBoxL, nextIndex, depth + 1, stats); } else { stats.updateLeaf(depth + 1, 0); } if (nr > 0) { subdivide(right + 1, rightOrig, tempTree, indices, gridBoxR, nodeBoxR, nextIndex + 3, depth + 1, stats); } else { stats.updateLeaf(depth + 1, 0); } } @Override public void intersect(Ray r, IntersectionState state) { float intervalMin = r.getMin(); float intervalMax = r.getMax(); float orgX = r.ox; float dirX = r.dx, invDirX = 1 / dirX; float t1, t2; t1 = (bounds.getMinimum().x - orgX) * invDirX; t2 = (bounds.getMaximum().x - orgX) * invDirX; if (invDirX > 0) { if (t1 > intervalMin) { intervalMin = t1; } if (t2 < intervalMax) { intervalMax = t2; } } else { if (t2 > intervalMin) { intervalMin = t2; } if (t1 < intervalMax) { intervalMax = t1; } } if (intervalMin > intervalMax) { return; } float orgY = r.oy; float dirY = r.dy, invDirY = 1 / dirY; t1 = (bounds.getMinimum().y - orgY) * invDirY; t2 = (bounds.getMaximum().y - orgY) * invDirY; if (invDirY > 0) { if (t1 > intervalMin) { intervalMin = t1; } if (t2 < intervalMax) { intervalMax = t2; } } else { if (t2 > intervalMin) { intervalMin = t2; } if (t1 < intervalMax) { intervalMax = t1; } } if (intervalMin > intervalMax) { return; } float orgZ = r.oz; float dirZ =, invDirZ = 1 / dirZ; t1 = (bounds.getMinimum().z - orgZ) * invDirZ; t2 = (bounds.getMaximum().z - orgZ) * invDirZ; if (invDirZ > 0) { if (t1 > intervalMin) { intervalMin = t1; } if (t2 < intervalMax) { intervalMax = t2; } } else { if (t2 > intervalMin) { intervalMin = t2; } if (t1 < intervalMax) { intervalMax = t1; } } if (intervalMin > intervalMax) { return; } // compute custom offsets from direction sign bit int offsetXFront = Float.floatToRawIntBits(dirX) >>> 31; int offsetYFront = Float.floatToRawIntBits(dirY) >>> 31; int offsetZFront = Float.floatToRawIntBits(dirZ) >>> 31; int offsetXBack = offsetXFront ^ 1; int offsetYBack = offsetYFront ^ 1; int offsetZBack = offsetZFront ^ 1; int offsetXFront3 = offsetXFront * 3; int offsetYFront3 = offsetYFront * 3; int offsetZFront3 = offsetZFront * 3; int offsetXBack3 = offsetXBack * 3; int offsetYBack3 = offsetYBack * 3; int offsetZBack3 = offsetZBack * 3; // avoid always adding 1 during the inner loop offsetXFront++; offsetYFront++; offsetZFront++; offsetXBack++; offsetYBack++; offsetZBack++; IntersectionState.StackNode[] stack = state.getStack(); int stackPos = 0; int node = 0; while (true) { pushloop: while (true) { int tn = tree[node]; int axis = tn & (7 << 29); int offset = tn & ~(7 << 29); switch (axis) { case 0: { // x axis float tf = (Float.intBitsToFloat(tree[node + offsetXFront]) - orgX) * invDirX; float tb = (Float.intBitsToFloat(tree[node + offsetXBack]) - orgX) * invDirX; // ray passes between clip zones if (tf < intervalMin && tb > intervalMax) { break pushloop; } int back = offset + offsetXBack3; node = back; // ray passes through far node only if (tf < intervalMin) { intervalMin = (tb >= intervalMin) ? tb : intervalMin; continue; } node = offset + offsetXFront3; // front // ray passes through near node only if (tb > intervalMax) { intervalMax = (tf <= intervalMax) ? tf : intervalMax; continue; } // ray passes through both nodes // push back node stack[stackPos].node = back; stack[stackPos].near = (tb >= intervalMin) ? tb : intervalMin; stack[stackPos].far = intervalMax; stackPos++; // update ray interval for front node intervalMax = (tf <= intervalMax) ? tf : intervalMax; continue; } case 1 << 30: { float tf = (Float.intBitsToFloat(tree[node + offsetYFront]) - orgY) * invDirY; float tb = (Float.intBitsToFloat(tree[node + offsetYBack]) - orgY) * invDirY; // ray passes between clip zones if (tf < intervalMin && tb > intervalMax) { break pushloop; } int back = offset + offsetYBack3; node = back; // ray passes through far node only if (tf < intervalMin) { intervalMin = (tb >= intervalMin) ? tb : intervalMin; continue; } node = offset + offsetYFront3; // front // ray passes through near node only if (tb > intervalMax) { intervalMax = (tf <= intervalMax) ? tf : intervalMax; continue; } // ray passes through both nodes // push back node stack[stackPos].node = back; stack[stackPos].near = (tb >= intervalMin) ? tb : intervalMin; stack[stackPos].far = intervalMax; stackPos++; // update ray interval for front node intervalMax = (tf <= intervalMax) ? tf : intervalMax; continue; } case 2 << 30: { // z axis float tf = (Float.intBitsToFloat(tree[node + offsetZFront]) - orgZ) * invDirZ; float tb = (Float.intBitsToFloat(tree[node + offsetZBack]) - orgZ) * invDirZ; // ray passes between clip zones if (tf < intervalMin && tb > intervalMax) { break pushloop; } int back = offset + offsetZBack3; node = back; // ray passes through far node only if (tf < intervalMin) { intervalMin = (tb >= intervalMin) ? tb : intervalMin; continue; } node = offset + offsetZFront3; // front // ray passes through near node only if (tb > intervalMax) { intervalMax = (tf <= intervalMax) ? tf : intervalMax; continue; } // ray passes through both nodes // push back node stack[stackPos].node = back; stack[stackPos].near = (tb >= intervalMin) ? tb : intervalMin; stack[stackPos].far = intervalMax; stackPos++; // update ray interval for front node intervalMax = (tf <= intervalMax) ? tf : intervalMax; continue; } case 3 << 30: { // leaf - test some objects int n = tree[node + 1]; while (n > 0) { primitives.intersectPrimitive(r, objects[offset], state); n--; offset++; } break pushloop; } case 1 << 29: { float tf = (Float.intBitsToFloat(tree[node + offsetXFront]) - orgX) * invDirX; float tb = (Float.intBitsToFloat(tree[node + offsetXBack]) - orgX) * invDirX; node = offset; intervalMin = (tf >= intervalMin) ? tf : intervalMin; intervalMax = (tb <= intervalMax) ? tb : intervalMax; if (intervalMin > intervalMax) { break pushloop; } continue; } case 3 << 29: { float tf = (Float.intBitsToFloat(tree[node + offsetYFront]) - orgY) * invDirY; float tb = (Float.intBitsToFloat(tree[node + offsetYBack]) - orgY) * invDirY; node = offset; intervalMin = (tf >= intervalMin) ? tf : intervalMin; intervalMax = (tb <= intervalMax) ? tb : intervalMax; if (intervalMin > intervalMax) { break pushloop; } continue; } case 5 << 29: { float tf = (Float.intBitsToFloat(tree[node + offsetZFront]) - orgZ) * invDirZ; float tb = (Float.intBitsToFloat(tree[node + offsetZBack]) - orgZ) * invDirZ; node = offset; intervalMin = (tf >= intervalMin) ? tf : intervalMin; intervalMax = (tb <= intervalMax) ? tb : intervalMax; if (intervalMin > intervalMax) { break pushloop; } continue; } default: return; // should not happen } // switch } // traversal loop do { // stack is empty? if (stackPos == 0) { return; } // move back up the stack stackPos--; intervalMin = stack[stackPos].near; if (r.getMax() < intervalMin) { continue; } node = stack[stackPos].node; intervalMax = stack[stackPos].far; break; } while (true); } } }