BioInterchange ============== [![Build Status](]( BioInterchange is a tool for generating interchangable RDF data from non-RDF data sources. Supported input file formats (see examples directory): * [Pubannos JSON]( * [PDFx XML]( Supported RDF output formats: * [RDF N-Triples]( Ontologies used in the RDF output: * [Generic Feature Format Version 3 Ontology]( (GFF3O) * [Genome Variation Format Version 1 Ontology]( (GVF1O) * [Semanticscience Integrated Ontology]( (SIO) * [Sequence Ontology Feature Annotation]( (SOFA) #### Contributing If you like to contribute, you are more than welcome. For implementation ideas, please have a look [here]( Usage ----- Four interfaces to BioInterchange are available: 1. command-line tool-suite 2. API (Ruby gem, Python egg) 3. RESTful web-service 4. interactive web-site ### Command-Line Tool-Suite BioInterchange's command-line tool `biointerchange` can be installed as a command line tools as follows: gem install biointerchange #### Usage Examples: biointerchange --input dbcls.catanns.json --rdf rdf.bh12.sio --file examples/pubannotation.10096561.json --name 'Peter Smith' --name_id '' biointerchange --input --rdf rdf.bh12.sio --file examples/gb-2007-8-3-R40.xml --name 'Peter Smith' --name_id '' Input formats: * `biointerchange.gff3` * `biointerchange.gvf` * `dbcls.catanns.json` * `` Output formats: * `rdf.biointerchange.gff3` * `rdf.biointerchange.gvf` * `rdf.bh12.sio` #### Using a Triple Store RDF data produced by BioInterchange can be directly loaded into a triple store. The following gives an example about loading and querying RDF data using [Sesame](; the commands are entered via Sesame's `bin/`: > create memory. Please specify values for the following variables: Repository ID [memory]: testrepo Repository title [Memory store]: Test Repository Persist (true|false) [true]: false Sync delay [0]: Repository created > open testrepo. testrepo> load . testrepo> sparql select * where { ?s ?p ?o } . To list all `seqid` entries from a GFF3/GVF-file conversion in the store, the following SPARQL query can be used: testrepo> sparql select * where { ?s ?o } . #### Data Consistency Verification Data consistency is verifyable for the output formats `rdf.biointerchange.gff3` and `rdf.biointerchange.gvf` using the [BioInterchange ontologies]( GFF3O and GVF1O. The following is an example of how [Jena]('s command line tools and the [HermiT reasoner]( can be used for conistency verification: rdfcat > merged.xml java -d64 -Xmx4G -jar HermiT.jar -k -v merged.xml Another approach is to load the data and its related GFF3O/GVF1O ontology into [Protege](, merge them, and then use the "Explain inconsistent ontology" menu item to inspect possible data inconsistencies. #### Example Data Provenance The following list provides information on the origin of the example-data files in the `examples` directory: * `BovineGenomeChrX.gff3.gz`: Gzipped GFF3 file describing a Bos taurus chromosome X. Downloaded from []( * `chromosome_BF.gff`: GFF3 file of floating contigs from the Baylor Sequencing Centre. Downloaded from []( * `estd176_Banerjee_et_al_2011.2012-11-29.NCBI36.gvf`: GVF file of EBI's [DGVa]( Downloaded from []( * `gb-2007-8-3-R40.xml`: Generated by [pdfx]( from open-access source PDF [Sense-antisense pairs in mammals: functional and evolutionary considerations]( ### Application Programming Interface #### Ruby The Ruby gem is under active development, so the following may or may not work out of the box. gem install biointerchange To use BioInterchange in your Ruby projects, include the following line in your code: require 'biointerchange' #### Python Currently, there are only wrappers to the vocabularies of the ontologies that are used by BioInterchange available. To install the BioInterchange egg, run: sudo easy_install rdflib sudo easy_install Usage examples: import biointerchange from biointerchange import * # Get the URI of an ontology term by label: GFF3O.seqid() # Ambiguous labels will return an array of URIs: # "start" can refer to a sub-property of "feature_properties" or "target_properties" GFF3O.start() # "feature_properties" can be either a datatype or object property GFF3O.feature_properties() # Use build-in method "is_datatype_property" to resolve ambiguity: # (Note: there is exactly one item in the result set, so the selection of the first item is acceptable.) feature_properties = filter(lambda uri: GFF3O.is_datatype_property(uri), GFF3O.feature_properties())[0] # Use build-in method "with_parent" to pick properties based on their context: GFF3O.with_parent(GFF3O.start(), feature_properties) #### Java Only vocabulary wrapper classes are provided for the Java API. In order to make use of the RDF generation features in BioInterchange, either use the Ruby implementation or connect Java to BioInterchange's web-services. To use the BioInterchange artifact, set-up add the following to your Maven POM file: biointerchange BioInterchange org.biointerchange vocabularies 0.1.2 Usage examples: package org.biointerchange; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.*; import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.*; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate; import java.util.Set; import org.biointerchange.vocabulary.*; /** * Demo on how to make use of BioInterchange's vocabulary classes. * * @author Joachim Baran */ public class App { public static void main(String[] args) { Resource seqid = GFF3O.seqid(); System.out.println("'seqid' property:"); printResource(seqid); System.out.println("'start' properties:"); Set start = GFF3O.start(); for (Resource startSynonym : start) printResource(startSynonym); System.out.println("'feature_properties' properties:"); Set featureProperties = GFF3O.feature_properties(); for (Resource featurePropertiesSynonym : featureProperties) printResource(featurePropertiesSynonym); System.out.println("'feature_properties' properties, which are a datatype property:"); CollectionUtils.filter(featureProperties, new Predicate() { public boolean evaluate(Object o) { return GFF3O.isDatatypeProperty((Resource)o); } }); for (Resource featurePropertiesSynonym : featureProperties) printResource(featurePropertiesSynonym); System.out.println("'start' property with parent datatype property 'feature_properties':"); Set startUnderDatatypeFeatureProperties = GFF3O.withParent(start, featureProperties.iterator().next()); for (Resource startSynonym : startUnderDatatypeFeatureProperties) printResource(startSynonym); } private static void printResource(Resource resource) { System.out.println(" " + resource.toString()); System.out.println(" Namespace: " + resource.getNameSpace()); System.out.println(" Local name: " + resource.getLocalName()); System.out.println(" Jena Property (rather than Resource): " + (resource instanceof Property)); System.out.println(" Ontology class: " + GFF3O.isClass(resource)); System.out.println(" Ontology object property: " + GFF3O.isObjectProperty(resource)); System.out.println(" Ontology datatype property: " + GFF3O.isDatatypeProperty(resource)); } } ### RESTful Web-Service TODO ### Interactive Web-Site TODO Build Notes ----------- This section is only relevant if you are building newer versions of BioInterchange yourself. If you are using the Ruby gem, web-service or interactive web-site, then you can safely skip the steps explained here. Note that the following set-up only works with Ruby 1.9.2p290 or newer. ### Prerequisites Software requirements: * Ruby 1.9.2p290 or newer * Bundler gem 1.1.5 or newer * Rake gem 0.8.7 or newer With Ruby installed, the following commands install the additional packages: sudo gem install bundler sudo gem install rake bundle The last step, `bundle`, will install gem dependencies of BioInterchange automatically. ### Building Vocabulary Classes Building a new version of the Ruby vocabulary classes for GFF3, SIO, SOFA (requires that the OBO files are saves as RDF/XML using [Protege]( sudo gem install rdf sudo gem install rdf-rdfxml echo -e "require 'rdf'\nmodule BioInterchange\n" > lib/biointerchange/gff3o.rb ruby generators/rdfxml.rb GFF3O >> lib/biointerchange/gff3o.rb echo -e "\nend" >> lib/biointerchange/gff3o.rb echo -e "module BioInterchange\n" > lib/biointerchange/gvf1o.rb ruby generators/rdfxml.rb GVF1O >> lib/biointerchange/gvf1o.rb echo -e "\nend" >> lib/biointerchange/gvf1o.rb echo -e "module BioInterchange\n" > lib/biointerchange/sio.rb ruby generators/rdfxml.rb SIO >> lib/biointerchange/sio.rb echo -e "\nend" >> lib/biointerchange/sio.rb echo -e "module BioInterchange\n" > lib/biointerchange/sofa.rb ruby generators/rdfxml.rb SOFA >> lib/biointerchange/sofa.rb echo -e "\nend" >> lib/biointerchange/sofa.rb A Geno Ontology external reference (GOxref) vocabulary can be created by directly downloading the latest version of `GO.xrf_abbs`: echo -e "module BioInterchange\n" > lib/biointerchange/goxref.rb curl | ruby generators/GOxrefify.rb echo -e "\nend" >> lib/biointerchange/goxref.rb #### Python Vocabulary Classes The source-code generation can be skipped, if none of the ontologies that are used by BioInterchange have been changed. Otherwise, the existing Python vocabulary class wrappers can be generated as follows: ruby generators/rdfxml.rb GFF3O | ruby generators/pythonify.rb > supplemental/python/biointerchange/ ruby generators/rdfxml.rb GVF1O | ruby generators/pythonify.rb > supplemental/python/biointerchange/ ruby generators/rdfxml.rb SIO | ruby generators/pythonify.rb > supplemental/python/biointerchange/ ruby generators/rdfxml.rb SOFA | ruby generators/pythonify.rb > supplemental/python/biointerchange/ curl | ruby generators/GOxrefify.rb | ruby generators/pythonify.rb > supplemental/python/biointerchange/ Generate the BioInterchange Python vocabulary egg: cd supplemental/python python bdist_egg ##### Required Python Library The vocabulary wrapper makes used of RDFLib, which does not install automatically with the egg. * (RDFLib)[] #### Java Vocabulary Classes The source-code generation can be skipped, if none of the ontologies that are used by BioInterchange have been changed. Otherwise, the existing Java vocabulary class wrappers can be generated as follows: ruby generators/rdfxml.rb GFF3O | ruby generators/javaify.rb > supplemental/java/biointerchange/src/main/java/org/biointerchange/vocabulary/ ruby generators/rdfxml.rb GVF1O | ruby generators/javaify.rb > supplemental/java/biointerchange/src/main/java/org/biointerchange/vocabulary/ ruby generators/rdfxml.rb SIO | ruby generators/javaify.rb > supplemental/java/biointerchange/src/main/java/org/biointerchange/vocabulary/ ruby generators/rdfxml.rb SOFA | ruby generators/javaify.rb "" > supplemental/java/biointerchange/src/main/java/org/biointerchange/vocabulary/ curl | ruby generators/GOxrefify.rb | ruby generators/javaify.rb > supplemental/java/biointerchange/src/main/java/org/biointerchange/vocabulary/ Generate the BioInterchange Java vocabulary artifact: cd supplemental/java/biointerchange mvn package ##### Required Java Packages The following Java packages will automatically install alongside BioInterchange's Maven artifact: * (Jena Core)[] * (Apache Commons Collections)[] * (SLF4J)[] * (Xerces)[] * (JUnit)[] ### Gem Bundling/Installing bundle exec rake gemspec bundle exec gem build biointerchange.gemspec sudo bundle exec gem install biointerchange If you encounter problems with gem dependencies, then you can try to explictly use Ruby 1.9: bundle exec gem1.9 build biointerchange.gemspec sudo bundle exec gem1.9 install biointerchange ### Unit Testing BioInterchange uses unit testing using [RSpec](, where the unit tests are located in the `spec` directory. Using bundler, a quick check can be carried out using: bundle update bundle exec rake spec A more verbose is produced by calling `rspec` directly: rspec -c -f d ### Generating RDocs bundle exec rake rdoc ### Deploying on Rubygems _Note:_ Only BioInterchange package maintainers can deploy the 'biointerchange' gem on Rubygems. bundle exec rake version:bump:(major | minor | patch) bundle exec rake gemspec bundle exec gem build biointerchange.gemspec bundle exec gem push biointerchange-VERSION.gem ### Troubleshooting #### GCC: No such file or directory On Mac OS X, you might see this error: make: /usr/bin/gcc-4.2: No such file or directory make: *** [generator.o] Error 1 This can be solved by executing: sudo ln -s /usr/bin/llvm-gcc-4.2 /usr/bin/gcc-4.2 Contributors ------------ In alphabetical order of the last name: * [Joachim Baran]( * [Kevin B. Cohen]( * [Geraint Duck]( * [Michel Dumontier]( * [Jin-Dong Kim]( Cite ---- If you use this software, please cite * BioInterchange: An Open Source Framework for Transforming Heterogeneous Data Formats Into RDF (_in preparation_) and one of the following Biogem publications * [BioRuby: bioinformatics software for the Ruby programming language]( * [Biogem: an effective tool-based approach for scaling up open source software development in bioinformatics]( ------------ This Biogem is published at [#biointerchange]( and hosted on its primary site []( The BioRuby community is on IRC server:, channel: #bioruby. License/Copyright ----------------- See [LICENSE]( file.