# # Author:: Daniel DeLeo () # Copyright:: Copyright 2008-2017, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" require "support/shared/unit/resource/static_provider_resolution" describe Chef::Resource::Deploy do static_provider_resolution( resource: Chef::Resource::Deploy, provider: Chef::Provider::Deploy::Timestamped, name: :deploy, action: :deploy ) class << self def resource_has_a_string_attribute(attr_name) it "has a String attribute for #{attr_name}" do @resource.send(attr_name, "this is a string") expect(@resource.send(attr_name)).to eql("this is a string") expect { @resource.send(attr_name, 8675309) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end def resource_has_a_boolean_attribute(attr_name, opts = { :defaults_to => false }) it "has a Boolean attribute for #{attr_name}" do expect(@resource.send(attr_name)).to eql(opts[:defaults_to]) @resource.send(attr_name, !opts[:defaults_to]) expect(@resource.send(attr_name)).to eql( !opts[:defaults_to] ) end end def resource_has_a_callback_attribute(attr_name) it "has a Callback attribute #{attr_name}" do callback_block = lambda { :noop } expect { @resource.send(attr_name, &callback_block) }.not_to raise_error expect(@resource.send(attr_name)).to eq(callback_block) callback_file = "path/to/callback.rb" expect { @resource.send(attr_name, callback_file) }.not_to raise_error expect(@resource.send(attr_name)).to eq(callback_file) expect { @resource.send(attr_name, :this_is_fail) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end before do @resource = Chef::Resource::Deploy.new("/my/deploy/dir") end resource_has_a_string_attribute(:repo) resource_has_a_string_attribute(:deploy_to) resource_has_a_string_attribute(:role) resource_has_a_string_attribute(:restart_command) resource_has_a_string_attribute(:migration_command) resource_has_a_string_attribute(:user) resource_has_a_string_attribute(:group) resource_has_a_string_attribute(:repository_cache) resource_has_a_string_attribute(:copy_exclude) resource_has_a_string_attribute(:revision) resource_has_a_string_attribute(:remote) resource_has_a_string_attribute(:git_ssh_wrapper) resource_has_a_string_attribute(:svn_username) resource_has_a_string_attribute(:svn_password) resource_has_a_string_attribute(:svn_arguments) resource_has_a_string_attribute(:svn_info_args) resource_has_a_boolean_attribute(:migrate, :defaults_to => false) resource_has_a_boolean_attribute(:enable_submodules, :defaults_to => false) resource_has_a_boolean_attribute(:shallow_clone, :defaults_to => false) it "uses the first argument as the deploy directory" do expect(@resource.deploy_to).to eql("/my/deploy/dir") end # For git, any revision, branch, tag, whatever is resolved to a SHA1 ref. # For svn, the branch is included in the repo URL. # Therefore, revision and branch ARE NOT SEPARATE THINGS it "aliases #revision as #branch" do @resource.branch "stable" expect(@resource.revision).to eql("stable") end it "takes the SCM resource to use as a constant, and defaults to git" do expect(@resource.scm_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Git) @resource.scm_provider Chef::Provider::Subversion expect(@resource.scm_provider).to eql(Chef::Provider::Subversion) end it "allows scm providers to be set via symbol" do expect(@resource.scm_provider).to eq(Chef::Provider::Git) @resource.scm_provider :subversion expect(@resource.scm_provider).to eq(Chef::Provider::Subversion) end it "allows scm providers to be set via string" do expect(@resource.scm_provider).to eq(Chef::Provider::Git) @resource.scm_provider "subversion" expect(@resource.scm_provider).to eq(Chef::Provider::Subversion) end it "has a boolean attribute for svn_force_export defaulting to false" do expect(@resource.svn_force_export).to be_falsey @resource.svn_force_export true expect(@resource.svn_force_export).to be_truthy expect { @resource.svn_force_export(10053) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "takes arbitrary environment variables in a hash" do @resource.environment "RAILS_ENV" => "production" expect(@resource.environment).to eq({ "RAILS_ENV" => "production" }) end it "takes string arguments to environment for backwards compat, setting RAILS_ENV, RACK_ENV, and MERB_ENV" do @resource.environment "production" expect(@resource.environment).to eq({ "RAILS_ENV" => "production", "RACK_ENV" => "production", "MERB_ENV" => "production" }) end it "sets destination to $deploy_to/shared/$repository_cache" do expect(@resource.destination).to eql("/my/deploy/dir/shared/cached-copy") end it "sets shared_path to $deploy_to/shared" do expect(@resource.shared_path).to eql("/my/deploy/dir/shared") end it "sets current_path to $deploy_to/current" do expect(@resource.current_path).to eql("/my/deploy/dir/current") end it "gets the current_path correct even if the shared_path is set (regression test)" do @resource.shared_path expect(@resource.current_path).to eql("/my/deploy/dir/current") end it "allows depth to be set via integer" do expect(@resource.depth).to be_nil @resource.depth 1 expect(@resource.depth).to eql(1) end it "gives #depth as 5 if shallow clone is true, nil otherwise" do expect(@resource.depth).to be_nil @resource.shallow_clone true expect(@resource.depth).to eql(5) end it "aliases repo as repository" do @resource.repository "git@github.com/opcode/cookbooks.git" expect(@resource.repo).to eql("git@github.com/opcode/cookbooks.git") end it "aliases git_ssh_wrapper as ssh_wrapper" do @resource.ssh_wrapper "git_my_repo.sh" expect(@resource.git_ssh_wrapper).to eql("git_my_repo.sh") end it "has an Array attribute purge_before_symlink, default: log, tmp/pids, public/system" do expect(@resource.purge_before_symlink).to eq(%w{ log tmp/pids public/system }) @resource.purge_before_symlink %w{foo bar baz} expect(@resource.purge_before_symlink).to eq(%w{foo bar baz}) end it "has an Array attribute create_dirs_before_symlink, default: tmp, public, config" do expect(@resource.create_dirs_before_symlink).to eq(%w{tmp public config}) @resource.create_dirs_before_symlink %w{foo bar baz} expect(@resource.create_dirs_before_symlink).to eq(%w{foo bar baz}) end it 'has a Hash attribute symlinks, default: {"system" => "public/system", "pids" => "tmp/pids", "log" => "log"}' do default = { "system" => "public/system", "pids" => "tmp/pids", "log" => "log" } expect(@resource.symlinks).to eq(default) @resource.symlinks "foo" => "bar/baz" expect(@resource.symlinks).to eq({ "foo" => "bar/baz" }) end it 'has a Hash attribute symlink_before_migrate, default "config/database.yml" => "config/database.yml"' do expect(@resource.symlink_before_migrate).to eq({ "config/database.yml" => "config/database.yml" }) @resource.symlink_before_migrate "wtf?" => "wtf is going on" expect(@resource.symlink_before_migrate).to eq({ "wtf?" => "wtf is going on" }) end resource_has_a_callback_attribute :before_migrate resource_has_a_callback_attribute :before_symlink resource_has_a_callback_attribute :before_restart resource_has_a_callback_attribute :after_restart it "aliases restart_command as restart" do @resource.restart "foobaz" expect(@resource.restart_command).to eq("foobaz") end it "takes a block for the restart parameter" do restart_like_this = lambda { p :noop } @resource.restart(&restart_like_this) expect(@resource.restart).to eq(restart_like_this) end it "allows providers to be set with a full class name" do @resource.provider Chef::Provider::Deploy::Timestamped expect(@resource.provider).to eq(Chef::Provider::Deploy::Timestamped) end it "allows deploy providers to be set via symbol" do @resource.provider :deploy_revision expect(@resource.provider).to eq(Chef::Provider::Deploy::Revision) end it "allows deploy providers to be set via string" do @resource.provider "deploy_revision" expect(@resource.provider).to eq(Chef::Provider::Deploy::Revision) end it "defaults keep_releases to 5" do expect(@resource.keep_releases).to eq(5) end it "allows keep_releases to be set via integer" do @resource.keep_releases 10 expect(@resource.keep_releases).to eq(10) end it "enforces a minimum keep_releases of 1" do @resource.keep_releases 0 expect(@resource.keep_releases).to eq(1) end describe "when it has a timeout attribute" do let(:ten_seconds) { 10 } before { @resource.timeout(ten_seconds) } it "stores this timeout" do expect(@resource.timeout).to eq(ten_seconds) end end describe "when it has no timeout attribute" do it "has no default timeout" do expect(@resource.timeout).to be_nil end end describe "when it has meta application root, revision, user, group, scm provider, repository cache, environment, simlinks and migrate" do before do @resource.repository("http://uri.org") @resource.deploy_to("/") @resource.revision("1.2.3") @resource.user("root") @resource.group("pokemon") @resource.scm_provider(Chef::Provider::Git) @resource.repository_cache("cached-copy") @resource.environment({ "SUDO" => "TRUE" }) @resource.symlinks({ "system" => "public/system" }) @resource.migrate(false) end it "describes its state" do state = @resource.state_for_resource_reporter expect(state[:deploy_to]).to eq("/") expect(state[:revision]).to eq("1.2.3") end it "returns the repository URI as its identity" do expect(@resource.identity).to eq("http://uri.org") end end end