module Mack module Utils # Useful utilities for dealing with HTML. class Html class << self # Used in views to create href links. It takes link_text, url, and a Hash that gets added # to the href as options. # # Examples: # Mack::Utils::Html.href("") # => # Mack::Utils::Html.href("Mack", "") # => Mack # Mack::Utils::Html.href("Mack", "", :target => "_blank") # => Mack # Mack::Utils::Html.href("Mack", "", :target => "_blank", :rel => :nofollow) # => Mack # If you pass in :method as an option it will be a JavaScript form that will post to the specified link with the # methd specified. # Mack::Utils::Html.href("Mack", "", :method => :delete) # If you use the :method option you can also pass in a :confirm option. The :confirm option will generate a # javascript confirmation window. If 'OK' is selected the the form will submit. If 'cancel' is selected, then # nothing will happen. This is extremely useful for 'delete' type of links. # Mack::Utils::Html.href("Mack", "", :method => :delete, :confirm => "Are you sure?") def href(link_text, url = link_text, html_options = {}) if html_options[:method] meth = nil confirm = nil meth = %{var f = document.createElement('form'); = 'none'; this.parentNode.appendChild(f); f.method = 'POST'; f.action = this.href;var s = document.createElement('input'); s.setAttribute('type', 'hidden'); s.setAttribute('name', '_method'); s.setAttribute('value', '#{html_options[:method]}'); f.appendChild(s);f.submit()} html_options.delete(:method) if html_options[:confirm] confirm = %{if (confirm('#{html_options[:confirm]}'))} html_options.delete(:confirm) end html_options[:onclick] = (confirm ? (confirm + " { ") : "") << meth << (confirm ? (" } ") : "") << ";return false;" end html = "" << link_text html << "" html end alias_method :a, :href # A wrapper to generate an auto discovery tag so browsers no the page contains an RSS feed. # # Example: # <%= Mack::Utils::Html.rss(posts_index_url(:format => :xml)) %> def rss(url) "" end # Wraps the content_tag method. # # Examples: # Mack::Utils::Html.b("hello") # => hello # Mack::Utils::Html.div("hello world!", :class => :foo)) # =>
hello world!
def method_missing(sym, *args) ags = args.parse_splat_args tag = sym content = nil options = {} if ags.is_a?(Array) content = ags[0] if ags[0].is_a?(String) options = ags[1] if ags[1].is_a?(Hash) elsif ags.is_a?(String) content = ags elsif ags.is_a?(Hash) options = ags end content = yield if block_given? content_tag(tag, content, options) end # Builds an HTML tag. # # Examples: # content_tag(:b, "hello") # => hello # content_tag("div", "hello world!", :class => :foo) # =>
hello world!
def content_tag(tag, content, options = {}) html = "<#{tag} #{options.join("%s=\"%s\"", " ")}>#{content}" end end # self end # Html end # Utils end # Mack