module Garage::Representer attr_accessor :params, :representer_attrs, :partial, :selector def partial? @partial end def render_hash(options={}) obj = {} representer_attrs.each do |definition| if definition.options[:if] next unless definition.options[:if].call(self, options[:responder]) end if definition.respond_to?(:encode) next unless handle_definition?(selector, definition, options) obj[] = definition.encode(self, options[:responder], selector[]) else next if selector.excludes?('_links') obj['_links'] ||= {} obj['_links'][definition.rel.to_s] = { 'href' => definition.pathify(self) } end end obj end def handle_definition?(selector, definition, options) if definition.requires_select? # definition is not selected by default - it's opt-in selector.includes?( && definition.selectable?(self, options[:responder]) else # definition is selected by default - it's opt-out !selector.excludes?( end end def default_url_options @default_url_options ||= {} end def represent! self.representer_attrs ||= [] self.representer_attrs += self.class.representer_attrs end def self.representers @representers ||= [] end def resource_class self.class end def to_resource self end def link_path_for(rel) represent! unless representer_attrs representer_attrs.grep(Link).find { |link| link.rel === rel }.try(:pathify, self) end def self.included(base) self.representers << base base.class_eval do if Rails.application include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers end extend ClassMethods end end module ClassMethods attr_writer :representer_attrs def inherited(child) super child.representer_attrs = self.representer_attrs.clone end def representer_attrs @representer_attrs ||= [] end def property(name, options={}) representer_attrs <<, options) end def link(rel, options={}, &block) representer_attrs <<, options, block) end def collection(name, options={}) representer_attrs <<, options) end def oauth_scope(scope) ->(resource, responder){ # FIXME: this only works with User resource for now # partial representation will not render request scope-specific fields for better caching !resource.partial? && responder.controller.requested_by?(resource) && responder.controller.has_scope?(scope) } end def accessible(*args) ->(resource, responder){ responder.controller.allow_access?(*args) } end # represents the representer's schema in JSON format def metadata {:definitions => representer_attrs.grep(Definition).map {|definition|}, :links => representer_attrs.grep(Link).map {|link| link.options[:as] ? {link.rel => {'as' => link.options[:as]}} : link.rel} } end def param(*keys) keys.each {|key| params << key } end def params @params ||= [] end end class NonEncodableValue < StandardError; end class Definition attr_reader :options def initialize(name, options={}) @name = name @options = options end def requires_select? @options[:selectable] end def selectable?(*args) if boolean?(@options[:selectable]) @options[:selectable] else @options[:selectable].call(*args) end end def name (@options[:as] || @name).to_s end def encode(object, responder, selector = nil) value = object.send(@name) encode_value(value, responder, selector) end def encode_value(value, responder, selector) if value.is_a?(Garage::Representer) responder.encode_to_hash(value, partial: true, selector: selector) elsif primitive?(value) value else raise NonEncodableValue, "#{value.class} can not be encoded directly. Forgot to include Garage::Representer?" end end PRIMITIVE_CLASSES = [ ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone, Date, Time, Integer, Float, Hash, Array, String, NilClass, TrueClass, FalseClass, Symbol, ] def primitive?(value) PRIMITIVE_CLASSES.any? {|k| value.is_a?(k) } end private def boolean?(value) value.is_a?(TrueClass) || value.is_a?(FalseClass) end end class Collection < Definition def encode(object, responder, selector = nil) value = object.send(@name) do |item| encode_value(item, responder, selector) end end end class Link attr_reader :rel, :options, :block def initialize(rel, options, block) @rel, @options, @block = rel, options, block end def pathify(representer) representer.instance_exec(&@block) end end end