A Glyph is an array of Primitive objects, holding information about the type of Glyph being created. Each different type of Glyph has different arguments, pertaining to how the Glyph will be drawn and the parameters provided to SVGEE.
The different type of Glyphs are:
Creates a circular Glyph
radius = the radius of the circle (10)
fill_color = the fill colour of the Glyph (‘red’)
stroke = the outline colour of the Glyph (“black”)
stroke_width = The width of the outline stroke (1)
style = the opacity of the fill color
x = x-axis centre of the circle
y = y-axis centre of the circle
# File lib/bio/graphics/glyph.rb, line 60 def self.circle(args) args = { :radius => 10, :fill_color => 'red', :stroke => "black", :stroke_width => 1, :style => ""}.merge!(args) args[:x_center] = args[:x] args[:y_center] = args[:y] [:x, :y].each {|e| args.delete(e)} [Bio::Graphics::Primitive.new(:circle, args)] end
Creates a polygon Glyph to indicate the direction
in which the Glyph is pointing args
width = the width of the feature
fill_color = the fill colour of the Glyph (‘red’)
stroke = the outline colour of the Glyph (“black”)
stroke_width = The width of the outline stroke (1)
style = the opacity of the fill color
strand = the strand on which the Glyph is located. May be ‘+’ or ‘-’
points = the x and y axis points used to calculate the shape of the polygon
x = the co-ordinates of the Glyph for the x-axis
y = the co-ordinates of the Glyph for the y-axis
The points of the polygon are calculated form the x
# File lib/bio/graphics/glyph.rb, line 85 def self.directed(args) #:x, :y, :width :fill, :stroke :stroke_width, :style, :height args = { :height => 10, :fill_color => 'red', :stroke => "black", :stroke_width => 1, :style => "fill-opacity:0.4;"}.merge!(args) if args[:strand] == '-' args[:points] = "#{args[:x]},#{args[:y]} #{args[:x] + args[:width]},#{args[:y]} #{args[:x] + args[:width]},#{args[:y] + args[:height] } #{args[:x]},#{args[:y] + (args[:height])} #{args[:x] - (args[:height] * 0.2)},#{args[:y] + (args[:height]/2)}" else args[:points] = "#{args[:x]},#{args[:y]} #{args[:x] + args[:width] - (args[:height] * 0.2)},#{args[:y]} #{args[:x] + args[:width]},#{args[:y] + (args[:height]/2) } #{args[:x] + args[:width] - (args[:height] * 0.2)},#{args[:y] + args[:height]} #{args[:x]},#{args[:y] + args[:height]}" end [Bio::Graphics::Primitive.new(:polygon, args)] end
Creates a polygon Glyph for a downward-pointing
triangle args
height = the height of the Glyph (10)
fill_color = the fill colour of the Glyph (‘red’)
stroke = the outline colour of the Glyph (“black”)
stroke_width = The width of the outline stroke (1)
style = the opacity of the fill color (“fill-opacity:0.4;”)
x = the co-ordinates of the Glyph for the x-axis
y = the co-ordinates of the Glyph for the y-axis
The points of the triangle are calculated form the x
# File lib/bio/graphics/glyph.rb, line 113 def self.down_triangle(args) #:x, :y, :width :fill, :stroke :stroke_width, :style, :height args = { :height => 10, :fill_color => 'red', :stroke => "black", :stroke_width => 1, :style => "fill-opacity:0.4;"}.merge!(args) args[:points] = "#{args[:x]},#{args[:y]} #{args[:x] + args[:width]},#{args[:y]} #{ args[:x] + (args[:width]/2) },#{(args[:y] + args[:height]) }" [Bio::Graphics::Primitive.new(:polygon, args)] end
Creates a generic glyph, which is a rectangle
height = the height of the Glyph (10)
fill_color = the fill colour of the Glyph (‘red’)
stroke = the outline colour of the Glyph (“black”)
stroke_width = The width of the outline stroke (1)
x_round = x-axis radius of the ellipse used to round off the corners of the rectangle (1)
y_round = y-axis radius of the ellipse used to round off the corners of the rectangle (1)
style = the opacity of the fill color (“fill-opacity:0.4;”)
x = the co-ordinates of the Glyph for the x-axis
y = the co-ordinates of the Glyph for the y-axis
# File lib/bio/graphics/glyph.rb, line 37 def self.generic(args) #:x, :y, :width :fill, :stroke :stroke_width, :style, :height, args = { :height => 10, :fill_color => 'red', :stroke => "black", :stroke_width => 1, :x_round => 1, :y_round => 1, :style => "fill-opacity:0.4;"}.merge!(args) [Bio::Graphics::Primitive.new(:rectangle, args)] end
Sets the the type (linear or radial) and colour of gradient for a pre-defined gradient along with the pertinent parameters for that type
gradient = a pre-defined gradient
The types of gradient are:
# File lib/bio/graphics/glyph.rb, line 367 def self.gradient(gradient) type, color = case gradient when :red_white_h [:linear, "red"] when :green_white_h [:linear, "green"] when :blue_white_h [:linear, "blue"] when :yellow_white_h [:linear, "yellow"] when :red_white_radial [:radial, "red"] when :green_white_radial [:radial, "green"] when :blue_white_radial [:radial, "blue"] when :yellow_white_radial [:radial, "yellow"] end case type when :linear {:type => :linear, :id => gradient, :x1 => 0, :y1 => 0, :x2 => 0, :y2 => 100, :stops => [ { :color => color, :offset => 0, :opacity=> 1 }, { :color => "white", :offset => 100, :opacity=> 1 } ] } when :radial { :type => :radial, :id => gradient, :cx => 50, :cy => 50, :r => 50, :fx => 50, :fy => 50, :stops => [ {:offset => 0, :color => "white", :opacity => 0 }, { :offset => 100, :color => color, :opacity => 1 } ] } end end
The list of pre-defined gradients
# File lib/bio/graphics/glyph.rb, line 348 def self.gradients #needs to know which of its gradients are predefined [:red_white_h, :green_white_h, :blue_white_h, :yellow_white_h, :red_white_radial, :green_white_radial, :blue_white_radial, :yellow_white_radial ] end
Creates a label Glyph to write text
text = the text to write
fill = the colour of the text (“black”)
style = the style of writing (“font-family:monospace;”)
x = the co-ordinates of the Glyph for the x-axis
y = the co-ordinates of the Glyph for the y-axis
# File lib/bio/graphics/glyph.rb, line 339 def self.label(args) [Bio::Graphics::Primitive.new(:text, :text => args[:text], :x => args[:x], :y => args[:y], :fill => "black", :style => "font-family:monospace;")] end
Creates the scale across the top of the SVG page
start = the start of the scale
stop = the end of the scale
number_of_intervals = the number of tick-marks on the scale to show the current position
page_width = the width of the page
# File lib/bio/graphics/glyph.rb, line 294 def self.scale(args) first_mark = args[:start] last_mark = args[:stop] #(num.to_f / @nt_per_px_x.to_f) full_dist = last_mark - first_mark interval_width = full_dist / (args[:number_of_intervals] - 1) a = [Bio::Graphics::Primitive.new(:line, :stroke => 'black', :stroke_width => 1, :x1 => 1, :x2 => args[:page_width],# * 1.1, :y1 => "20", :y2 => "20" )] marks = (first_mark..last_mark).step(interval_width).to_a px_per_nt = args[:page_width].to_f / full_dist.to_f marks.each do |mark| x = (mark.to_f - first_mark ).to_f * px_per_nt a << Bio::Graphics::Primitive.new(:rectangle, :x => x, :y => 20, :stroke => 'black', :stroke_width => 1, :width => 1, :height => 5 ) a << Bio::Graphics::Primitive.new(:text, :x => x, :y => 40, :fill => 'black', :text => mark, :style => "font-family:Arial;font-style:italic") end return a end
Creates a span glyph, which is a line
height = the height of the Glyph (10)
fill_color = the fill colour of the Glyph (‘red’)
stroke = the outline colour of the Glyph (“black”)
stroke_width = The width of the outline stroke (1)
style = the opacity of the fill color (“fill-opacity:0.4;”)
x = the co-ordinates of the Glyph for the x-axis
y = the co-ordinates of the Glyph for the y-axis
# File lib/bio/graphics/glyph.rb, line 156 def self.span(args) args = { :height => 10, :fill_color => 'red', :stroke => "black", :stroke_width => 1, :style => "fill-opacity:1;" }.merge!(args) args[:x1] = args[:x] args[:x2] = args[:x] + args[:width] args[:y1] = args[:y] args[:y2] = args[:y] [Bio::Graphics::Primitive.new(:line, args)] end
Creates a transcript glyph, which is a number of different types of Glyph, depending on the features within the transcript
height = the height of the Glyph (10)
utr_fill_color = the fill colour of the Glyph (‘black’)
utr_stroke = the outline colour of the Glyph (“black”)
utr_stroke_width = The width of the outline stroke (1)
exon_fill_color = the fill colour of the Glyph (‘red’)
exon_stroke = the outline colour of the Glyph (“black”)
exon_stroke_width = The width of the outline stroke (1)
line_color = the colour for any line Glyphs
line_width = the width for any line Glyphs
exon_style = the opacity of the fill color for exons (“fill-opacity:0.4;”)
utr_style = the opacity of the fill color for utrs
line_style = the opacity of the fill color for lines
block_gaps = ****I’m not sure what these are****
gap_marker = ****I’m not sure what these are****
x = the co-ordinates of the Glyph for the x-axis
y = the co-ordinates of the Glyph for the y-axis
# File lib/bio/graphics/glyph.rb, line 190 def self.transcript(args) args = { :height => 10, :utr_fill_color => 'black', :utr_stroke => "black", :utr_stroke_width => 1, :exon_fill_color => 'red', :exon_stroke => "black", :exon_stroke_width => 1, :line_color => 'black', :line_width => 1, :exon_style => "fill-opacity:0.4;", :utr_style => "", :line_style => "", :block_gaps => "", :gap_marker => "" }.merge!(args) composite = [] if not args[:utrs].empty? ##draw the utr as terminal element...##terminal utr is the one with the point on... x,width = args[:strand] == '-' ? args[:utrs].shift : args[:utrs].pop composite += Glyph.directed(:x => x, :y => args[:y], :width => width, :strand => args[:strand], :height => args[:height], :fill_color => args[:utr_fill_color], :stroke =>args[:utr_stroke], :stroke_width => args[:utr_stroke_width], :style => args[:utr_style] ) ##draw the other(s!) args[:utrs].each do |utr| composite << Bio::Graphics::Primitive.new(:rectangle, { :x => utr.first, :width => utr.last, :y => args[:y], :height => args[:height], :fill_color => args[:utr_fill_color], :stroke =>args[:utr_stroke], :stroke_width => args[:utr_stroke_width], :style => args[:utr_style]} ) end else ## draw the terminal exon as terminal element points = nil x,width = args[:strand] == '-' ? args[:exons].shift : args[:exons].pop composite += Glyph.directed(:x => x, :y => args[:y], :width => width, :strand => args[:strand], :height => args[:height], :fill_color => args[:exon_fill_color], :stroke =>args[:exon_stroke], :stroke_width => args[:exon_stroke_width], :style => args[:exon_style] ) end #draw any remaining exons args[:exons].each do |exon| composite << Bio::Graphics::Primitive.new(:rectangle, { :x => exon[0], :width => exon[1], :y => args[:y], :height => args[:height], :fill_color => args[:exon_fill_color], :stroke =>args[:exon_stroke], :stroke_width => args[:exon_stroke_width], :style => args[:exon_style]} ) end if args[:gap_marker] == "angled" and not args[:block_gaps].empty? args[:block_gaps].each do |gap| points = "#{gap.first},#{args[:y] + (args[:height]/2) } #{gap.first + (gap.last/2)},#{args[:y]} #{gap.first + gap.last},#{args[:y] + (args[:height]/2)}" composite << Bio::Graphics::Primitive.new(:polyline, { :points => points, :stroke => args[:line_color], :stroke_width => args[:line_width], :fill => "none", :line_style => args[:line_style]}) end else #add line composite << Bio::Graphics::Primitive.new(:line, { :x1 => args[:x], :x2 => "#{args[:x] + args[:width]}", :y1 => args[:y] + (args[:height]/2), :y2 => args[:y] + (args[:height]/2), :stroke => args[:line_color], :stroke_width => args[:line_width], :line_style => args[:line_style]}) end composite end
Creates a polygon Glyph for an upward-pointing
triangle args
height = the height of the Glyph (10)
fill_color = the fill colour of the Glyph (‘red’)
stroke = the outline colour of the Glyph (“black”)
stroke_width = The width of the outline stroke (1)
style = the opacity of the fill color (“fill-opacity:0.4;”)
x = the co-ordinates of the Glyph for the x-axis
y = the co-ordinates of the Glyph for the y-axis
The points of the triangle are calculated form the x
# File lib/bio/graphics/glyph.rb, line 136 def self.up_triangle(args) #:x, :y, :width :fill, :stroke :stroke_width, :style, :height args = { :height => 10, :fill_color => 'red', :stroke => "black", :stroke_width => 1, :style => "fill-opacity:0.4;"}.merge!(args) args[:points] = "#{args[:x]},#{args[:y] + args[:height]} #{args[:x] + args[:width]},#{args[:y] + args[:height]} #{ args[:x] + (args[:width]/2) },#{args[:y] }" [Bio::Graphics::Primitive.new(:polygon, args)] end