require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/test_helper') describe 'Textcaptcha' do describe 'validations' do before(:each) do @note = @note.textcaptcha end it 'should validate an ActiveRecord object (with multiple correct answers)' do @note.spam_question.must_equal('1+1') @note.valid?.must_equal false @note.errors[:spam_answer].first.must_equal('is incorrect, try another question instead') @note.spam_answer = 'two' @note.valid?.must_equal true @note.errors[:spam_answer].must_be_empty @note.spam_answer = '2' @note.valid?.must_equal true @note.errors[:spam_answer].must_be_empty end it 'should strip whitespace and downcase spam answer' do @note.spam_answer = ' tWo ' @note.valid?.must_equal true @note.errors[:spam_answer].must_be_empty end it 'should always be valid when record has been saved' do @note.spam_answer = '2'! @note.textcaptcha @note.spam_answer = 'wrong answer' @note.new_record?.must_equal false @note.valid?.must_equal true @note.errors[:spam_answer].must_be_empty end it 'should always be valid when perform_textcaptcha? is false' do @note.turn_off_captcha = true @note.valid?.must_equal true @note.errors[:spam_answer].must_be_empty true end it 'should validate a non ActiveRecord object' do @contact = @contact.textcaptcha @contact.spam_question.must_equal('one+1') @contact.spam_answer = 'wrong' @contact.valid?.must_equal false @contact.spam_answer = 'two' @contact.valid?.must_equal true @contact.errors[:spam_answer].must_be_empty end it 'should allow validation to be skipped' do @note.valid?.must_equal false @note.skip_textcaptcha = true @note.valid?.must_equal true end it 'should protect skip_textcaptcha attribute from mass assignment' do @note = => true) @note.skip_textcaptcha.must_equal nil end end describe 'encryption' do before(:each) do @note = end it 'should encrypt spam_answers (joined by - seperator) MD5 digested and using BCrypt engine with salt' do @note.spam_answers.must_be_nil @note.textcaptcha encrypted_answers = [2,' TwO '].collect { |answer| BCrypt::Engine.hash_secret(Digest::MD5.hexdigest(answer.to_s.strip.downcase), '$2a$10$j0bmycH.SVfD1b5mpEGPpe', 1) }.join('-') @note.spam_answers.must_equal('$2a$10$j0bmycH.SVfD1b5mpEGPpePFe1wBxOn7Brr9lMuLRxv6lg4ZYjJ22-$2a$10$j0bmycH.SVfD1b5mpEGPpe8v5mqqpDaExuS/hZu8Xkq8krYL/T8P.') @note.spam_answers.must_equal(encrypted_answers) end it 'should raise error if bcyrpt salt is invalid' do @note.textcaptcha_config[:bcrypt_salt] = 'bad salt' proc { @note.textcaptcha }.must_raise BCrypt::Errors::InvalidSalt @note.textcaptcha_config[:bcrypt_salt] ='$2a$10$j0bmycH.SVfD1b5mpEGPpe' end end describe 'textcaptcha API' do after(:each) do FakeWeb.clean_registry end it 'should generate spam question from the service' do @review = @review.textcaptcha @review.spam_question.wont_be_nil @review.spam_question.wont_equal('The green hat is what color?') @review.spam_answers.wont_be_nil @review.valid?.must_equal false @review.errors[:spam_answer].first.must_equal('is incorrect, try another question instead') end it 'should parse a single answer from XML response' do @review = question = 'If tomorrow is Saturday, what day is today?' body = "#{question}f6f7fec07f372b7bd5eb196bbca0f3f4" FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, %r|http://textcaptcha\.com/api/|, :body => body) @review.textcaptcha @review.spam_question.must_equal(question) @review.spam_answers.must_equal('$2a$10$j0bmycH.SVfD1b5mpEGPpecvhlumIBvWXI4HQWk0xa74DebZDx772') @review.spam_answers.split('-').length.must_equal(1) end it 'should parse multiple answers from XML response' do @review = question = 'If tomorrow is Saturday, what day is today?' body = "#{question}123" FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, %r|http://textcaptcha\.com/api/|, :body => body) @review.textcaptcha @review.spam_question.must_equal(question) @review.spam_answers.split('-').length.must_equal(3) end describe 'service is unavailable' do describe 'should fallback to a user defined question' do before(:each) do @review = end it 'when errors occur' do [SocketError, Timeout::Error, Errno::EINVAL, Errno::ECONNRESET, EOFError, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::ETIMEDOUT, Net::HTTPBadResponse, Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, Net::ProtocolError, URI::InvalidURIError].each do |error| FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, %r|http://textcaptcha\.com/api/|, :exception => error) @review.textcaptcha @review.spam_question.must_equal('The green hat is what color?') @review.spam_answers.wont_be_nil end end it 'when response is OK but body cannot be parsed as XML' do FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, %r|http://textcaptcha\.com/api/|, :body => 'here be gibberish') @review.textcaptcha @review.spam_question.must_equal('The green hat is what color?') @review.spam_answers.wont_be_nil end it 'when response is OK but empty' do FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, %r|http://textcaptcha\.com/api/|, :body => '') @review.textcaptcha @review.spam_question.must_equal('The green hat is what color?') @review.spam_answers.wont_be_nil end end end it 'should not generate any spam question or answer when no user defined questions set' do @comment = FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, %r|http://textcaptcha\.com/api/|, :exception => SocketError) @comment.textcaptcha @comment.spam_question.must_equal 'ActsAsTextcaptcha >> no API key (or questions) set and/or the textcaptcha service is currently unavailable (answer ok to bypass)' @comment.spam_answers.must_equal 'ok' end it 'should not generate any spam question or answer when user defined questions set incorrectly' do @comment = FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, %r|http://textcaptcha\.com/api/|, :exception => SocketError) @comment.textcaptcha @comment.spam_question.must_equal 'ActsAsTextcaptcha >> no API key (or questions) set and/or the textcaptcha service is currently unavailable (answer ok to bypass)' @comment.spam_answers.must_equal 'ok' end end describe 'configuration' do it 'should be configured with inline hash' do Review.textcaptcha_config.must_equal({ :api_key => '8u5ixtdnq9csc84cok0owswgo', :bcrypt_salt => '$2a$10$j0bmycH.SVfD1b5mpEGPpe', :bcrypt_cost => '3', :questions => [{ 'question' => 'The green hat is what color?', 'answers' => 'green' }]}) end it 'should be configured with textcaptcha.yml' do Widget.textcaptcha_config[:api_key].must_equal '6eh1co0j12mi2ogcoggkkok4o' Widget.textcaptcha_config[:bcrypt_salt].must_equal '$2a$10$qhSefD6gKtmq6M0AzXk4CO' Widget.textcaptcha_config[:bcrypt_cost].must_equal 1 Widget.textcaptcha_config[:questions].length.must_equal 10 end end end