# # fluent-plugin-map # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # module Fluent module Plugin class MapSupport def initialize(map, plugin) @map = map @plugin = plugin if plugin.is_a?(Fluent::Plugin::Filter) singleton_class.module_eval(<<-CODE) def map_func(time, record) #{@map} end CODE class << self alias_method :generate_tuples, :generate_tuples_filter alias_method :do_map, :do_map_filter end elsif plugin.is_a?(Fluent::Plugin::Output) singleton_class.module_eval(<<-CODE) def map_func(tag, time, record) #{@map} end CODE class << self alias_method :generate_tuples, :generate_tuples_output alias_method :do_map, :do_map_output end end end def do_map(tag, es) # This method will be overwritten in #initailize. end def do_map_filter(tag, es) tuples = generate_tuples(tag, es) tag_output_es = Hash.new{|h, key| h[key] = Fluent::MultiEventStream.new} tuples.each do |time, record| if time == nil || record == nil raise SyntaxError.new end tag_output_es[tag].add(time, record) @plugin.log.trace { [tag, time, record].inspect } end tag_output_es end def do_map_output(tag, es) tuples = generate_tuples(tag, es) tag_output_es = Hash.new{|h, key| h[key] = Fluent::MultiEventStream.new} tuples.each do |tag, time, record| if time == nil || record == nil raise SyntaxError.new end tag_output_es[tag].add(time, record) @plugin.log.trace { [tag, time, record].inspect } end tag_output_es end def generate_tuples # This method will be overwritten in #initailize. end def generate_tuples_filter(tag, es) tuples = [] es.each {|time, record| timeout_block do new_tuple = map_func(time, record) tuples.concat new_tuple end } tuples end def generate_tuples_output(tag, es) tuples = [] es.each {|time, record| timeout_block do new_tuple = map_func(tag, time, record) tuples.concat new_tuple end } tuples end def timeout_block begin Timeout.timeout(@plugin.timeout){ yield } rescue Timeout::Error @plugin.log.error {"Timeout: #{Time.at(time)} #{tag} #{record.inspect}"} end end end end end