module EvenBetterNestedSet def self.included(base) super base.extend ClassMethods end class NestedSetError < StandardError; end class IllegalAssignmentError < NestedSetError; end module NestedSet def self.included(base) super base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods attr_accessor :nested_set_options def find_last_root find(:first, :order => "#{nested_set_column(:right)} DESC", :conditions => { :parent_id => nil }) end def find_boundaries(id) query = "SELECT #{nested_set_column(:left)}, #{nested_set_column(:right)}" + "FROM #{quote_db_property(table_name)}" + "WHERE #{quote_db_property(primary_key)} = #{id}" connection.select_rows(query).first end def nested_set sort_nodes_to_nested_set(find(:all, :order => "#{nested_set_column(:left)} ASC")) end def find_with_nested_set(*args) result = find(*args) if result.respond_to?(:cache_nested_set) result.cache_nested_set elsif result.respond_to?(:each) result.each do |node| node.cache_nested_set end end result end def sort_nodes_to_nested_set(nodes) roots = [] hashmap = {} for node in nodes.sort_by { |n| n.left } # if the parent is not in the hashmap, parent will be nil, therefore node will be a root node # in that case parent = node.parent_id ? hashmap[node.parent_id] : nil # make sure this is called at least once on every node, so leaves know that they have *no* children node.cache_children() if parent node.cache_parent(parent) parent.cache_children(node) else roots << node end hashmap[] = node end return roots end def nested_set_column(name) quote_db_property(nested_set_options[name]) end # Recalculates the left and right values for the entire tree def recalculate_nested_set transaction do left = 1 roots.each do |root| left = root.recalculate_nested_set(left) end end end def quote_db_property(property) "`#{property}`".gsub('.','`.`') end end def root? not parent_id? end def descendant_of?(node) node.left < self.left && self.right < node.right end def root transaction do reload_boundaries @root ||= base_class.roots.find(:first, :conditions => ["#{nested_set_column(:left)} <= ? AND #{nested_set_column(:right)} >= ?", left, right]) end end alias_method :patriarch, :root def ancestors(force_reload=false) @ancestors = nil if force_reload @ancestors ||= base_class.find( :all,:conditions => ["#{nested_set_column(:left)} < ? AND #{nested_set_column(:right)} > ?", left, right], :order => "#{nested_set_column(:left)} DESC" ) end def lineage(force_reload=false) [self, *ancestors(force_reload)] end def kin end def descendants base_class.descendants(self) end def cache_nested_set @cached_children || base_class.sort_nodes_to_nested_set(family) end def family [self, *descendants] end def family_ids(force_reload=false) return @family_ids unless @family_ids.nil? or force_reload transaction do reload_boundaries query = "SELECT id FROM #{self.class.quote_db_property(base_class.table_name)} " + "WHERE #{nested_set_column(:left)} >= #{left} AND #{nested_set_column(:right)} <= #{right} " + "ORDER BY #{nested_set_column(:left)}" @family_ids = base_class.connection.select_values(query).map(&:to_i) end end def generation root? ? base_class.roots : parent.children end def siblings generation - [self] end def level if root? 0 elsif @ancestors @ancestors.size else base_class.count :conditions => ["#{nested_set_column(:left)} < ? AND #{nested_set_column(:right)} > ?", left, right] end end def bounds left..right end def children @cached_children || uncached_children end def children? children.empty? end def cache_parent(parent) #:nodoc: self.parent = parent end def cache_children(*nodes) #:nodoc: @cached_children ||= [] @cached_children.push(*nodes) end def left read_attribute(self.class.nested_set_options[:left]) end def right read_attribute(self.class.nested_set_options[:right]) end def recalculate_nested_set(left) child_left = left + 1 children.each do |child| child_left = child.recalculate_nested_set(child_left) end set_boundaries(left, child_left) save_without_validation! right + 1 end protected def illegal_nesting if parent_id? and family_ids.include?(parent_id) errors.add(:parent_id, 'cannot move node to its own descendant') end end def remove_node base_class.delete_all ["#{nested_set_column(:left)} > ? AND #{nested_set_column(:right)} < ?", left, right] # TODO: Figure out what to do with children's destroy callbacks shift!(-node_width, right) end def append_node boundary = 1 if parent_id? transaction do boundary = parent(true).right shift! 2, boundary end elsif last_root = base_class.find_last_root boundary = last_root.right + 1 end set_boundaries(boundary, boundary + 1) end def move_node if parent_id_changed? transaction do reload_boundaries if parent_id.blank? # moved to root shift_difference = base_class.find_last_root.right - left + 1 else # moved to non-root new_parent = base_class.find_by_id(parent_id) # open up a space boundary = new_parent.right shift! node_width, boundary reload_boundaries shift_difference = (new_parent.right - left) end # move itself and children into place shift! shift_difference, left, right # close up the space that was left behind after move shift! -node_width, left reload_boundaries end end end def shift!(positions, left_boundary, right_boundary=nil) if right_boundary base_class.update_all "#{nested_set_column(:left)} = (#{nested_set_column(:left)} + #{positions})", ["#{nested_set_column(:left)} >= ? AND #{nested_set_column(:left)} <= ?", left_boundary, right_boundary] base_class.update_all "#{nested_set_column(:right)} = (#{nested_set_column(:right)} + #{positions})", ["#{nested_set_column(:right)} >= ? AND #{nested_set_column(:right)} <= ?", left_boundary, right_boundary] else base_class.update_all "#{nested_set_column(:left)} = (#{nested_set_column(:left)} + #{positions})", ["#{nested_set_column(:left)} >= ?", left_boundary] base_class.update_all "#{nested_set_column(:right)} = (#{nested_set_column(:right)} + #{positions})", ["#{nested_set_column(:right)} >= ?", left_boundary] end end def node_width right - left + 1 end def set_boundaries(left, right) write_attribute(self.class.nested_set_options[:left], left) write_attribute(self.class.nested_set_options[:right], right) end def reload_boundaries set_boundaries(*base_class.find_boundaries(id)) end def base_class self.class.base_class end def validate_parent_is_within_scope if self.class.nested_set_options[:scope] && parent_id parent.reload # Make sure we are testing the record corresponding to the parent_id if self.send(self.class.nested_set_options[:scope]) != parent.send(self.class.nested_set_options[:scope]) errors.add(:parent_id, "cannot be a record with a different #{self.class.nested_set_options[:scope]} to this record") end end end end module ClassMethods def acts_as_nested_set(options = {}) options = { :left => :left, :right => :right }.merge!(options) options[:scope] = "#{options[:scope]}_id" if options[:scope] include NestedSet self.nested_set_options = options class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def #{options[:left]}=(left) raise EvenBetterNestedSet::IllegalAssignmentError, "#{options[:left]} is an internal attribute used by EvenBetterNestedSet, do not assign it directly as is may corrupt the data in your database" end def #{options[:right]}=(right) raise EvenBetterNestedSet::IllegalAssignmentError, "#{options[:right]} is an internal attribute used by EvenBetterNestedSet, do not assign it directly as is may corrupt the data in your database" end RUBY named_scope :roots, :conditions => { :parent_id => nil }, :order => "#{nested_set_column(:left)} asc" has_many :uncached_children, :class_name =>, :foreign_key => :parent_id, :order => "#{nested_set_column(:left)} asc" protected :uncached_children, :uncached_children= belongs_to :parent, :class_name =>, :foreign_key => :parent_id named_scope :descendants, lambda { |node| left, right = find_boundaries( { :conditions => ["#{nested_set_column(:left)} > ? and #{nested_set_column(:right)} < ?", left, right], :order => "#{nested_set_column(:left)} asc" } } before_create :append_node before_update :move_node before_destroy :reload after_destroy :remove_node validate_on_update :illegal_nesting validate :validate_parent_is_within_scope delegate :nested_set_column, :to => "self.class" end end end ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, EvenBetterNestedSet) if defined?(ActiveRecord)