module Metanorma module Standoc module Validate def table_validate(doc) empty_table_validate(doc) doc.xpath("//table[colgroup]").each do |t| maxrowcols_validate(t, t.xpath("./colgroup/col").size) end doc.xpath("//table[.//*[@colspan] | .//*[@rowspan]]").each do |t| maxrowcols_validate(t, max_td_count(t), mode: "row_cols") end doc.xpath("//table[.//*[@rowspan]]").each do |t| maxrowcols_validate(t, max_td_count(t), mode: "thead_row") end end def empty_table_validate(doc) doc.xpath("//table[not(.//tr)]").each do |t| @log.add("Table", t, "Empty table", severity: 0) end end def max_td_count(table) max = 0 table.xpath("./tr").each do |tr| n = tr.xpath("./td | ./th").size max < n and max = n end max end def maxrowcols_validate(table, maxcols, mode: "row_cols") case mode when "row_cols" maxrowcols_validate0(table, maxcols, "*", mode) when "thead_row" %w{thead tbody tfoot}.each do |w| maxrowcols_validate0(table, maxcols, w, mode) end end end def maxrowcols_validate0(table, maxcols, tablechild, mode) cells2d = table.xpath("./#{tablechild}/tr") .each_with_object([]) { |_r, m| m << {} } table.xpath("./#{tablechild}/tr").each_with_index do |tr, r| curr = 0 tr.xpath("./td | ./th").each do |td| curr = maxcols_validate1(td, r, curr, cells2d, maxcols, mode) end end maxrows_validate(table, cells2d, tablechild, mode) end # code doesn't actually do anything, since Asciidoctor refuses to generate # table with inconsistent column count def maxcols_validate1(tcell, row, curr, cells2d, maxcols, mode) rs = tcell&.attr("rowspan")&.to_i || 1 cs = tcell&.attr("colspan")&.to_i || 1 curr = table_tracker_update(cells2d, row, curr, rs, cs) maxcols_check(curr + cs - 1, maxcols, tcell) if mode == "row_cols" curr + cs end def table_tracker_update(cells2d, row, curr, rowspan, colspan) cells2d[row] ||= {} while cells2d[row][curr] curr += 1 end (row..(row + rowspan - 1)).each do |y2| cells2d[y2] ||= {} (curr..(curr + colspan - 1)).each { |x2| cells2d[y2][x2] = 1 } end curr end def maxrows_validate(table, cells2d, tablechild, mode) err = "are inconsistent" mode == "thead_row" and err = "cannot go outside #{tablechild}" err = "Table rows in table #{err}: check rowspan" if cells2d.any? { |x| x.size != cells2d.first.size } @log.add("Table", table, err, severity: 0) end end # if maxcols or maxrows negative, do not check them def maxcols_check(col, maxcols, tcell) if maxcols.positive? && col > maxcols @log.add("Table", tcell, "Table exceeds maximum number of columns "\ "defined (#{maxcols})", severity: 0) end end end end end