module Piggybak class Order < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :line_items, :inverse_of => :order has_many :order_notes, :inverse_of => :order belongs_to :billing_address, :class_name => "Piggybak::Address" belongs_to :shipping_address, :class_name => "Piggybak::Address" belongs_to :user accepts_nested_attributes_for :billing_address, :allow_destroy => true accepts_nested_attributes_for :shipping_address, :allow_destroy => true accepts_nested_attributes_for :line_items, :allow_destroy => true accepts_nested_attributes_for :order_notes attr_accessor :recorded_changes, :recorded_changer, :was_new_record, :disable_order_notes validates :status, presence: true validates :email, presence: true validates :phone, presence: true validates :total, presence: true validates :total_due, presence: true validates :created_at, presence: true validates :ip_address, presence: true validates :user_agent, presence: true after_initialize :initialize_defaults validate :number_payments before_save :postprocess_order, :update_status, :set_new_record after_save :record_order_note after_save :deliver_order_confirmation, :if => { |order| !order.confirmation_sent } default_scope :order => 'created_at DESC' def deliver_order_confirmation Piggybak::Notifier.order_notification(self).deliver self.update_column(:confirmation_sent,true) end def initialize_defaults self.recorded_changes ||= [] self.billing_address ||= self.shipping_address ||= self.shipping_address.is_shipping = true self.ip_address ||= 'admin' self.user_agent ||= 'admin' self.created_at ||= self.status ||= "new" ||= 0 self.total_due ||= 0 self.disable_order_notes = false end def number_payments new_payments = { |li| li.new_record? } if new_payments.size > 1 self.errors.add(:base, "Only one payment may be created at a time.") new_payments.each do |li| li.errors.add(:line_item_type, "Only one payment may be created at a time.") end end end def initialize_user(user) if user self.user = user = end end def postprocess_order # Mark line items for destruction if quantity == 0 self.line_items.each do |line_item| if line_item.quantity == 0 line_item.mark_for_destruction end end # Recalculate and create line item for tax # If a tax line item already exists, reset price # If a tax line item doesn't, create # If tax is 0, destroy tax line item tax = TaxMethod.calculate_tax(self) tax_line_item = self.line_items.taxes if tax > 0 if tax_line_item.any? tax_line_item.first.price = tax else self.line_items <<{ :line_item_type => "tax", :description => "Tax Charge", :price => tax }) end elsif tax_line_item.any? tax_line_item.first.mark_for_destruction end # Postprocess everything but payments first self.line_items.each do |line_item| next if line_item.line_item_type == "payment" method = "postprocess_#{line_item.line_item_type}" if line_item.respond_to?(method) if !line_item.send(method) return false end end end # Recalculating total and total due, in case post process changed totals self.total_due = 0 = 0 self.line_items.each do |line_item| if !line_item._destroy self.total_due += line_item.price if line_item.line_item_type != "payment" += line_item.price end end end # Postprocess payment last self.line_items.payments.each do |line_item| method = "postprocess_payment" if line_item.respond_to?("postprocess_payment") if !line_item.postprocess_payment return false end end end true end def record_order_note if self.changed? && !self.was_new_record self.recorded_changes << self.formatted_changes end if self.recorded_changes.any? && !self.disable_order_notes OrderNote.create(:order_id =>, :note => self.recorded_changes.join("
"), :user_id => self.recorded_changer.to_i) end end def create_payment_shipment shipment_line_item = self.line_items.detect { |li| li.line_item_type == "shipment" } if shipment_line_item.nil? new_shipment_line_item ={ :line_item_type => "shipment" }) new_shipment_line_item.build_shipment self.line_items << new_shipment_line_item elsif shipment_line_item.shipment.nil? shipment_line_item.build_shipment else previous_method = shipment_line_item.shipment.shipping_method_id shipment_line_item.build_shipment shipment_line_item.shipment.shipping_method_id = previous_method end if !self.line_items.detect { |li| li.line_item_type == "payment" } payment_line_item ={ :line_item_type => "payment" }) payment_line_item.build_payment self.line_items << payment_line_item end end def add_line_items(cart) cart.update_quantities cart.sellables.each do |item| self.line_items <<{ :sellable_id => item[:sellable].id, :unit_price => item[:sellable].price, :price => item[:sellable].price*item[:quantity], :description => item[:sellable].description, :quantity => item[:quantity] }) end end def update_status return if self.status == "cancelled" # do nothing if self.total_due != 0.00 self.status = "unbalanced" else if self.to_be_cancelled self.status = "cancelled" elsif line_items.shipments.any? && line_items.shipments.all? { |li| li.shipment.status == "shipped" } self.status = "shipped" elsif line_items.shipments.any? && line_items.shipments.all? { |li| li.shipment.status == "processing" } self.status = "processing" else self.status = "new" end end end def set_new_record self.was_new_record = self.new_record? true end def status_enum ["new", "processing", "shipped"] end def avs_address { :address1 => self.billing_address.address1, :city =>, :state => self.billing_address.state_display, :zip =>, :country => "US" } end def admin_label "Order ##{}" end end end