ROXML is a Ruby library designed to make it easier for Ruby developers to work with XML. Using simple annotations, it enables Ruby classes to be custom-mapped to XML. ROXML takes care of the marshalling and unmarshalling of mapped attributes so that developers can focus on building first-class Ruby classes. As a result, ROXML simplifies the development of RESTful applications, Web Services, and XML-RPC.

ROXML leverages the REXML Ruby XML processor. ROXML powers the uddi4r - UDDI for Ruby project.

ROXML 1.0 Features

ROXML 1.0 provides the following capabilities:

ROXML 1.1 Features

ROXML 1.1 adds the following new capabilities:


You can download source and library releases on the RubyForge downloads page. Alternatively, you can checkout the latest source from CVS.

Quick Start Guide

This is a short usage example. See ROXML::ROXML_Class and packaged test cases for more information.

Consider an XML document representing a Library containing a number of Books. You can map this structure to Ruby classes that provide addition useful behavior. With ROXML, you can annotate the Ruby classes as follows:

class Book
include ROXML

xml_attribute :isbn, "ISBN"
xml_text :title
xml_text :description, nil, ROXML::TAG_CDATA
xml_text :author

class Library
include ROXML

xml_text :name, "NAME", ROXML::TAG_CDATA
xml_object :books, Book, ROXML::TAG_ARRAY, "books"

To create a library and put a number of books in it, we could run the following code:

  book =
book.isbn = "0201710897"
book.title = "The PickAxe"
book.description = "Best Ruby book out there!" = "David Thomas, Andrew Hunt, Dave Thomas"

lib = = "Favorite Books"
lib.books << book

To save this information to an XML file:"library.xml", "w") do |f|
lib.to_xml.write(f, 0)

This would put the following XML into library.xml:

<NAME><![CDATA[Favorite Books]]></NAME>
<book ISBN='0201710897'>
<title>The PickAxe</title>
<description><![CDATA[Best Ruby book out there!]]></description>
<author>David Thomas, Andrew Hunt, Dave Thomas</author>

To later populate the library object from the XML file:

 lib = Library.parse("library.xml"))

To do a one-to-one mapping between XML objects, such as book and publisher, you would use the xml_object annotation. For example:

<book isbn="0974514055">
<title>Programming Ruby - 2nd Edition</title>
<description>Second edition of the great book</description>
<name>Pragmatic Bookshelf</name>

Can be mapped using the following code:

class BookWithPublisher
include ROXML

xml_name :book
xml_object :publisher, Publisher

Note: In the above example, xml_name annotation tells ROXML to set the element name to "book" for mapping to XML. The default is XML element name is the class name in lowercase; "bookwithpublisher" in this case.

$Id: INDEX,v 1.6 2006/06/28 03:52:38 zakmandhro Exp $