--- # This lists all the types the converters know about along with the mime types and file extensions. # The first file extension in the list is the default one that will be used when a file of that type is created. # The mime types need to be unique. Some mime types need to be invented like for instance for PDF/A. The MimeType # class should take care of that. # Preferably the file extensions are unique too. If not, the first matching entry in the list will be used when a # reverse lookup from extension to type identifier is performed. However, file extensions will typically not be used # to determine type identifier or mime types. So you should be fairly safe when the file extensions are not unique. IMAGE: TIFF: NAME: Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) MIME: image/tiff EXTENSIONS: tif,tiff JP2: NAME: Joint Photographic Experts Group 2000 (JPEG 2000) MIME: image/jp2 EXTENSIONS: jp2 JPG: NAME: Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) MIME: image/jpeg EXTENSIONS: jpg,jpe,jpeg PNG: NAME: Portable Network Graphics (PNG) MIME: image/png EXTENSIONS: png BMP: NAME: Device Independent Bitmap (DIP/BMP) MIME: image/bmp,image/x-ms-bmp EXTENSIONS: bmp GIF: NAME: Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) MIME: image/gif EXTENSIONS: gif PBM: NAME: Portable Bitmap Format (PBM) PUID: fmt/409 MIME: image/x‑portable‑bitmap EXTENSIONS: pbm PGM: NAME: Portable GrayMap Format (PGM) PUID: fmt/406 MIME: image/x‑portable‑graymap EXTENSIONS: pgm PPM: NAME: Portable Pixel Map (PPM) PUID: fmt/408 MIME: image/x‑portable‑pixmap EXTENSIONS: ppm AUDIO: WAV: NAME: Waveform Audio File Format (WAVE) MIME: audio/x-wav EXTENSIONS: wav MP3: NAME: MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 Audio Layer III (MP3) MIME: audio/mpeg EXTENSIONS: mp3 FLAC: NAME: Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) MIME: audio/flac EXTENSIONS: flac VIDEO: MPEG: NAME: Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG-1/MPEG-2) MIME: video/mpeg EXTENSIONS: mpg mpeg mp1 mp2 mp3 m1v m1a m2a mpa mpv MPEG4: NAME: Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG-4) MIME: video/mp4 EXTENSIONS: mp4,mpeg4 MJP2: NAME: Motion JPEG 2000 (MJP2) MIME: video/mj2 EXTENSIONS: mj2, mjp2 QTFF: NAME: QuickTime File Format (QTFF) MIME: video/quicktime EXTENSIONS: mov, qt AVI: NAME: Audio Video Interleave (AVI) MIME: video/x-msvideo EXTENSIONS: avi OGGV: NAME: OGG Video (OGGV) MIME: video/ogg EXTENSIONS: ogv WMV: NAME: Windows Media Video (WMV) MIME: video/x-ms-wmv EXTENSIONS: wmv DV: NAME: Digital Video (DV) MIME: video/dv EXTENSIONS: dv FLASH: NAME: Flash video (FLV) MIME: video/x-flv EXTENSIONS: flv TEXT: TXT: NAME: Unformatted text MIME: text/plain EXTENSIONS: txt RTF: NAME: Rich Text Format (RTF) PUID: fmt/45 MIME: text/rtf application/rtf EXTENSIONS: rtf HTML: NAME: HyperText Markup Language (HTML) MIME: text/html EXTENSIONS: html, htm MSDOC: NAME: Microsoft Word Document (DOC) PUID: fmt/609 fmt/39 x-fmt/2 x-fmt/129 x-fmt/273 x-fmt/274 x-fmt/275 x-fmt/276 fmt/37 fmt/38 fmt/40 MIME: application/vnd.ms-word application/msword EXTENSIONS: doc MSDOCX: NAME: Microsoft Word OpenXML Document (DOCX) PUID: fmt/412 fido-fmt/189.word lias-fmt/189.word MIME: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document EXTENSIONS: docx PDF: NAME: Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) PUID: fmt/14 fmt/15 fmt/16 fmt/17 fmt/18 fmt/19 fmt/20 fmt/276 MIME: application/pdf EXTENSIONS: pdf PDFA: NAME: Adobe Portable Document Format for Archives (PDFA) PUID: fmt/95 fmt/354 fmt/476 fmt/477 fmt/478 fmt/479 fmt/480 fmt/481 MIME: application/pdf EXTENSIONS: pdf WORDPERFECT: NAME: WordPerfect Document (WPD) PUID: x-fmt/44 x-fmt/394 MIME: application/vnd.wordperfect EXTENSIONS: wpd XML: NAME: Extensible Markup Language (XML) MIME: text/xml PUID: fmt/101 EXTENSIONS: xml SHAREPOINT_MAP: NAME: Sharepoint mapping file # This is again an invented mime type. Its actually an XML ... MIME: text/xml/sharepoint_map PUID: fmt/101 EXTENSIONS: xml TABULAR: MSXLS: NAME: Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet (XLS) MIME: application/vnd.ms-excel,application/msexcel EXTENSIONS: xls MSXLSX: NAME: Microsoft Excel OpenXML Spreadheet (XSLX) PUID: fido-fmt/189.xl MIME: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet EXTENSIONS: xslx PRESENTATION: MSPPT: NAME: Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation (PPT) MIME: application/vnd.ms-powerpoint,application/mspowerpoint EXTENSIONS: ppt MSPPTX: NAME: Microsoft Powerpoint OpenXML Presentation (PPTX) PUID: fido-fmt/189.ppt MIME: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation EXTENSIONS: pptx ARCHIVE: EAD: NAME: Encoded Archival Description (EAD) # This is again an invented mime type. Its actually an XML ... MIME: archive/ead PUID: fmt/101 EXTENSIONS: ead,xml