# This module provides a set of Sass functions for working with Sass::Script::Value::List
module Archetype::SassExtensions::Lists
# replace an index in a list
# *Parameters*:
# - $list {List} the list to replace from
# - $value {\*} the value to replace (if nil, it's a removal)
# - $idx {Number} the index to replace
# - $separator {String} the separator to use [auto|comma|space]
# *Returns*:
# - {List} the list with replaced index
def list_replace(list, idx = false, value = nil, separator = nil)
# return early if the index is invalid (no operation)
return list if (!idx || helpers.is_null(idx) || idx.value == false)
separator ||= list.separator if list.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::List)
# cast and zero-index $idx
idx = (idx.value) - 1
# cast list to a ruby array
list = list.to_a.dup
# remove or replace the given value
if value.nil? or value == null
list[idx] = value
return Sass::Script::Value::List.new(list, separator)
Sass::Script::Functions.declare :list_replace, [:list, :idx]
Sass::Script::Functions.declare :list_replace, [:list, :idx, :value]
Sass::Script::Functions.declare :list_replace, [:list, :idx, :value, :separator]
# remove an index from a list
# *Parameters*:
# - $list {List} the list to remove from
# - $idx {Number} the index to remove
# - $separator {String} the separator to use [auto|comma|space]
# *Returns*:
# - {List} the list with removed index
def list_remove(list, idx = false, separator = nil)
return list_replace(list, idx, nil, separator)
Sass::Script::Functions.declare :list_remove, [:list, :idx]
Sass::Script::Functions.declare :list_remove, [:list, :idx, :separator]
# insert an item into a list
# *Parameters*:
# - $list {List} the list to insert into
# - $idx {Number} the index to insert at
# - $value {\*} the value to insert
# - $separator {String} the separator to use [auto|comma|space]
# *Returns*:
# - {List} the list with inserted value
def list_insert(list, idx = false, value = nil, separator = nil)
value = nil if value == Sass::Script::String.new('nil')
# return early if the index is invalid (no operation) or $value is `nil`
return list if (not idx or idx == Sass::Script::Bool.new(false)) or value.nil?
return list_replace(list, idx, value, separator, -1)
Sass::Script::Functions.declare :list_insert, [:list, :idx]
Sass::Script::Functions.declare :list_insert, [:list, :idx, :value]
Sass::Script::Functions.declare :list_insert, [:list, :idx, :value, :separator]
# add values(s) to a list
# *Parameters*:
# - $list {List} the list operate to on
# - $values {List|Number|String} the value(s) to add to the list
# *Returns*:
# - {List} the final list
def list_add(list, values)
return list_math(list, values, :plus)
Sass::Script::Functions.declare :list_add, [:list, :values]
# subtract values(s) from a list
# *Parameters*:
# - $list {List} the list operate to on
# - $values {List|Number|String} the value(s) to subtract from the list
# *Returns*:
# - {List} the final list
def list_subtract(list, values)
return list_math(list, values, :minus)
Sass::Script::Functions.declare :list_subtract, [:list, :values]
# multiply values(s) into a list
# *Parameters*:
# - $list {List} the list operate to on
# - $values {List|Number|String} the value(s) to multiply into the list
# *Returns*:
# - {List} the final list
def list_multiply(list, values)
return list_math(list, values, :times)
Sass::Script::Functions.declare :list_multiply, [:list, :values]
# divide values(s) into a list
# *Parameters*:
# - $list {List} the list operate to on
# - $values {List|Number|String} the value(s) to divide into the list
# *Returns*:
# - {List} the final list
def list_divide(list, values)
return list_math(list, values, :div)
Sass::Script::Functions.declare :list_divide, [:list, :values]
# list modulus value(s)
# *Parameters*:
# - $list {List} the list to operate on
# - $values {List|Number|String} the value(s) to modulus into the list
# *Returns*:
# - {List} the final list
def list_mod(list, values)
return list_math(list, values, :mod)
Sass::Script::Functions.declare :list_mod, [:list, :values]
# joins a list into a string with the separator given
# *Parameters*:
# - $list {List} the list operate to on
# - $separator {String} the separator to insert between each item
# *Returns*:
# - {String} string conversions of all list item joined into one string
def list_join(list, separator = ', ')
list = list.to_a
separator = (separator.respond_to?(:value) ? separator.value : separator).to_s
return identifier(list.join(separator))
Sass::Script::Functions.declare :list_join, [:list, :separator]
# find if any set of values is in a list
# this is similar to `index()`, but allows $values to contain multiple values to test against
# *Parameters*:
# - $haystack {List} input list
# - $needle {List} the value(s) to search for
# *Returns*:
# - {Number|Boolean} if an item is found, returns the index, otherwise returns false
def index2(haystack, needle)
haystack = haystack.to_a
needle = needle.to_a
index = haystack.index(haystack.detect { |i| needle.include?(i) })
if index
return number(index + 1)
return Sass::Script::Bool.new(false)
Sass::Script::Functions.declare :index2, [:haystack, :needle]
# treats a list cyclically (never out of bounds, just wraps around)
# *Parameters*:
# - $list {List} the list
# - $idx {Number} the index
# *Returns*:
# - {*} the nth item in the List
def nth_cyclic(list, n = 1)
n = 1 if helpers.is_null(n)
n = n.to_i if n.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::Number)
list = list.to_a
return list[(n - 1) % list.size]
Sass::Script::Functions.declare :nth_cyclic, [:list]
Sass::Script::Functions.declare :nth_cyclic, [:list, :n]
# find a key within a nested list of ordered pairs
# *Parameters*:
# - $list {List} the list to search in
# - $key {String} the key identifier (name)
# - $strict {Boolean} if true, does a strict match against the key
# *Returns*:
# - {*} the data associated with $key
def associative(list, key, strict = false)
separator = list.separator if list.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::List)
list = helpers.list_to_hash(list)
item = list[helpers.to_str(key, ' ' , :quotes)]
item ||= list.first[1] if not strict
return Sass::Script::Value::List.new([], separator) if item.nil?
return helpers.hash_to_list(item, 0, separator) if item.is_a?(Array) or item.is_a?(Hash)
# no conversion needed, so just return
return item
Sass::Script::Functions.declare :associative, [:list, :key]
Sass::Script::Functions.declare :associative, [:list, :key, :strict]
# extend a key-value paired list with another
# *Parameters*:
# - $list {List} the list to extend to
# - $extender {List} the list to extend with
# *Returns*:
# - $list {List} the extended list
def associative_merge(list, extender, kwargs = {})
separator = list.separator if list.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::List)
list = helpers.list_to_hash(list)
extender = helpers.list_to_hash(extender)
list = list.rmerge(extender)
return helpers.hash_to_list(list, 0, separator)
Sass::Script::Functions.declare :associative_merge, [:list, :extender]
# map collection items to conform to a well defined collection
# this is primarily used to convert shorthand notations into symmetrical longhand notations
# *Parameters*:
# - $list {List} input list
# - $components {List} list of components
# - $min {List} the minimum length of the collection
# *Returns*:
# - {List} formatted collection
def get_collection(list = bool(false), components = [], min = number(1))
list = list.value ? list.to_a : components.to_a
while(list.length < min.value)
list = list.concat(list)
return list(list, :space)
Sass::Script::Functions.declare :get_collection, [:list]
Sass::Script::Functions.declare :get_collection, [:components]
Sass::Script::Functions.declare :get_collection, [:list, :min]
Sass::Script::Functions.declare :get_collection, [:components, :min]
Sass::Script::Functions.declare :get_collection, [:list, :components, :min]
# Returns a list object from a value that was passed.
# This can be used to unpack a space separated list that got turned
# into a string by sass before it was passed to a mixin.
# this is shamelessly stolen from Compass :)
# *Parameters*:
# - $arg {*} the item to cast to a list
# *Returns*:
# - $list {List} the item as a list
def _archetype_list(arg)
# if it's already a list, just return it
return arg if arg.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::List)
# otherwise, we'll try to cast it
return list(arg, :space)
# given a string of styles, convert it into a key-value pair list
# *Parameters*:
# - $string {String} the string to convert
# *Returns*:
# - $list {List} the converted list of styles
def _style_string_to_list(string = '')
# convert to string and strip all comments
string = helpers.to_str(string, ' ').gsub(/\/\*[^\*\/]*\*\//, '')
# then split it on each rule
tmp = string.split(';')
styles = []
# and for each rule break it into it's key-value pairs
tmp.each do |rule|
kvp = []
rule.split(':').each do |str|
kvp.push identifier(str)
styles.push Sass::Script::Value::List.new(kvp, :comma)
# then recompose the list
return Sass::Script::Value::List.new(styles, :comma)
# perform math operations on a list
# *Parameters*:
# - list {Sass::Script::Value::List} the list operate to on
# - values {Sass::Script::Value::List|Sass::Script::Value::Number|Sass::Script::Value::String} the value(s) perform with
# - method {Symbol} the method to perform [:plus|:minus|:times|:div|:mod]
# *Returns*:
# - {Sass::Script::Value::List} the final list
def list_math(list, values, method = :plus)
separator = list.separator if list.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::List)
values = values.to_a
list = list.to_a
values.fill(values[0], 0..(list.size - 1)) if values.size < list.size
list = [list, values].transpose.map do |x|
return Sass::Script::Value::List.new(list, separator)