01 Main description 02 Short description/annotation Limited to a maximum of 350 characters 03 Long description 04 Table of contents Used for a table of contents sent as a single text field, which may or may not carry structure expressed through HTML etc. Alternatively, a fully structured table of contents may be sent by using the composite. 05 Review quote, restricted length A review quote that is restricted to a maximum length agreed between the sender and receiver of an ONIX file 06 Quote from review of previous edition A review quote taken from a review of a previous edition of the work 07 Review text Full text of a review of the product 08 Review quote A quote from a review of the product 09 Promotional “headline” A promotional phrase which is intended to headline a description of the product 10 Previous review quote A quote from a review of a previous work by the same author(s) or in the same series 11 Author comments May be part of Reading Group Guide material: for other commentary, see code 42 12 Description for reader 13 Biographical note A note referring to all contributors to a product – NOT linked to a single contributor 14 Description for Reading Group Guide For linking to a complete Reading Group Guide, see code 41 15 Discussion question for Reading Group Guide Each instance must carry a single question: for linking to a complete Reading Group Guide, see code 41 16 Competing titles Free text listing of other titles with which the product is in competition: although this text might not appear in “public” ONIX records, it could be required where ONIX Is used as a communication format within a group of publishing and distribution companies 17 Flap copy 18 Back cover copy 19 Feature Text describing a feature of a product to which the publisher wishes to draw attention for promotional purposes. Each separate feature should be described by a separate repeat, so that formatting can be applied at the discretion of the receiver of the ONIX record. 20 New feature As code 19, but used for a feature which is new in a new edition of the product. 21 Publisher's notice A statement included by a publisher in fulfilment of its contractual obligations, such as a disclaimer, sponsor statement, or legal notice of any sort. Note that the inclusion of such a notice cannot and does not imply that a user of the ONIX record is obliged to reproduce it. 23 Excerpt from book 24 First chapter 25 Description for sales people 26 Description for press or other media 27 Description for subsidiary rights department 28 Description for teachers/educators 30 Unpublished endorsement A quote usually provided by a celebrity to promote a new book, not from a review 31 Description for bookstore 32 Description for library 33 Introduction or preface 34 Full text 35 Promotional text Promotional text not covered elsewhere 40 Author interview / Q&A 41 Reading Group Guide Complete guide: see also codes 14 and 15 42 Commentary / discussion Other than author comments: see code 11