=== 4 / 2012-04-04 * API changes: * Growl is now a wrapper for Growl::UDP (1.2 and older) and Growl::GNTP (1.3 and newer). The main difference is that notifications need to be registered with Growl#add_notification instead of via Growl#initialize. * Ruby 1.9.2 or newer is required to use ruby-growl * Major enhancements * Added GNTP protocol support for registration and notification including application and notification icons and callbacks. * Moved UDP protocol support to Growl::UDP * Growl automatically determines if the growl server supports GNTP or UDP and uses the best protocol. === 3.0 / 2010-09-11 * Major enhancement * Dropped support for ruby 1.8.6 and older. === 2.1 / 2010-09-11 * Minor enhancement * Use String#bytesize if available. Patch by SAWADA Tadashi. === 2.0 / 2010-06-11 * Major Enhancements * 1.9-ready * Notification levels now work on x86 * Notification levels no longer work on PPC * Minor Enhancements * Added Growl.list which finds local hosts running growl using dnssd.