--- title: CreateQueueRequest --- ## PureCloud::CreateQueueRequest ## Properties |Name | Type | Description | Notes| |------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------| | **id** | **String** | The globally unique identifier for the object. | [optional] | | **name** | **String** | | [optional] | | **description** | **String** | The resource's description. | [optional] | | **version** | **Integer** | The current version of the resource. | [optional] | | **date_created** | **DateTime** | The date the resource was created. Date time is represented as an ISO-8601 string. For example: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ | [optional] | | **date_modified** | **DateTime** | The date of the last modification to the resource. Date time is represented as an ISO-8601 string. For example: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ | [optional] | | **modified_by** | **String** | The ID of the user that last modified the resource. | [optional] | | **created_by** | **String** | The ID of the user that created the resource. | [optional] | | **state** | **String** | Indicates if the resource is active, inactive, or deleted. | [optional] | | **modified_by_app** | **String** | The application that last modified the resource. | [optional] | | **created_by_app** | **String** | The application that created the resource. | [optional] | | **media_settings** | [**Hash<String, MediaSetting>**](MediaSetting.html) | The media settings for the queue. Valid Key Values: CALL, CALLBACK, CHAT, EMAIL, SOCIAL_EXPRESSION | | | **bullseye** | [**Bullseye**](Bullseye.html) | The bulls-eye settings for the queue. | [optional] | | **acw_settings** | [**AcwSettings**](AcwSettings.html) | The ACW settings for the queue. | | | **skill_evaluation_method** | **String** | The skill evaluation method to use when routing conversations. | | | **queue_flow** | [**UriReference**](UriReference.html) | The in-queue flow to use for conversations waiting in queue. | [optional] | | **whisper** | [**UriReference**](UriReference.html) | The prompt used for whisper audio on the queue, if configured. | [optional] | | **auto_answer_only** | **BOOLEAN** | Specifies whether the configured whisper audio should play for all ACD calls, or only for those which are auto-answered. | [optional] | | **calling_party_name** | **String** | The name to use for caller identification for outbound calls from this queue. | [optional] | | **calling_party_number** | **String** | The phone number to use for caller identification for outbound calls from this queue. | [optional] | | **default_scripts** | [**Hash<String, Script>**](Script.html) | The default script Ids for the communication types. | [optional] | | **outbound_email_address** | [**QueueEmailAddress**](QueueEmailAddress.html) | | [optional] | | **source_queue_id** | **String** | The id of an existing queue to copy the settings from when creating a new queue. | [optional] | | **member_count** | **Integer** | | [optional] | | **self_uri** | **String** | The URI for this object | [optional] | {: class="table table-striped"}