module Puppet::Pops module Types # Converts Puppet runtime objects to String under the control of a Format. # Use from Puppet Language is via the function `new`. # # @api private # class StringConverter # @api private class FormatError < ArgumentError def initialize(type_string, actual, expected) super "Illegal format '#{actual}' specified for value of #{type_string} type - expected one of the characters '#{expected}'" end end class Indentation attr_reader :level attr_reader :first attr_reader :is_indenting alias :first? :first alias :is_indenting? :is_indenting def initialize(level, first, is_indenting) @level = level @first = first @is_indenting = is_indenting end def subsequent first? ?, false, @is_indenting) : self end def indenting(indenting_flag), first?, indenting_flag) end def increase(indenting_flag = false) + 1, true, indenting_flag) end def breaks? is_indenting? && level > 0 && ! first? end def padding return ' ' * 2 * level end end # Format represents one format specification that is textually represented by %. # Format parses and makes the individual parts available when an instance is created. # # @api private # class Format # Boolean, alternate form (varies in meaning) attr_reader :alt alias :alt? :alt # Nil or Integer with width of field > 0 attr_reader :width # Nil or Integer precisions attr_reader :prec # One char symbol denoting the format attr_reader :format # Symbol, :space, :plus, :ignore attr_reader :plus # Boolean, left adjust in given width or not attr_reader :left # Boolean left_pad with zero instead of space attr_reader :zero_pad # Delimiters for containers, a "left" char representing the pair <[{( attr_reader :delimiters # Map of type to format for elements contained in an object this format applies to attr_accessor :container_string_formats # Separator string inserted between elements in a container attr_accessor :separator # Separator string inserted between sub elements in a container attr_accessor :separator2 attr_reader :orig_fmt FMT_PATTERN_STR = '^%([\s\[+#0{<(|-]*)([1-9][0-9]*)?(?:\.([0-9]+))?([a-zA-Z])$' FMT_PATTERN = Regexp.compile(FMT_PATTERN_STR) DELIMITERS = [ '[', '{', '(', '<', '|',] DELIMITER_MAP = { '[' => ['[', ']'], '{' => ['{', '}'], '(' => ['(', ')'], '<' => ['<', '>'], '|' => ['|', '|'], :space => ['', ''] }.freeze def initialize(fmt) @orig_fmt = fmt match = FMT_PATTERN.match(fmt) unless match raise ArgumentError, "The format '#{fmt}' is not a valid format on the form '%.'" end @format = match[4] unless @format.is_a?(String) && @format.length == 1 raise ArgumentError, "The format must be a one letter format specifier, got '#{@format}'" end @format = @format.to_sym flags = match[1].split('') || [] unless flags.uniq.size == flags.size raise ArgumentError, "The same flag can only be used once, got '#{fmt}'" end @left = flags.include?('-') @alt = flags.include?('#') @plus = (flags.include?(' ') ? :space : (flags.include?('+') ? :plus : :ignore)) @zero_pad = flags.include?('0') @delimiters = nil DELIMITERS.each do |d| next unless flags.include?(d) if !@delimiters.nil? raise ArgumentError, "Only one of the delimiters [ { ( < | can be given in the format flags, got '#{fmt}'" end @delimiters = d end @width = match[2] ? match[2].to_i : nil @prec = match[3] ? match[3].to_i : nil end # Merges one format into this and returns a new `Format`. The `other` format overrides this. # @param [Format] other # @returns [Format] a merged format # def merge(other) result = result.separator = other.separator || separator result.separator2 = other.separator2 || separator2 result.container_string_formats = Format.merge_string_formats(container_string_formats, other.container_string_formats) result end # Merges two formats where the `higher` format overrides the `lower`. Produces a new `Format` # @param [Format] lower # @param [Format] higher # @returns [Format] the merged result # def self.merge(lower, higher) unless lower && higher return lower || higher end lower.merge(higher) end # Merges a type => format association and returns a new merged and sorted association. # @param [Format] lower # @param [Format] higher # @returns [Hash] the merged type => format result # def self.merge_string_formats(lower, higher) unless lower && higher return lower || higher end # drop all formats in lower than is more generic in higher. Lower must never # override higher lower = lower.reject { |lk, _| higher.keys.any? { |hk| hk != lk && hk.assignable?(lk) }} merged = (lower.keys + higher.keys) do |k| [k, merge(lower[k], higher[k])] end sort_formats(merged) end # Sorts format based on generality of types - most specific types before general # def self.sort_formats(format_map) format_map = format_map.sort do |(a,_),(b,_)| ab = b.assignable?(a) ba = a.assignable?(b) if a == b 0 elsif ab && !ba -1 elsif !ab && ba 1 else # arbitrary order if disjunct (based on name of type) rank_a = type_rank(a) rank_b = type_rank(b) if rank_a == 0 || rank_b == 0 a.to_s <=> b.to_s else rank_a <=> rank_b end end end Hash[format_map] end # Ranks type on specificity where it matters # lower number means more specific def self.type_rank(t) case t when PStructType 1 when PHashType 2 when PTupleType 3 when PArrayType 4 when PPatternType 10 when PEnumType 11 when PStringType 12 else 0 end end # Returns an array with a delimiter pair derived from the format. # If format does not contain a delimiter specification the given default is returned # # @param [Array] the default delimiters # @returns [Array] a tuple with left, right delimiters # def delimiter_pair(default = StringConverter::DEFAULT_ARRAY_DELIMITERS) DELIMITER_MAP[ @delimiters || @plus ] || default end def to_s "%#{@flags}#{@width}.#{@prec}#{@format}" end end # @api public def self.convert(value, string_formats = :default) singleton.convert(value, string_formats) end # @return [TypeConverter] the singleton instance # # @api public def self.singleton @tconv_instance ||= new end # @api private # def initialize @@string_visitor ||=, "string", 3, 3) end DEFAULT_INDENTATION =, true, false).freeze # format used by default for values in a container # (basically strings are quoted since they may contain a ',')) # DEFAULT_CONTAINER_FORMATS = { PAnyType::DEFAULT =>'%p').freeze, # quoted string (Ruby inspect) }.freeze DEFAULT_ARRAY_FORMAT ='%a') DEFAULT_ARRAY_FORMAT.separator = ', '.freeze DEFAULT_ARRAY_FORMAT.separator2 = ', '.freeze DEFAULT_ARRAY_FORMAT.container_string_formats = DEFAULT_CONTAINER_FORMATS DEFAULT_ARRAY_FORMAT.freeze DEFAULT_HASH_FORMAT ='%h') DEFAULT_HASH_FORMAT.separator = ', '.freeze DEFAULT_HASH_FORMAT.separator2 = ' => '.freeze DEFAULT_HASH_FORMAT.container_string_formats = DEFAULT_CONTAINER_FORMATS DEFAULT_HASH_FORMAT.freeze DEFAULT_HASH_DELIMITERS = ['{', '}'].freeze DEFAULT_ARRAY_DELIMITERS = ['[', ']'].freeze DEFAULT_STRING_FORMATS = { PObjectType::DEFAULT =>'%p').freeze, # call with initialization hash PFloatType::DEFAULT =>'%f').freeze, # float PNumericType::DEFAULT =>'%d').freeze, # decimal number PArrayType::DEFAULT => DEFAULT_ARRAY_FORMAT.freeze, PHashType::DEFAULT => DEFAULT_HASH_FORMAT.freeze, PBinaryType::DEFAULT =>'%B').freeze, # strict base64 string unquoted PAnyType::DEFAULT =>'%s').freeze, # unquoted string }.freeze DEFAULT_PARAMETER_FORMAT = { PCollectionType::DEFAULT => '%#p', PObjectType::DEFAULT => '%#p', PBinaryType::DEFAULT => '%p', PStringType::DEFAULT => '%p', PRuntimeType::DEFAULT => '%p' }.freeze # Converts the given value to a String, under the direction of formatting rules per type. # # When converting to string it is possible to use a set of built in conversion rules. # # A format is specified on the form: # # ´´´ # %[Flags][Width][.Precision]Format # ´´´ # # `Width` is the number of characters into which the value should be fitted. This allocated space is # padded if value is shorter. By default it is space padded, and the flag 0 will cause padding with 0 # for numerical formats. # # `Precision` is the number of fractional digits to show for floating point, and the maximum characters # included in a string format. # # Note that all data type supports the formats `s` and `p` with the meaning "default to-string" and # "default-programmatic to-string". # # ### Integer # # | Format | Integer Formats # | ------ | --------------- # | d | Decimal, negative values produces leading '-' # | x X | Hexadecimal in lower or upper case. Uses ..f/..F for negative values unless # is also used # | o | Octal. Uses ..0 for negative values unless # is also used # | b B | Binary with prefix 'b' or 'B'. Uses ..1/..1 for negative values unless # is also used # | c | numeric value representing a Unicode value, result is a one unicode character string, quoted if alternative flag # is used # | s | same as d, or d in quotes if alternative flag # is used # | p | same as d # | eEfgGaA | converts integer to float and formats using the floating point rules # # Defaults to `d` # # ### Float # # | Format | Float formats # | ------ | ------------- # | f | floating point in non exponential notation # | e E | exponential notation with 'e' or 'E' # | g G | conditional exponential with 'e' or 'E' if exponent < -4 or >= the precision # | a A | hexadecimal exponential form, using 'x'/'X' as prefix and 'p'/'P' before exponent # | s | converted to string using format p, then applying string formatting rule, alternate form # quotes result # | p | f format with minimum significant number of fractional digits, prec has no effect # | dxXobBc | converts float to integer and formats using the integer rules # # Defaults to `p` # # ### String # # | Format | String # | ------ | ------ # | s | unquoted string, verbatim output of control chars # | p | programmatic representation - strings are quoted, interior quotes and control chars are escaped # | C | each :: name segment capitalized, quoted if alternative flag # is used # | c | capitalized string, quoted if alternative flag # is used # | d | downcased string, quoted if alternative flag # is used # | u | upcased string, quoted if alternative flag # is used # | t | trims leading and trailing whitespace from the string, quoted if alternative flag # is used # # Defaults to `s` at top level and `p` inside array or hash. # # ### Boolean # # | Format | Boolean Formats # | ---- | ------------------- # | t T | 'true'/'false' or 'True'/'False' , first char if alternate form is used (i.e. 't'/'f' or 'T'/'F'). # | y Y | 'yes'/'no', 'Yes'/'No', 'y'/'n' or 'Y'/'N' if alternative flag # is used # | dxXobB | numeric value 0/1 in accordance with the given format which must be valid integer format # | eEfgGaA | numeric value 0.0/1.0 in accordance with the given float format and flags # | s | 'true' / 'false' # | p | 'true' / 'false' # # ### Regexp # # | Format | Regexp Formats (%/) # | ---- | ------------------ # | s | / / delimiters, alternate flag replaces / delimiters with quotes # | p | / / delimiters # # ### Undef # # | Format | Undef formats # | ------ | ------------- # | s | empty string, or quoted empty string if alternative flag # is used # | p | 'undef', or quoted '"undef"' if alternative flag # is used # | n | 'nil', or 'null' if alternative flag # is used # | dxXobB | 'NaN' # | eEfgGaA | 'NaN' # | v | 'n/a' # | V | 'N/A' # | u | 'undef', or 'undefined' if alternative # flag is used # # ### Default (value) # # | Format | Default formats # | ------ | --------------- # | d D | 'default' or 'Default', alternative form # causes value to be quoted # | s | same as d # | p | same as d # # ### Binary (value) # # | Format | Default formats # | ------ | --------------- # | s | binary as unquoted characters # | p | 'Binary("")' # | b | '' - base64 string with newlines inserted # | B | '' - base64 strict string (without newlines inserted) # | u | '' - base64 urlsafe string # | t | 'Binary' - outputs the name of the type only # | T | 'BINARY' - output the name of the type in all caps only # # The alternate form flag `#` will quote the binary or base64 text output # The width and precision values are applied to the text part only in `%p` format. # # ### Array & Tuple # # | Format | Array/Tuple Formats # | ------ | ------------- # | a | formats with `[ ]` delimiters and `,`, alternate form `#` indents nested arrays/hashes # | s | same as a # | p | same as a # # See "Flags" `<[({\|` for formatting of delimiters, and "Additional parameters for containers; Array and Hash" for # more information about options. # # The alternate form flag `#` will cause indentation of nested array or hash containers. If width is also set # it is taken as the maximum allowed length of a sequence of elements (not including delimiters). If this max length # is exceeded, each element will be indented. # # ### Hash & Struct # # | Format | Hash/Struct Formats # | ------ | ------------- # | h | formats with `{ }` delimiters, `,` element separator and ` => ` inner element separator unless overridden by flags # | s | same as h # | p | same as h # | a | converts the hash to an array of [k,v] tuples and formats it using array rule(s) # # See "Flags" `<[({\|` for formatting of delimiters, and "Additional parameters for containers; Array and Hash" for # more information about options. # # The alternate form flag `#` will format each hash key/value entry indented on a separate line. # # ### Type # # | Format | Array/Tuple Formats # | ------ | ------------- # | s | The same as p, quoted if alternative flag # is used # | p | Outputs the type in string form as specified by the Puppet Language # # ### Flags # # | Flag | Effect # | ------ | ------ # | (space) | space instead of + for numeric output (- is shown), for containers skips delimiters # | # | alternate format; prefix 0x/0x, 0 (octal) and 0b/0B for binary, Floats force decimal '.'. For g/G keep trailing 0. # | + | show sign +/- depending on value's sign, changes x,X, o,b, B format to not use 2's complement form # | - | left justify the value in the given width # | 0 | pad with 0 instead of space for widths larger than value # | <[({\| | defines an enclosing pair <> [] () {} or \| \| when used with a container type # # # ### Additional parameters for containers; Array and Hash # # For containers (Array and Hash), the format is specified by a hash where the following keys can be set: # * `'format'` - the format specifier for the container itself # * `'separator'` - the separator string to use between elements, should not contain padding space at the end # * `'separator2'` - the separator string to use between association of hash entries key/value # * `'string_formats'´ - a map of type to format for elements contained in the container # # Note that the top level format applies to Array and Hash objects contained/nested in an Array or a Hash. # # Given format mappings are merged with (default) formats and a format specified for a narrower type # wins over a broader. # # @param mode [String, Symbol] :strict or :extended (or :default which is the same as :strict) # @param string_formats [String, Hash] format tring, or a hash mapping type to a format string, and for Array and Hash types map to hash of details # def convert(value, string_formats = :default) options = DEFAULT_STRING_FORMATS value_type = TypeCalculator.infer_set(value) if string_formats.is_a?(String) # For Array and Hash, the format is given as a Hash where 'format' key is the format for the collection itself if Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType::DEFAULT.assignable?(value_type) # add the format given for the exact type string_formats = { Puppet::Pops::Types::PArrayType::DEFAULT => {'format' => string_formats }} elsif Puppet::Pops::Types::PHashType::DEFAULT.assignable?(value_type) # add the format given for the exact type string_formats = { Puppet::Pops::Types::PHashType::DEFAULT => {'format' => string_formats }} else # add the format given for the exact type string_formats = { value_type => string_formats } end end case string_formats when :default # do nothing, use default formats when Hash # Convert and validate user input string_formats = validate_input(string_formats) # Merge user given with defaults such that user options wins, merge is deep and format specific options = Format.merge_string_formats(DEFAULT_STRING_FORMATS, string_formats) else raise ArgumentError, "string conversion expects a Default value or a Hash of type to format mappings, got a '#{string_formats.class}'" end _convert(value_type, value, options, DEFAULT_INDENTATION) end # # A method only used for manual debugging as the default output of the formatting rules is # # very hard to read otherwise. # # # # @api private # def dump_string_formats(f, indent = 1) # return f.to_s unless f.is_a?(Hash) # "{#{ {|k,v| "#{k.to_s} => #{dump_string_formats(v,indent+1)}"}.join(",\n#{' '*indent} ")}}" # end def _convert(val_type, value, format_map, indentation) @@string_visitor.visit_this_3(self, val_type, value, format_map, indentation) end private :_convert def validate_input(fmt) return nil if fmt.nil? unless fmt.is_a?(Hash) raise ArgumentError, "expected a hash with type to format mappings, got instance of '#{fmt.class}'" end fmt.reduce({}) do | result, entry| key, value = entry unless key.is_a?(Types::PAnyType) raise ArgumentError, "top level keys in the format hash must be data types, got instance of '#{key.class}'" end if value.is_a?(Hash) result[key] = validate_container_input(value) else result[key] = end result end end private :validate_input FMT_KEYS = %w{separator separator2 format string_formats}.freeze def validate_container_input(fmt) if (fmt.keys - FMT_KEYS).size > 0 raise ArgumentError, "only #{ {|k| "'#{k}'"}.join(', ')} are allowed in a container format, got #{fmt}" end result =['format']) result.separator = fmt['separator'] result.separator2 = fmt['separator2'] result.container_string_formats = validate_input(fmt['string_formats']) result end private :validate_container_input def string_PObjectType(val_type, val, format_map, indentation) f = get_format(val_type, format_map) case f.format when :p fmt = TypeFormatter.singleton indentation = indentation.indenting(f.alt? || indentation.is_indenting?) fmt = fmt.indented(indentation.level, 2) if indentation.is_indenting? fmt.string(val) when :s val.to_s when :q val.inspect else raise'Object', f.format, 'spq') end end def string_PObjectTypeExtension(val_type, val, format_map, indentation) string_PObjectType(val_type.base_type, val, format_map, indentation) end def string_PRuntimeType(val_type, val, format_map, indent) # Before giving up on this, and use a string representation of the unknown # object, a check is made to see if the object can present itself as # a hash or an array. If it can, then that representation is used instead. if val.is_a?(Hash) hash = val.to_hash # Ensure that the returned value isn't derived from Hash return string_PHashType(val_type, hash, format_map, indent) if hash.instance_of?(Hash) elsif val.is_a?(Array) array = val.to_a # Ensure that the returned value isn't derived from Array return string_PArrayType(val_type, array, format_map, indent) if array.instance_of?(Array) end f = get_format(val_type, format_map) case f.format when :s val.to_s when :p puppet_quote(val.to_s) when :q val.inspect else raise'Runtime', f.format, 'spq') end end # Basically string_PAnyType converts the value to a String and then formats it according # to the resulting type # # @api private def string_PAnyType(val_type, val, format_map, _) f = get_format(val_type, format_map) Kernel.format(f.orig_fmt, val) end def string_PDefaultType(val_type, val, format_map, _) f = get_format(val_type, format_map) apply_string_flags(f, case f.format when :d, :s, :p f.alt? ? '"default"' : 'default' when :D f.alt? ? '"Default"' : 'Default' else raise'Default', f.format, 'dDsp') end) end # @api private def string_PUndefType(val_type, val, format_map, _) f = get_format(val_type, format_map) apply_string_flags(f, case f.format when :n f.alt? ? 'null' : 'nil' when :u f.alt? ? 'undefined' : 'undef' when :d, :x, :X, :o, :b, :B, :e, :E, :f, :g, :G, :a, :A 'NaN' when :v 'n/a' when :V 'N/A' when :s f.alt? ? '""' : '' when :p f.alt? ? '"undef"' : 'undef' else raise'Undef', f.format, 'nudxXobBeEfgGaAvVsp') end) end # @api private def string_PBooleanType(val_type, val, format_map, indentation) f = get_format(val_type, format_map) case f.format when :t # 'true'/'false' or 't'/'f' if in alt mode str_bool = val.to_s apply_string_flags(f, f.alt? ? str_bool[0] : str_bool) when :T # 'True'/'False' or 'T'/'F' if in alt mode str_bool = val.to_s.capitalize apply_string_flags(f, f.alt? ? str_bool[0] : str_bool) when :y # 'yes'/'no' or 'y'/'n' if in alt mode str_bool = val ? 'yes' : 'no' apply_string_flags(f, f.alt? ? str_bool[0] : str_bool) when :Y # 'Yes'/'No' or 'Y'/'N' if in alt mode str_bool = val ? 'Yes' : 'No' apply_string_flags(f, f.alt? ? str_bool[0] : str_bool) when :d, :x, :X, :o, :b, :B # Boolean in numeric form, formated by integer rule numeric_bool = val ? 1 : 0 string_formats = { Puppet::Pops::Types::PIntegerType::DEFAULT => f} _convert(TypeCalculator.infer_set(numeric_bool), numeric_bool, string_formats, indentation) when :e, :E, :f, :g, :G, :a, :A # Boolean in numeric form, formated by float rule numeric_bool = val ? 1.0 : 0.0 string_formats = { Puppet::Pops::Types::PFloatType::DEFAULT => f} _convert(TypeCalculator.infer_set(numeric_bool), numeric_bool, string_formats, indentation) when :s apply_string_flags(f, val.to_s) when :p apply_string_flags(f, val.inspect) else raise'Boolean', f.format, 'tTyYdxXobBeEfgGaAsp') end end # Performs post-processing of literals to apply width and precision flags def apply_string_flags(f, literal_str) if f.left || f.width || f.prec fmt = '%' fmt << '-' if f.left fmt << f.width.to_s if f.width fmt << '.' << f.prec.to_s if f.prec fmt << 's' Kernel.format(fmt, literal_str) else literal_str end end private :apply_string_flags # @api private def string_PIntegerType(val_type, val, format_map, _) f = get_format(val_type, format_map) case f.format when :d, :x, :X, :o, :b, :B, :p Kernel.format(f.orig_fmt, val) when :e, :E, :f, :g, :G, :a, :A Kernel.format(f.orig_fmt, val.to_f) when :c char = [val].pack("U") char = f.alt? ? "\"#{char}\"" : char Kernel.format('c','s'), char) when :s fmt = f.alt? ? 'p' : 's' int_str = Kernel.format('%d', val) Kernel.format(f.orig_fmt.gsub('s', fmt), int_str) else raise'Integer', f.format, 'dxXobBeEfgGaAspc') end end # @api private def string_PFloatType(val_type, val, format_map, _) f = get_format(val_type, format_map) case f.format when :d, :x, :X, :o, :b, :B Kernel.format(f.orig_fmt, val.to_i) when :e, :E, :f, :g, :G, :a, :A, :p Kernel.format(f.orig_fmt, val) when :s float_str = f.alt? ? "\"#{Kernel.format('%p', val)}\"" : Kernel.format('%p', val) Kernel.format(f.orig_fmt, float_str) else raise'Float', f.format, 'dxXobBeEfgGaAsp') end end # @api private def string_PBinaryType(val_type, val, format_map, _) f = get_format(val_type, format_map) substitute = f.alt? ? 'p' : 's' case f.format when :s val_to_convert = val.binary_buffer if !f.alt? # Assume it is valid UTF-8 val_to_convert = val_to_convert.dup.force_encoding('UTF-8') # If it isn't unless val_to_convert.valid_encoding? # try to convert and fail with details about what is wrong val_to_convert = val.binary_buffer.encode('UTF-8') end else val_to_convert = val.binary_buffer end Kernel.format(f.orig_fmt.gsub('s', substitute), val_to_convert) when :p # width & precision applied to string, not the the name of the type "Binary(\"#{Kernel.format('p', 's'), val.to_s)}\")" when :b Kernel.format(f.orig_fmt.gsub('b', substitute), val.relaxed_to_s) when :B Kernel.format(f.orig_fmt.gsub('B', substitute), val.to_s) when :u Kernel.format(f.orig_fmt.gsub('u', substitute), val.urlsafe_to_s) when :t # Output as the type without any data Kernel.format(f.orig_fmt.gsub('t', substitute), 'Binary') when :T # Output as the type without any data in all caps Kernel.format(f.orig_fmt.gsub('T', substitute), 'BINARY') else raise'Binary', f.format, 'bButTsp') end end # @api private def string_PStringType(val_type, val, format_map, _) f = get_format(val_type, format_map) case f.format when :s Kernel.format(f.orig_fmt, val) when :p apply_string_flags(f, puppet_quote(val, f.alt?)) when :c c_val = val.capitalize f.alt? ? apply_string_flags(f, puppet_quote(c_val)) : Kernel.format('c', 's'), c_val) when :C c_val = val.split('::').map {|s| s.capitalize }.join('::') f.alt? ? apply_string_flags(f, puppet_quote(c_val)) : Kernel.format('C', 's'), c_val) when :u c_val = val.upcase f.alt? ? apply_string_flags(f, puppet_quote(c_val)) : Kernel.format('u', 's'), c_val) when :d c_val = val.downcase f.alt? ? apply_string_flags(f, puppet_quote(c_val)) : Kernel.format('d', 's'), c_val) when :t # trim c_val = val.strip f.alt? ? apply_string_flags(f, puppet_quote(c_val)) : Kernel.format('t', 's'), c_val) else raise'String', f.format, 'cCudspt') end end # Performs a '%p' formatting of the given _str_ such that the output conforms to Puppet syntax. An ascii string # without control characters, dollar, single-qoute, or backslash, will be quoted using single quotes. All other # strings will be quoted using double quotes. # # @param [String] str the string that should be formatted # @param [Boolean] enforce_double_quotes if true the result will be double quoted (even if single quotes would be possible) # @return [String] the formatted string # # @api public def puppet_quote(str, enforce_double_quotes = false) if enforce_double_quotes return puppet_double_quote(str) end # Assume that the string can be single quoted bld = '\'' bld.force_encoding(str.encoding) escaped = false str.each_codepoint do |codepoint| # Control characters and non-ascii characters cannot be present in a single quoted string return puppet_double_quote(str) if codepoint < 0x20 if escaped bld << 0x5c << codepoint escaped = false else if codepoint == 0x27 bld << 0x5c << codepoint elsif codepoint == 0x5c escaped = true elsif codepoint <= 0x7f bld << codepoint else bld << [codepoint].pack('U') end end end # If string ended with a backslash, then that backslash must be escaped bld << 0x5c if escaped bld << '\'' bld end def puppet_double_quote(str) bld = '"' str.each_codepoint do |codepoint| case codepoint when 0x09 bld << '\\t' when 0x0a bld << '\\n' when 0x0d bld << '\\r' when 0x22 bld << '\\"' when 0x24 bld << '\\$' when 0x5c bld << '\\\\' else if codepoint < 0x20 bld << sprintf('\\u{%X}', codepoint) elsif codepoint <= 0x7f bld << codepoint else bld << [codepoint].pack('U') end end end bld << '"' bld end # @api private def string_PRegexpType(val_type, val, format_map, _) f = get_format(val_type, format_map) case f.format when :p str_regexp = PRegexpType.regexp_to_s_with_delimiters(val) f.orig_fmt == '%p' ? str_regexp : Kernel.format('p', 's'), str_regexp) when :s str_regexp = PRegexpType.regexp_to_s(val) str_regexp = puppet_quote(str_regexp) if f.alt? f.orig_fmt == '%s' ? str_regexp : Kernel.format(f.orig_fmt, str_regexp) else raise'Regexp', f.format, 'sp') end end def string_PArrayType(val_type, val, format_map, indentation) format = get_format(val_type, format_map) sep = format.separator || DEFAULT_ARRAY_FORMAT.separator string_formats = format.container_string_formats || DEFAULT_CONTAINER_FORMATS delims = format.delimiter_pair(DEFAULT_ARRAY_DELIMITERS) # Make indentation active, if array is in alternative format, or if nested in indenting indentation = indentation.indenting(format.alt? || indentation.is_indenting?) case format.format when :a, :s, :p buf = '' if indentation.breaks? buf << "\n" buf << indentation.padding end buf << delims[0] # Make a first pass to format each element children_indentation = indentation.increase(format.alt?) # tell children they are expected to indent mapped = do |v| if children_indentation.first? children_indentation = children_indentation.subsequent end val_t = TypeCalculator.infer_set(v) _convert(val_t, v, is_container?(val_t) ? format_map : string_formats, children_indentation) end # compute widest run in the array, skip nested arrays and hashes # then if size > width, set flag if a break on each element should be performed if format.alt? && format.width widest = val.each_with_index.reduce([0]) do | memo, v_i | # array or hash breaks if is_a_or_h?(v_i[0]) memo << 0 else memo[-1] += mapped[v_i[1]].length end memo end widest = widest.max sz_break = widest > (format.width || Float::INFINITY) else sz_break = false end # output each element with breaks and padding children_indentation = indentation.increase(format.alt?) val.each_with_index do |v, i| str_val = mapped[i] if children_indentation.first? children_indentation = children_indentation.subsequent # if breaking, indent first element by one if sz_break && !is_a_or_h?(v) buf << ' ' end else buf << sep # if break on each (and breaking will not occur because next is an array or hash) # or, if indenting, and previous was an array or hash, then break and continue on next line # indented. if (sz_break && !is_a_or_h?(v)) || (format.alt? && i > 0 && is_a_or_h?(val[i-1]) && !is_a_or_h?(v)) buf.rstrip! unless buf[-1] == "\n" buf << "\n" buf << children_indentation.padding end end # remove trailing space added by separator if followed by break buf.rstrip! if buf[-1] == ' ' && str_val[0] == "\n" buf << str_val end buf << delims[1] buf else raise'Array', format.format, 'asp') end end def is_a_or_h?(x) x.is_a?(Array) || x.is_a?(Hash) end def is_container?(t) case t when PArrayType, PHashType, PStructType, PTupleType, PObjectType true else false end end # @api private def string_PTupleType(val_type, val, format_map, indentation) string_PArrayType(val_type, val, format_map, indentation) end # @api private def string_PIteratorType(val_type, val, format_map, indentation) v = val.to_a _convert(TypeCalculator.infer_set(v), v, format_map, indentation) end # @api private def string_PHashType(val_type, val, format_map, indentation) format = get_format(val_type, format_map) sep = format.separator || DEFAULT_HASH_FORMAT.separator assoc = format.separator2 || DEFAULT_HASH_FORMAT.separator2 string_formats = format.container_string_formats || DEFAULT_CONTAINER_FORMATS delims = format.delimiter_pair(DEFAULT_HASH_DELIMITERS) if format.alt? sep = sep.rstrip unless sep[-1] == "\n" sep = "#{sep}\n" end cond_break = '' padding = '' case format.format when :a # Convert to array and use array rules array_hash = val.to_a _convert(TypeCalculator.infer_set(array_hash), array_hash, format_map, indentation) when :h, :s, :p indentation = indentation.indenting(format.alt? || indentation.is_indenting?) buf = '' if indentation.breaks? buf << "\n" buf << indentation.padding end children_indentation = indentation.increase if format.alt? cond_break = "\n" padding = children_indentation.padding end buf << delims[0] buf << cond_break # break after opening delimiter if pretty printing buf << do |k,v| key_type = TypeCalculator.infer_set(k) val_type = TypeCalculator.infer_set(v) key = _convert(key_type, k, is_container?(key_type) ? format_map : string_formats, children_indentation) val = _convert(val_type, v, is_container?(val_type) ? format_map : string_formats, children_indentation) "#{padding}#{key}#{assoc}#{val}" end.join(sep) if format.alt? buf << cond_break buf << indentation.padding end buf << delims[1] buf else raise'Hash', format.format, 'hasp') end end # @api private def string_PStructType(val_type, val, format_map, indentation) string_PHashType(val_type, val, format_map, indentation) end # @api private def string_PTypeType(val_type, val, format_map, _) f = get_format(val_type, format_map) case f.format when :s str_val = f.alt? ? "\"#{val}\"" : val.to_s Kernel.format(f.orig_fmt, str_val) when :p Kernel.format('p', 's'), val.to_s) else raise'Type', f.format, 'sp') end end # @api private def string_PURIType(val_type, val, format_map, indentation) f = get_format(val_type, format_map) case f.format when :p fmt = TypeFormatter.singleton indentation = indentation.indenting(f.alt? || indentation.is_indenting?) fmt = fmt.indented(indentation.level, 2) if indentation.is_indenting? fmt.string(val) when :s str_val = val.to_s Kernel.format(f.orig_fmt, f.alt? ? puppet_quote(str_val) : str_val) else raise'URI', f.format, 'sp') end end # Maps the inferred type of o to a formatting rule def get_format(val_t, format_options) fmt = format_options.find {|k,_| k.assignable?(val_t) } return fmt[1] unless fmt.nil? return"%s") end private :get_format end end end