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Eruption"�0i�[U:FXSection[[U:FXRoom["Small Cave"�"�[
Fi�i[@-U;["Secluded Beach"�"�[
U;	[
Fi�i�[U;["Rocky Promontory"�"�[
U;	[
Fii�[@?U;["Inside the Shack"bottle
0000@E000Fii"�Once, this shack was used as a general storehouse for the island's produce. The last couple of years, however, it's been allowed to decay, and recently it has only been used to store odds and ends which nobody wants anymore.0F[ii	000@<0U;	[
Fi�i�[U;["Breadfruit Grove"/one ripe fruit still hanging on the trees
00@PU;	[
Fi�i�[@S@6[i�i�U;	[
Fi�i�[@SU;["Crater Rim"�"�[
@]0U;	[
Fi�i�[@`U;["In the Crater"
000000@f0Fii"hWalking down into the crater, you realise that the prediction is right: the volcano looks like it's going to blow. As if to emphasize this point, there is a constant grumbling underfoot, and smoke escapes from several cracks in the floor. If you want to escape, you can climb back up to the rim. Various kinds and sizes of rocks are scattered about the crater.0F[ii0U;	[
Fi�i�[U;["Village"�"�[
@q0U;	[
Fi�i�[@t@6[i�i�000U;	[
Fi�i�[@tU;["Harbour"cloth
U;	[
Fi�i�[@|@S[i�i�0U;	[
Fi�i�[@|@`[i�i�0@~0U;	[
Fi�i�[@|U;["On the Pier"�"�[
00@�000U;	[
Fi�i�[@�U;["At the Pier"�"�[
00U;	[
Fi�i�[@�@|[i�i�0@�0U;	[
00@�00000Fii"�0T[i�i�0Fii"�From your position behind the mast you have a good overview of the lagoon - the shallows, the gullies, the treacherous peaks of coral, and the only navigable bit in the reef, directly to the west.0F[ii�0Fii"EYou're standing on the end of the pier, which stretches into the lagoon. Out here, you can feel the spray being blown, warm but refreshing, into your face; between the waves, which break as they are whipped against the reef, you can just about spot the safe channel through the treacherous coral cliffs, directly to the west.0F[i�i�@�Fi	i"�Normally, the harbour is the busiest place on the island. People should be coming along the Island Path, from the breadfruit grove to the north and the village to the south, to carry their products to the boats, and fishermen should be bringing baskets of fish from the pier, which stretches west into the lagoon. Today, though, it is just as empty, and just as spooky, as the village. You're really beginning to worry now - surely there should be some sign of life from your friends and companions? Only a couple of empty crates, standing at the foot of the stairs going up to the volcano to the east, now remain of all the bustle. A bundle of sailcloth is leaning against the crates.0F[i�i�0Fi
" Here, where a path up the volcano splits off northwards from the Island Path which runs east-west, lies the main village of the island. Yesterday, this was a merry place, with benches in front of the houses, colourful curtains fluttering in the sea breeze, and children playing on the paths. But right now, it presents a completely different face, and it isn't one you like. The place is bare, totally bare. There's nobody in the streets or even indoors, but what's even more spooky is that even the houses themselves have been stripped empty. Furniture, decorations, everything has been removed. All that's left is the bare walls of the houses themselves. The only thing that shows that this used to be a lively village up until yesterday is the rubbish heap that's been left behind beside the path.0F@`[i�i�0@�0Fi
i",You're standing on the rim of the volcano. Up this high, you have a glorious view of the island, but especially of the sea surrounding it. From here you can climb down into the crater. If you'd rather keep well away, there are staircases cut from the rock, descending in all four cardinal directions.0F[i�i�0@�0Fi
i"�Here, on the northern shore, stands the grove of breadfruit trees which provide the island's main source of food. At this point the Island Path, running around the foot of the volcano from the west over the promontory to the southeast, crosses a small stream which runs from the slopes of the mountain to the south down into the sea; next to it, a staircase hacked into the rock ascends to the top. An uneven path runs up the cape to the east."�F@?[i�i�0Fii"At this corner of the island, the volcano reaches into the sea and forms a rugged promontory, beaten by the waves. On the cape, half rusted through from the ocean spray, stands a sheet-iron shack. From its door, paths lead west into the breadfruit grove and south to the beach.0F@6[i�i�0U;	[
Fi�i[@60[i�i�0@z@30@YFii"�This beach lies between two large outcrops of rock - foothills of the volcano to the west - and the sea to the east. In the rock to the southwest is your cave; the north-western ridge stretches all the way to your north, where a shack stands on a promontory. The Island Path runs from the south, around the foothills, to the northwest across a cut in the rock. There is also a path north up the cape, and a staircase ascending the volcano.0F[i�i�000000Fii	"�This is the cave you woke up in this morning. Nothing much is here - in fact, there is nothing at all in here except you. The only feature of note is the cave mouth, to the northeast.0F@6@t@|@`@�@�@S@?@i@H@�[@3@�@z@~@q@�@�@�@�@�@Y@P@]@<@�@f@E"�ii