Coordinate Systems used by the H3 Core Library --- IJK Coordinates --- Discrete hexagon planar grid systems naturally have 3 coordinate axes spaced 120° apart. We refer to such a system as an *ijk coordinate system*, for the three coordinate axes *i*, *j*, and *k*. A single *ijk* coordinate triplet is represented in the **H3 Core Library** using the structure type `CoordIJK`. Using an *ijk* coordinate system to address hexagon grid cells provides multiple valid addresses for each cell. *Normalizing* an *ijk* address (function `_ijkNormalize`) creates a unique address consisting of the minimal positive *ijk* components; this always results in at most two non-zero components. <div align="center"> <img height="300" src="images/ijkp.png" /> </div> FaceIJK Coordinates --- The **H3 Core Library** centers an *ijk* coordinate system on each face of the icosahedron; the combination of a face number and *ijk* coordinates on that face's coordinate system is represented using the structure type `FaceIJK`. Each grid resolution is rotated ~19.1° relative to the next coarser resolution. The rotation alternates between counterclockwise and clockwise at each successive resolution, so that each resolution will have one of two possible orientations: *Class II* or *Class III* (using a terminology coined by R. Buckminster Fuller). The base cells, which make up resolution 0, are *Class II*. <div align="center"> <img height="300" src="images/classII.III.png" /> </div> Hex2d Coordinates --- A *Hex2d* coordinate system is a cartesian coordinate system associated with a specific *ijk* coordinate system, where: * the origin of the *Hex2d* system is centered on the origin cell of the *ijk* system, * the positive *x*-axis of the *Hex2d* system is aligned with the *i*-axis of the *ijk* system, and * 1.0 unit distance in the *Hex2d* system is the distance between adjacent cell centers in the *ijk* coordinate system. *Hex2d* coordinates are represented using the structure type `Vec2d`. Local IJ Coordinates --- Algorithms working with hexagons may want to refer to grid coordinates that are not interrupted by base cells or faces. These coordinates have 2 coordinate axes spaced 120° apart, with the coordinates anchored by an *origin* H3 index. * local coordinates are only comparable when they have the same *origin* index. * local coordinates are only valid near the *origin*. Pratically, this is within the same base cell or a neighboring base cell, except for pentagons. * the coordinate space may have deleted or warped regions due to pentagon distortion. * there may be multiple coordinates for the same index, with the same *origin*. * the *origin* may not be at `(0, 0)` in the local coordinate space. *Local IJ* coordinates are represented using the structure type `CoordIJ` and an associated *origin* `H3Index`.