module SimpleProfiler module Reporters class Summary attr_reader :events def initialize @events = [] end def notify(event) @events << event end def ranking(options={}) order = options.fetch(:sort_by, :total_time) # TODO: find why some events are nil, the current thought is that when the program is concurrent, the events notify may have some problems events_by_method = events.compact.group_by {|e| {klass: e.klass.to_s, method: e.method, target:}} ranking = do |key, values| key.merge statistics_for(values) end ranking.sort_by {|e| e[order]}.reverse end private def statistics_for(events) count = 0 total_time = 0 total_memory = 0 events.each do |e| count += 1 total_time += e.total_time total_memory += e.used_memory end avg_time = count == 0 ? 0 : total_time / count.to_f avg_memory = count == 0 ? 0 : total_memory / count.to_f { hits: count, total_time: total_time, avg_time: avg_time, variance_time: variance_for(, avg_time), total_memory: total_memory, avg_memory: avg_memory, variance_memory: variance_for(, avg_memory) } end def variance_for(array, mean) if array.count > 1 cuadratic_error = array.inject(0) do |acum, value| acum + (value - mean)**2 end cuadratic_error / (array.count - 1) else 0 end end end end end