# ********************************************************************* # * Copyright (c) 2008-2015, Natural Resources Canada # * All rights reserved. # * # * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # * # * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # * Lesser General Public License for more details. # * # * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # **********************************************************************/ require 'openstudio/energyplus/find_energyplus' require 'fileutils' require 'singleton' require 'find' require 'date' require_relative 'fileio' require_relative 'geometry' require_relative 'compliance' require_relative 'analysis' require_relative 'simmanager' require_relative 'environment' require_relative 'mpc' require_relative 'envelope' require_relative 'spaceloads' require_relative 'spacetypes' require_relative 'schedules' require_relative 'hvac' require_relative 'economics' require_relative 'measures' require_relative 'utilities' require_relative 'os_lib_schedules' require_relative 'reporting' require_relative 'equest' class String #This method converts to Boolean. #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca def to_bool return true if self == true || self =~ (/^(true|t|yes|y|1)$/i) return false if self == false || self =~ (/^(false|f|no|n|0)$/i) raise ArgumentError.new("invalid value for Boolean: \"#{self}\"") end end class Fixnum #This method converts to Boolean. #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca def to_bool return true if self == 1 return false if self == 0 raise ArgumentError.new("invalid value for Boolean: \"#{self}\"") end end class TrueClass #This method converts to i. #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca def to_i; 1; end #This method converts to Boolean. #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca def to_bool; self; end end class FalseClass #This method converts to i. #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca def to_i; 0; end #This method converts to Boolean. #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca def to_bool; self; end end class NilClass #This method converts to Boolean. #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca def to_bool; false; end end # A set of methods developed by NRCan to simplify building model creation and # analysis. These methods are meant to compliment the OpenStudio classes and methods # For full access to the OpenStudio API please refer to the OpenStudio Website. # http://openstudio.nrel.gov/latest-c-sdk-documentation/model module BTAP #EnergyPlus version ENERGY_PLUS_MAJOR_VERSION = 8 ENERGY_PLUS_MINOR_VERSION = 3 #Path constants OS_RUBY_PATH = File.expand_path("..\\..\\..", __FILE__) TESTING_FOLDER = "C:\\test" # A wrapper for outputing feedback to users and developers. # BTAP::runner_register("InitialCondition", "Your Information Message Here", runner) # BTAP::runner_register("Info", "Your Information Message Here", runner) # BTAP::runner_register("Warning", "Your Information Message Here", runner) # BTAP::runner_register("Error", "Your Information Message Here", runner) # BTAP::runner_register("Debug", "Your Information Message Here", runner) # BTAP::runner_register("FinalCondition", "Your Information Message Here", runner) # @params type [String] # @params runner [OpenStudio::Ruleset::OSRunner] # or a nil. def self.runner_register(type,text,runner = nil) #dump to console. puts "#{type.upcase}: #{text}" #dump to runner. if runner.is_a?(OpenStudio::Ruleset::OSRunner) case type.downcase when "info" runner.registerInfo(text) when "warning" runner.registerWarning(text) when "error" runner.registerError(text) when "notapplicable" runner.registerAsNotApplicable(text) when "finalcondition" runner.registerFinalCondition(text) when "initialcondition" runner.registerInitialCondition(text) when "debug" when "macro" else raise("Runner Register type #{type.downcase} not info,warning,error,notapplicable,finalcondition,initialcondition,macro.") end end end def self.runner_register_value(name,value,runner = nil) if runner.is_a?(OpenStudio::Ruleset::OSRunner) runner.registerValue( name,value.to_s) BTAP::runner_register("Info", "#{name} = #{value} has been registered in the runner", runner) end end def self.gut_building(model) #clean up any remaining items that we don't need for NECB. puts "Removing casual loads." BTAP::Resources::SpaceLoads::remove_all_casual_loads(model) puts "Removing space loads." BTAP::Resources::SpaceLoads::remove_all_SpaceLoads(model) puts "Removing OA loads." BTAP::Resources::SpaceLoads::remove_all_DesignSpecificationOutdoorAir(model) puts "Removing Envelope" BTAP::Resources::Envelope::remove_all_envelope_information(model) puts "Removing Infiltration" BTAP::Resources::SpaceLoads::remove_all_SpaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRate(model) puts "Removing all Schedules" BTAP::Resources::Schedules::remove_all_schedules( model ) puts "Removing HVAC" BTAP::Resources::HVAC.clear_all_hvac_from_model( model ) end class OpenStudioLibrary include Singleton attr_accessor :library #This method initializes the library. #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca def initialize() #path to openstudio library @lib_path = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\OpenStudio 1.2.0\\share\\openstudio\\OSApp\\hvaclibrary\\hvac_library.osm" @library = BTAP::FileIO::load_osm(@lib_path, "OpenStudio_Library") end end module SimulationSettings #This sets the simulation period for the model. All arguments are integers. #@author Phylroy A. Lopez #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object {http://openstudio.nrel.gov/latest-c-sdk-documentation/model} #@param start_month [Integer] a list of output variables that you wish to report from the simulation. #@param start_day [Integer] a list of output variables that you wish to report from the simulation. #@param end_month [Integer] a list of output variables that you wish to report from the simulation. #@param end_day [Integer] a list of output variables that you wish to report from the simulation. #@param repeat [Integer = 1] Number of times the simulation period is run. 1 is default. #@return [OpenStudio::Model::Model] the OpenStudio model object (self reference). def self.set_run_period(model,start_month,start_day,end_month,end_day, repeat = 1) raise("Run Period is invalid") unless Date.valid_civil?(2001, start_month , start_day) and Date.valid_civil?(2001, end_month , end_day) and repeat > 0 run_period = model.getRunPeriod run_period.setBeginMonth(start_month) run_period.setBeginDayOfMonth(start_day) run_period.setEndMonth(end_month) run_period.setEndDayOfMonth(end_day) run_period.setNumTimePeriodRepeats(repeat) return model end end module Reports #This method clears all the output variables to make simulations run faster or to #start fresh. #@author Phylroy A. Lopez #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object {http://openstudio.nrel.gov/latest-c-sdk-documentation/model} #@return [OpenStudio::Model::Model] the OpenStudio model object (self reference). def self.clear_output_variables(model) #remove existing outputs model.getOutputVariables.each do |object| object.remove end return model end #This turns all output on. Warning: Long runtimes will result. #@author Phylroy A. Lopez #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object #@param frequency [Fixnum] #@return [OpenStudio::Model::Model] a copy of the OpenStudio model object (self reference). def self.all_output_variables(model,frequency) BTAP::Reports::set_output_variables(model, frequency, BTAP::Reports::get_possible_output_variables(model)) return model end #This method returns a vector of the results that are available in the current #model. #@author Phylroy A. Lopez #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object #@return [Array] a list of all the possible output variables. def self.get_possible_output_variables( model ) #Run simulation copy = BTAP::FileIO::deep_copy(model) copy.building.get.setName("rdd_run") BTAP::SimulationSettings::set_run_period(copy, 1, 1, 1, 1) BTAP::SimManager::run_simulation(copy,"C:\\temp\\rdd_maker") rdd_file_path = "" Find.find("C:\\temp\\rdd_maker") do |path| rdd_file_path = path if path =~ /.*\.rdd$/ end contents = File.read(rdd_file_path) output_variables = Array.new() contents.each do |line| match = line.match /^\s*Output:Variable,\*,(.*),(.*);(.*)/ if match output_variables.push(match[1]) end end return output_variables end #This method sets up some predetermined output variables. May take a while to run with these settings. #@author Phylroy A. Lopez #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object #@param frequency [Fixnum] #@param output_variable_array [Array] a list of output variables that you wish to report from the simulation. #@return [OpenStudio::Model::Model] the OpenStudio model object (self reference). def self.set_output_variables(model,frequency, output_variable_array) raise("Frequency is not valid. Must by \"Hourly\" or \"Timestep\" but got #{frequency}.") unless ["Hourly","Timestep"].include?(frequency) output_variable_array.each do |variable| output = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new(variable,model) output.setKeyValue("*") output.setReportingFrequency(frequency) end return model end end module Site #This method sets the weather file for the model. #It takes a simple string, remember to escape the slashes..(i.e. // not / ) #@author Phylroy A. Lopez #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object #@param epw_path [String] a simple string of the epw file path, remember to escape the slashes..(i.e. // not / ) def self.set_weather_file(model, epw_path) BTAP::Environment::WeatherFile.new(epw_path).set_weather_file(model) end end # This contains methods for creation and querying object that deal with Envelope, SpaceLoads,Schedules, and HVAC. module Common #This model checks to see if the obj_array passed is #the object we require, or if a string is given to search for a object of that strings name. #@author Phylroy A. Lopez #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object #@param obj_array #@param object_type [Object] def self.validate_array(model,obj_array,object_type) command = %Q^#make copy of argument to avoid side effect. object_array = obj_array new_object_array = Array.new() #check if it is not an array unless obj_array.is_a?(Array) if object_array.is_a?(String) #if the arguement is a simple string, convert to an array. object_array = [object_array] #check if it is a single object_type elsif not object_array.to_#{object_type}.empty?() object_array = [object_array] else raise("Object passed is neither a #{object_type} or a name of a #{object_type}. Please choose a #{object_type} name that exists such as :\n\#{object_names.join("\n")}") end end object_array.each do |object| #if it is a string name of an object, try to find it and insert it into the # return array. if object.is_a?(String) if model.get#{object_type}ByName(object).empty? #if we could not find an exact match. raise an exception. object_names = Array.new model.get#{object_type}s.each { |object| object_names << object.name } raise("Object passed is neither a #{object_type} or a name of a #{object_type}. Please choose a #{object_type} name that exists such as :\n\#{object_names.join("\n")}") else new_object_array << model.get#{object_type}ByName(object).get end elsif not object.to_#{object_type}.empty? #if it is already a #{object_type}. insert it into the array. new_object_array << object else raise("invalid object") end end return new_object_array ^ eval(command) end #This method gets a date from a string. #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca #@param datestring [String] a date string def self.get_date_from_string(datestring) month = datestring.split("-")[0].to_s day = datestring.split("-")[1].to_i month_list = ["Jan","Feb","Mar","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"] raise ("Month given #{month} is not in format required please enter month with following 3 letter format#{month_list}.") unless month_list.include?(month) OpenStudio::Date.new(OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.new(month),day) end #This method gets a time from a string. #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca #@param timestring [String] a time string def self.get_time_from_string(timestring) #ensure that it is in 0-24 hour format. hour = timestring.split(":")[0].to_i min = timestring.split(":")[1].to_i raise ("invalid time format #{timestring} please use 0-24 as a range for the hour and 0-59 for range for the minutes: Clock starts at 0:00 and stops at 24:00") if (hour < 0 or hour > 24) or ( min < 0 or min > 59 ) or (hour == 24 and min > 0) OpenStudio::Time.new(timestring) end end module TESTME # :nodoc: require 'irb' def self.start_session(binding) unless @__initialized args = ARGV ARGV.replace(ARGV.dup) IRB.setup(nil) ARGV.replace(args) @__initialized = true end workspace = WorkSpace.new(binding) irb = Irb.new(workspace) @CONF[:IRB_RC].call(irb.context) if @CONF[:IRB_RC] @CONF[:MAIN_CONTEXT] = irb.context catch(:IRB_EXIT) do irb.eval_input end end end end #module BTAP