# translations for Typus # - : "Actions": "Active": "Add": "Add new": "All": "Are you sure?": "Are you sure you want to sign out and end your session?": "Change %{attribute}?": "Create %{resource}": "Dashboard": "Down": "Edit": "Enter your email below to create the first user": "False": "Filter": "I remember my password": "If you didn't request a password update, you can ignore this message": "If you have made any changes to the fields without clicking the Save/Update entry button, your changes will be lost": "Inactive": "Last few days": "Last 30 days": "Last 7 days": "List": "Logged as": "Login": "New": "New %{resource}": "Next": "No %{resources} found": "Password recovery link sent to your email": "Previous": "Record moved %{to}": "Recover password": "Remove": "Remove %{resource}?": "Reset password": "Resources": "Save %{resource}": "Search": "Show": "Show all dates": "Show by %{attribute}": "Show %{resource}": "Sign in": "Sign out": "Sign up": "System Users Administration": "Today": "Trash": "True": "Unrelate": "Up": "View all %{attribute}": "View site": "You can update your password at": "You can't change your role": "You can't toggle your status": "%{errors} errors prohibited this page from being saved:": "%{model} successfully created": "%{model} successfully removed": "%{model} successfully updated":