require "slack-ruby-client" require "open-uri" require "cgi" require "json" require "logger" require "fileutils" require "open3" if ARGV.size == 0 CHANNEL = MASTER_CHANNEL ON_MASTER_BOT = true ADMIN_USERS = MASTER_USERS RULES_FILE = "#{$0.gsub(".rb", "_rules.rb")}" unless defined?(RULES_FILE) unless File.exist?(RULES_FILE) default_rules = (__FILE__).gsub(/\.rb$/, "_rules.rb") FileUtils.copy_file(default_rules, RULES_FILE) end STATUS_INIT = :on else ON_MASTER_BOT = false CHANNEL = ARGV[0] ADMIN_USERS = ARGV[1].split(",") RULES_FILE = ARGV[2] STATUS_INIT = ARGV[3].to_sym end SHORTCUTS_FILE = "slack-smart-bot_shortcuts_#{CHANNEL}.rb".gsub(" ", "_") class SlackSmartBot attr_accessor :config, :client, :wclient def initialize(config) Dir.mkdir("./logs") unless Dir.exist?("./logs") Dir.mkdir("./shortcuts") unless Dir.exist?("./shortcuts") logfile = File.basename(RULES_FILE.gsub("_rules_", "_logs_"), ".rb") + ".log" @logger ="./logs/#{logfile}") config_log = config.dup config_log.delete(:token) "Initializing bot: #{config_log.inspect}" config[:channel] = CHANNEL self.config = config Slack.configure do |conf| conf.token = config[:token] end self.wclient = self.client = @listening = @bots_created = @shortcuts = @shortcuts[:all] = if File.exist?("./shortcuts/#{SHORTCUTS_FILE}") file_sc = IO.readlines("./shortcuts/#{SHORTCUTS_FILE}").join unless file_sc.to_s() == "" @shortcuts = eval(file_sc) end end if ON_MASTER_BOT and File.exist?($0.gsub(".rb", "_bots.rb")) file_conf = IO.readlines($0.gsub(".rb", "_bots.rb")).join unless file_conf.to_s() == "" @bots_created = eval(file_conf) if @bots_created.kind_of?(Hash) @bots_created.each { |key, value| "ruby #{$0} \"#{value[:channel_name]}\" \"#{value[:admins]}\" \"#{value[:rules_file]}\" #{value[:status].to_sym}" t = do `ruby #{$0} \"#{value[:channel_name]}\" \"#{value[:admins]}\" \"#{value[:rules_file]}\" #{value[:status].to_sym}` end value[:thread] = t } end end end wclient.auth_test begin user_info = wclient.users_info(user: "#{"@" if config[:nick][0] != "@"}#{config[:nick]}") config[:nick_id] = rescue Exception => stack @logger.fatal stack abort("The bot user specified on settings: #{config[:nick]}, doesn't exist on Slack. Execution aborted") end client.on :hello do m = "Successfully connected, welcome '#{}' to the '#{}' team at https://#{}" puts m m respond "Smart Bot started\nIf you want to know what I can do for you: *`bot help`*\nYou can send me also a direct message." end @status = STATUS_INIT @questions = @channels_id = @channels_name = get_channels_name_and_id() self end def update_bots_file file =$0.gsub(".rb", "_bots.rb"), "w") bots_created = @bots_created.dup bots_created.each { |k, v| v[:thread] = "" } file.write bots_created.inspect file.close end def update_shortcuts_file file ="./shortcuts/#{SHORTCUTS_FILE}", "w") file.write @shortcuts.inspect file.close end def get_channels_name_and_id channels = wclient.channels_list.channels @channels_id = @channels_name = channels.each do |ch| unless ch.is_archived @channels_id[] = @channels_name[] = end end end def listen @salutations = [config[:nick], config[:nick_id], "bot", "smart"] client.on :message do |data| if[0] == "D" #Direct message id_user = data.user else id_user = nil end # Direct messages are treated only on the master bot if id_user.nil? or (!id_user.nil? and ON_MASTER_BOT) user_info = wclient.users_info(user: data.user) if !id_user.nil? or @channels_id[CHANNEL] == or == config[:nick] res = process_first(, data.text, id_user) next if res.to_s == "next" end end end "Bot listening" client.start! end def process_first(nick, text, id_user) #todo: verify if on slack on anytime nick == config[:nick] if nick == config[:nick] or nick == (config[:nick] + " · Bot") #if message is coming from the bot begin "#{nick}: #{text}" case text when /^Bot has been killed by/ exit! when /^Changed status on (.+) to :(.+)/i channel = $1 status = $2 #todo: channel should be channel_id @bots_created[channel][:status] = status.to_sym update_bots_file() end return :next #don't continue analyzing rescue Exception => stack @logger.fatal stack return :next end end if text.match?(/^!?(shortcut|sc)\s(.+)/i) shortcut = text.scan(/!?\w+\s*(.+)\s*/i).join.downcase if text[0] == "!" addexcl = true else addexcl = false end if @shortcuts.keys.include?(nick) and @shortcuts[nick].keys.include?(shortcut) text = @shortcuts[nick][shortcut].dup elsif @shortcuts.keys.include?(:all) and @shortcuts[:all].keys.include?(shortcut) text = @shortcuts[:all][shortcut].dup else respond "Shortcut not found", id_user return :next end text = "!" + text if addexcl and text[0] != "!" end if @questions.keys.include?(nick) command = @questions[nick] @questions[nick] = text else command = text end begin t = do begin processed = process(nick, command, id_user) "command: #{nick}> #{command}" if processed if @status == :on and ((@questions.keys.include?(nick) or @listening.include?(nick) or !id_user.nil? or command.match?(/^@?#{@salutations.join("|")}:*\s+(.+)$/i) or command.match?(/^<@#{@salutations.join("|")}>\s+(.+)$/i) or command.match?(/^!(.+)$/))) "command: #{nick}> #{command}" unless processed #todo: verify this if id_user.nil? #only for channels, not for DM begin eval( if File.exist?(RULES_FILE) rescue Exception => stack @logger.fatal "ERROR ON RULES FILE: #{RULES_FILE}" @logger.fatal stack end if defined?(rules) command[0] = "" if command[0] == "!" command.gsub!(/^@\w+:*\s*/, "") rules(nick, command, processed, id_user) else @logger.warn "It seems like rules method is not defined" end else "it is a direct message so no rules file executed." end end rescue Exception => stack @logger.fatal stack end end rescue => e @logger.error "exception: #{e.inspect}" end end #help: #help: *General commands:*: #help: def process(from, command, id_user) firstname = from.split(/ /).first processed = true case command #help: `Hello Bot` #help: `Hello Smart` #help: `Hello THE_NAME_OF_THE_BOT` #help: Also apart of Hello you can use _Hallo, Hi, Hola, What's up, Hey, Hæ_ #help: Bot starts listening to you #help: when /^(Hello|Hallo|Hi|Hola|What's\sup|Hey|Hæ)\s(#{@salutations.join("|")})\s*$/i if @status == :on greetings = ["Hello", "Hallo", "Hi", "Hola", "What's up", "Hey", "Hæ"].sample respond "#{greetings} #{firstname}", id_user @listening << from unless @listening.include?(from) end #help: `Bye Bot` #help: `Bye Smart` #help: `Bye NAME_OF_THE_BOT` #help: Also apart of Bye you can use _Bæ, Good Bye, Adiós, Ciao, Bless, Bless Bless, Adeu_ #help: Bot stops listening to you #help: when /^(Bye|Bæ|Good\sBye|Adiós|Ciao|Bless|Bless\sBless|Adeu)\s(#{@salutations.join("|")})\s*$/i if @status == :on bye = ["Bye", "Bæ", "Good Bye", "Adiós", "Ciao", "Bless", "Bless bless", "Adeu"].sample respond "#{bye} #{firstname}", id_user @listening.delete(from) end #helpadmin: `exit bot` #helpadmin: `quit bot` #helpadmin: `close bot` #helpadmin: The bot stops running and also stops all the bots created from this master channel #helpadmin: You can use this command only if you are an admin user and you are on the master channel #helpadmin: when /^exit\sbot/i, /^quit\sbot/i, /^close\sbot/i if ON_MASTER_BOT if ADMIN_USERS.include?(from) #admin user unless @questions.keys.include?(from) ask("are you sure?", command, from, id_user) else case @questions[from] when /yes/i, /yep/i, /sure/i respond "Game over!", id_user respond "Ciao #{firstname}!", id_user @bots_created.each { |key, value| value[:thread] = "" send_msg_channel(key, "Bot has been closed by #{from}") sleep 0.5 } update_bots_file() sleep 0.5 exit! when /no/i, /nope/i, /cancel/i @questions.delete(from) respond "Thanks, I'm happy to be alive", id_user else respond "I don't understand", id_user ask("are you sure do you want me to close? (yes or no)", "quit bot", from, id_user) end end else respond "Only admin users can kill me", id_user end else respond "To do this you need to be an admin user in the master channel", id_user end #helpadmin: `start bot` #helpadmin: `start this bot` #helpadmin: the bot will start to listen #helpadmin: You can use this command only if you are an admin user #helpadmin: when /^start\s(this\s)?bot$/i if ADMIN_USERS.include?(from) #admin user respond "This bot is running and listening from now on. You can pause again: pause this bot", id_user @status = :on unless ON_MASTER_BOT get_channels_name_and_id() unless @channels_name.keys.include?(MASTER_CHANNEL) and @channels_name.keys.include?(CHANNEL) send_msg_channel @channels_name[MASTER_CHANNEL], "Changed status on #{@channels_name[CHANNEL]} to :on" end else respond "Only admin users can change my status", id_user end #helpadmin: `pause bot` #helpadmin: `pause this bot` #helpadmin: the bot will pause so it will listen only to admin commands #helpadmin: You can use this command only if you are an admin user #helpadmin: when /^pause\s(this\s)?bot$/i if ADMIN_USERS.include?(from) #admin user respond "This bot is paused from now on. You can start it again: start this bot", id_user respond "zZzzzzZzzzzZZZZZZzzzzzzzz", id_user @status = :paused unless ON_MASTER_BOT get_channels_name_and_id() unless @channels_name.keys.include?(MASTER_CHANNEL) and @channels_name.keys.include?(CHANNEL) send_msg_channel @channels_name[MASTER_CHANNEL], "Changed status on #{@channels_name[CHANNEL]} to :paused" end else respond "Only admin users can put me on pause", id_user end #helpadmin: `bot status` #helpadmin: Displays the status of the bot #helpadmin: If on master channel and admin user also it will display info about bots created #helpadmin: when /^bot\sstatus/i respond "Status: #{@status}. Rules file: #{File.basename RULES_FILE} ", id_user if @status == :on respond "I'm listening to [#{@listening.join(", ")}]", id_user if ON_MASTER_BOT and ADMIN_USERS.include?(from) @bots_created.each { |key, value| respond "#{key}: #{value}", id_user } end end #helpmaster: `create bot on CHANNEL_NAME` #helpmaster: creates a new bot on the channel specified #helpmaster: it will work only if you are on Master channel #helpmaster: when /^create\sbot\son\s<#C\w+\|(.+)>\s*/i, /^create\sbot\son\s(.+)\s*/i#jal9 if ON_MASTER_BOT channel = $1 get_channels_name_and_id() unless @channels_name.keys.include?(channel) or @channels_id.keys.include?(channel) channel_id = nil if @channels_name.key?(channel) #it is an id channel_id = channel channel = @channels_name[channel_id] elsif @channels_id.key?(channel) #it is a channel name channel_id = @channels_id[channel] end if channel_id.nil? respond "There is no channel with that name: #{channel}, please be sure is written exactly the same", id_user elsif channel == MASTER_CHANNEL respond "There is already a bot in this channel: #{channel}", id_user elsif @bots_created.keys.include?(channel_id) #jal9 respond "There is already a bot in this channel: #{channel}, kill it before", id_user else if channel_id != config[:channel] begin rules_file = "slack-smart-bot_rules_#{channel_id}_#{from.gsub(" ", "_")}.rb" if defined?(RULES_FOLDER) rules_file = RULES_FOLDER + rules_file else Dir.mkdir("rules") unless Dir.exist?("rules") Dir.mkdir("rules/#{channel_id}") unless Dir.exist?("rules/#{channel_id}") rules_file = "./rules/#{channel_id}/" + rules_file end default_rules = (__FILE__).gsub(/\.rb$/, "_rules.rb") File.delete(rules_file) if File.exist?(rules_file) FileUtils.copy_file(default_rules, rules_file) unless File.exist?(rules_file) admin_users = admin_users = [from] + MASTER_USERS admin_users.uniq! "ruby #{$0} \"#{channel}\" \"#{admin_users.join(",")}\" \"#{rules_file}\" on" t = do `ruby #{$0} \"#{channel}\" \"#{admin_users.join(",")}\" \"#{rules_file}\" on` end @bots_created[channel_id] = { creator_name: from, channel_id: channel_id, channel_name: @channels_name[channel_id], status: :on, created:"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z")[0..18], rules_file: rules_file, admins: admin_users.join(","), thread: t, } respond "The bot has been created on channel: #{channel}. Rules file: #{File.basename rules_file}", id_user update_bots_file() rescue Exception => stack @logger.fatal stack message = "Problem creating the bot on channel #{channel}. Error: <#{stack}>." @logger.error message respond message, id_user end else respond "There is already a bot in this channel: #{channel}, and it is the Master Channel!", id_user end end else respond "Sorry I cannot create bots from this channel, please visit the master channel", id_user end #helpmaster: `kill bot on CHANNEL_NAME` #helpmaster: kills the bot on the specified channel #helpmaster: Only works if you are on Master channel and you created that bot or you are an admin user #helpmaster: when /^kill\sbot\son\s<#C\w+\|(.+)>\s*/i,/^kill\sbot\son\s(.+)\s*/i if ON_MASTER_BOT channel = $1 get_channels_name_and_id() unless @channels_name.keys.include?(channel) or @channels_id.keys.include?(channel) channel_id = nil if @channels_name.key?(channel) #it is an id channel_id = channel channel = @channels_name[channel_id] elsif @channels_id.key?(channel) #it is a channel name channel_id = @channels_id[channel] end if channel_id.nil? respond "There is no channel with that name: #{channel}, please be sure is written exactly the same", id_user elsif @bots_created.keys.include?(channel_id) if @bots_created[channel_id][:admins].split(",").include?(from) if @bots_created[channel_id][:thread].kind_of?(Thread) and @bots_created[channel_id][:thread].alive? @bots_created[channel_id][:thread].kill end @bots_created.delete(channel_id) update_bots_file() respond "Bot on channel: #{channel}, has been killed and deleted.", id_user send_msg_channel(channel, "Bot has been killed by #{from}") else respond "You need to be the creator or an admin of that channel", id_user end else respond "There is no bot in this channel: #{channel}", id_user end else respond "Sorry I cannot kill bots from this channel, please visit the master channel", id_user end #help: `bot help` #help: `bot what can I do?` #help: it will display this help #help: when /^bot help/i, /^bot,? what can I do/i help_message = IO.readlines(__FILE__).join if ADMIN_USERS.include?(from) #admin user respond "*Commands for administrators:*\n#{help_message.scan(/#\s*help\s*admin:(.*)/).join("\n")}", id_user end if ON_MASTER_BOT and id_user.nil? respond "*Commands only on Master Channel:*\n#{help_message.scan(/#\s*help\s*master:(.*)/).join("\n")}", id_user end #jal9 respond help_message.scan(/#\s*help\s*:(.*)/).join("\n"), id_user if id_user.nil? # on a channel help_message_rules = IO.readlines(RULES_FILE).join respond help_message_rules.scan(/#\s*help\s*:(.*)/).join("\n"), id_user end respond "Github project:", id_user else processed = false end #only when :on and (listening or on demand or direct message) if @status == :on and ((@questions.keys.include?(from) or @listening.include?(from) or !id_user.nil? or command.match?(/^@?#{@salutations.join("|")}:*\s+(.+)$/i) or command.match?(/^!(.+)$/))) processed2 = true # help: # help: *These commands will run only when the smart bot is listening to you or on demand*. On demand examples: # help: `!THE_COMMAND` # help: `@bot THE_COMMAND` # help: `@NAME_OF_BOT THE_COMMAND` # help: `NAME_OF_BOT THE_COMMAND` # help: case command #help: `add shortcut NAME: COMMAND` #help: `add sc NAME: COMMAND` #help: `add shortcut for all NAME: COMMAND` #help: `add sc for all NAME: COMMAND` #help: `shortchut NAME: COMMAND` #help: `shortchut for all NAME: COMMAND` #help: It will add a shortcut that will execute the command we supply. #help: In case we supply 'for all' then the shorcut will be available for everybody #help: Example: #help: `add shortcut for all Spanish account: code require 'iso/iban'; 10.times {puts ISO::IBAN.random('ES')}` #help: Then to call this shortcut: #help: `sc spanish account` #help: `shortcut Spanish Account` #help: when /^(add\s)?shortcut\s(for\sall)?\s*(.+):\s(.+)/i, /^(add\s)sc\s(for\sall)?\s*(.+):\s(.+)/i for_all = $2 shortcut_name = $3.to_s.downcase command_to_run = $4 @shortcuts[from] = unless @shortcuts.keys.include?(from) if !ADMIN_USERS.include?(from) and @shortcuts[:all].include?(shortcut_name) and !@shortcuts[from].include?(shortcut_name) respond "Only the creator of the shortcut or an admin user can modify it", id_user elsif !@shortcuts[from].include?(shortcut_name) #new shortcut @shortcuts[from][shortcut_name] = command_to_run @shortcuts[:all][shortcut_name] = command_to_run if for_all.to_s != "" update_shortcuts_file() respond "shortcut added", id_user else #are you sure? to avoid overwriting existing unless @questions.keys.include?(from) ask("The shortcut already exists, are you sure you want to overwrite it?", command, from, id_user) else case @questions[from] when /^(yes|yep)/i @shortcuts[from][shortcut_name] = command_to_run @shortcuts[:all][shortcut_name] = command_to_run if for_all.to_s != "" update_shortcuts_file() respond "shortcut added", id_user @questions.delete(from) when /^no/i respond "ok, I won't add it", id_user @questions.delete(from) else respond "I don't understand, yes or no?", id_user end end end #help: `delete shortcut NAME` #help: `delete sc NAME` #help: It will delete the shortcut with the supplied name #help: when /^delete\sshortcut\s(.+)/i, /^delete\ssc\s(.+)/i shortcut = $1.to_s.downcase deleted = false if !ADMIN_USERS.include?(from) and @shortcuts[:all].include?(shortcut) and !@shortcuts[from].include?(shortcut) respond "Only the creator of the shortcut or an admin user can delete it", id_user elsif (@shortcuts.keys.include?(from) and @shortcuts[from].keys.include?(shortcut)) or (ADMIN_USERS.include?(from) and @shortcuts[:all].include?(shortcut)) #are you sure? to avoid deleting by mistake unless @questions.keys.include?(from) ask("are you sure you want to delete it?", command, from, id_user) else case @questions[from] when /^(yes|yep)/i respond "shortcut deleted!", id_user respond "#{shortcut}: #{@shortcuts[from][shortcut]}", id_user @shortcuts[from].delete(shortcut) @shortcuts[:all].delete(shortcut) @questions.delete(from) update_shortcuts_file() when /^no/i respond "ok, I won't delete it", id_user @questions.delete(from) else respond "I don't understand, yes or no?", id_user end end else respond "shortcut not found", id_user end #help: `see shortcuts` #help: `see sc` #help: It will display the shortcuts stored for the user and for :all #help: when /^see\sshortcuts/i, /^see\ssc/i msg = "" if @shortcuts[:all].keys.size > 0 msg = "*Available shortcuts for all:*\n" @shortcuts[:all].each { |name, value| msg += " _#{name}: #{value}_\n" } respond msg, id_user end if @shortcuts.keys.include?(from) and @shortcuts[from].keys.size > 0 new_hash = @shortcuts[from].dup @shortcuts[:all].keys.each { |k| new_hash.delete(k) } if new_hash.keys.size > 0 msg = "*Available shortcuts for #{from}:*\n" new_hash.each { |name, value| msg += " _#{name}: #{value}_\n" } respond msg, id_user end end respond "No shortcuts found", id_user if msg == "" #help: `id channel CHANNEL_NAME` #help: shows the id of a channel name #help: when /^id\schannel\s<#C\w+\|(.+)>\s*/i, /^id channel (.+)/ channel_name = $1 get_channels_name_and_id() if @channels_id.keys.include?(channel_name) respond "the id of #{channel_name} is #{@channels_id[channel_name]}", id_user else respond "channel: #{channel_name} not found", id_user end # help: `ruby RUBY_CODE` # help: `code RUBY_CODE` # help: runs the code supplied and returns the output. Examples: # help: `code puts (34344/99)*(34+14)` # help: `ruby require 'json'; res=[]; 20.times {res< exc respond exc, id_user end else respond "Sorry I cannot run this due security issues", id_user end else processed2 = false end processed = true if processed or processed2 end return processed end def respond(msg, id_user = nil) if id_user.nil? client.message(channel: @channels_id[CHANNEL], text: msg, as_user: true) else #private message send_msg_user(id_user, msg) end end #context: previous message #to: user that should answer def ask(question, context, to, id_user = nil) if id_user.nil? client.message(channel: @channels_id[CHANNEL], text: "#{to}: #{question}", as_user: true) else #private message send_msg_user(id_user, "#{to}: #{question}") end @questions[to] = context end # to: (String) Channel name or id # msg: (String) message to send def send_msg_channel(to, msg) unless msg == "" get_channels_name_and_id() unless @channels_name.key?(to) or @channels_id.key?(to) if @channels_name.key?(to) #it is an id channel_id = to elsif @channels_id.key?(to) #it is a channel name channel_id = @channels_id[to] else @logger.fatal "Channel: #{to} not found. Message: #{msg}" end client.message(channel: channel_id, text: msg, as_user: true) end end #to send messages without listening for a response to users def send_msg_user(id_user, msg) unless msg == "" im = wclient.im_open(user: id_user) client.message(channel: im["channel"]["id"], as_user: true, text: msg) end end private :update_bots_file, :get_channels_name_and_id, :update_shortcuts_file end