import { buildLineContent, LineView } from "../line/line_data.js" import { clipPos, Pos } from "../line/pos.js" import { collapsedSpanAround, heightAtLine, lineIsHidden, visualLine } from "../line/spans.js" import { getLine, lineAtHeight, lineNo, updateLineHeight } from "../line/utils_line.js" import { bidiOther, getBidiPartAt, getOrder } from "../util/bidi.js" import { chrome, android, ie, ie_version } from "../util/browser.js" import { elt, removeChildren, range, removeChildrenAndAdd } from "../util/dom.js" import { e_target } from "../util/event.js" import { hasBadZoomedRects } from "../util/feature_detection.js" import { countColumn, findFirst, isExtendingChar, scrollerGap, skipExtendingChars } from "../util/misc.js" import { updateLineForChanges } from "../display/update_line.js" import { widgetHeight } from "./widgets.js" // POSITION MEASUREMENT export function paddingTop(display) {return display.lineSpace.offsetTop} export function paddingVert(display) {return display.mover.offsetHeight - display.lineSpace.offsetHeight} export function paddingH(display) { if (display.cachedPaddingH) return display.cachedPaddingH let e = removeChildrenAndAdd(display.measure, elt("pre", "x")) let style = window.getComputedStyle ? window.getComputedStyle(e) : e.currentStyle let data = {left: parseInt(style.paddingLeft), right: parseInt(style.paddingRight)} if (!isNaN(data.left) && !isNaN(data.right)) display.cachedPaddingH = data return data } export function scrollGap(cm) { return scrollerGap - cm.display.nativeBarWidth } export function displayWidth(cm) { return cm.display.scroller.clientWidth - scrollGap(cm) - cm.display.barWidth } export function displayHeight(cm) { return cm.display.scroller.clientHeight - scrollGap(cm) - cm.display.barHeight } // Ensure the lineView.wrapping.heights array is populated. This is // an array of bottom offsets for the lines that make up a drawn // line. When lineWrapping is on, there might be more than one // height. function ensureLineHeights(cm, lineView, rect) { let wrapping = cm.options.lineWrapping let curWidth = wrapping && displayWidth(cm) if (!lineView.measure.heights || wrapping && lineView.measure.width != curWidth) { let heights = lineView.measure.heights = [] if (wrapping) { lineView.measure.width = curWidth let rects = lineView.text.firstChild.getClientRects() for (let i = 0; i < rects.length - 1; i++) { let cur = rects[i], next = rects[i + 1] if (Math.abs(cur.bottom - next.bottom) > 2) heights.push((cur.bottom + / 2 - } } heights.push(rect.bottom - } } // Find a line map (mapping character offsets to text nodes) and a // measurement cache for the given line number. (A line view might // contain multiple lines when collapsed ranges are present.) export function mapFromLineView(lineView, line, lineN) { if (lineView.line == line) return {map:, cache: lineView.measure.cache} for (let i = 0; i <; i++) if ([i] == line) return {map: lineView.measure.maps[i], cache: lineView.measure.caches[i]} for (let i = 0; i <; i++) if (lineNo([i]) > lineN) return {map: lineView.measure.maps[i], cache: lineView.measure.caches[i], before: true} } // Render a line into the hidden node display.externalMeasured. Used // when measurement is needed for a line that's not in the viewport. function updateExternalMeasurement(cm, line) { line = visualLine(line) let lineN = lineNo(line) let view = cm.display.externalMeasured = new LineView(cm.doc, line, lineN) view.lineN = lineN let built = view.built = buildLineContent(cm, view) view.text = built.pre removeChildrenAndAdd(cm.display.lineMeasure, built.pre) return view } // Get a {top, bottom, left, right} box (in line-local coordinates) // for a given character. export function measureChar(cm, line, ch, bias) { return measureCharPrepared(cm, prepareMeasureForLine(cm, line), ch, bias) } // Find a line view that corresponds to the given line number. export function findViewForLine(cm, lineN) { if (lineN >= cm.display.viewFrom && lineN < cm.display.viewTo) return cm.display.view[findViewIndex(cm, lineN)] let ext = cm.display.externalMeasured if (ext && lineN >= ext.lineN && lineN < ext.lineN + ext.size) return ext } // Measurement can be split in two steps, the set-up work that // applies to the whole line, and the measurement of the actual // character. Functions like coordsChar, that need to do a lot of // measurements in a row, can thus ensure that the set-up work is // only done once. export function prepareMeasureForLine(cm, line) { let lineN = lineNo(line) let view = findViewForLine(cm, lineN) if (view && !view.text) { view = null } else if (view && view.changes) { updateLineForChanges(cm, view, lineN, getDimensions(cm)) cm.curOp.forceUpdate = true } if (!view) view = updateExternalMeasurement(cm, line) let info = mapFromLineView(view, line, lineN) return { line: line, view: view, rect: null, map:, cache: info.cache, before: info.before, hasHeights: false } } // Given a prepared measurement object, measures the position of an // actual character (or fetches it from the cache). export function measureCharPrepared(cm, prepared, ch, bias, varHeight) { if (prepared.before) ch = -1 let key = ch + (bias || ""), found if (prepared.cache.hasOwnProperty(key)) { found = prepared.cache[key] } else { if (!prepared.rect) prepared.rect = prepared.view.text.getBoundingClientRect() if (!prepared.hasHeights) { ensureLineHeights(cm, prepared.view, prepared.rect) prepared.hasHeights = true } found = measureCharInner(cm, prepared, ch, bias) if (!found.bogus) prepared.cache[key] = found } return {left: found.left, right: found.right, top: varHeight ? found.rtop :, bottom: varHeight ? found.rbottom : found.bottom} } let nullRect = {left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0} export function nodeAndOffsetInLineMap(map, ch, bias) { let node, start, end, collapse, mStart, mEnd // First, search the line map for the text node corresponding to, // or closest to, the target character. for (let i = 0; i < map.length; i += 3) { mStart = map[i] mEnd = map[i + 1] if (ch < mStart) { start = 0; end = 1 collapse = "left" } else if (ch < mEnd) { start = ch - mStart end = start + 1 } else if (i == map.length - 3 || ch == mEnd && map[i + 3] > ch) { end = mEnd - mStart start = end - 1 if (ch >= mEnd) collapse = "right" } if (start != null) { node = map[i + 2] if (mStart == mEnd && bias == (node.insertLeft ? "left" : "right")) collapse = bias if (bias == "left" && start == 0) while (i && map[i - 2] == map[i - 3] && map[i - 1].insertLeft) { node = map[(i -= 3) + 2] collapse = "left" } if (bias == "right" && start == mEnd - mStart) while (i < map.length - 3 && map[i + 3] == map[i + 4] && !map[i + 5].insertLeft) { node = map[(i += 3) + 2] collapse = "right" } break } } return {node: node, start: start, end: end, collapse: collapse, coverStart: mStart, coverEnd: mEnd} } function getUsefulRect(rects, bias) { let rect = nullRect if (bias == "left") for (let i = 0; i < rects.length; i++) { if ((rect = rects[i]).left != rect.right) break } else for (let i = rects.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if ((rect = rects[i]).left != rect.right) break } return rect } function measureCharInner(cm, prepared, ch, bias) { let place = nodeAndOffsetInLineMap(, ch, bias) let node = place.node, start = place.start, end = place.end, collapse = place.collapse let rect if (node.nodeType == 3) { // If it is a text node, use a range to retrieve the coordinates. for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // Retry a maximum of 4 times when nonsense rectangles are returned while (start && isExtendingChar(prepared.line.text.charAt(place.coverStart + start))) --start while (place.coverStart + end < place.coverEnd && isExtendingChar(prepared.line.text.charAt(place.coverStart + end))) ++end if (ie && ie_version < 9 && start == 0 && end == place.coverEnd - place.coverStart) rect = node.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect() else rect = getUsefulRect(range(node, start, end).getClientRects(), bias) if (rect.left || rect.right || start == 0) break end = start start = start - 1 collapse = "right" } if (ie && ie_version < 11) rect = maybeUpdateRectForZooming(cm.display.measure, rect) } else { // If it is a widget, simply get the box for the whole widget. if (start > 0) collapse = bias = "right" let rects if (cm.options.lineWrapping && (rects = node.getClientRects()).length > 1) rect = rects[bias == "right" ? rects.length - 1 : 0] else rect = node.getBoundingClientRect() } if (ie && ie_version < 9 && !start && (!rect || !rect.left && !rect.right)) { let rSpan = node.parentNode.getClientRects()[0] if (rSpan) rect = {left: rSpan.left, right: rSpan.left + charWidth(cm.display), top:, bottom: rSpan.bottom} else rect = nullRect } let rtop = -, rbot = rect.bottom - let mid = (rtop + rbot) / 2 let heights = prepared.view.measure.heights let i = 0 for (; i < heights.length - 1; i++) if (mid < heights[i]) break let top = i ? heights[i - 1] : 0, bot = heights[i] let result = {left: (collapse == "right" ? rect.right : rect.left) - prepared.rect.left, right: (collapse == "left" ? rect.left : rect.right) - prepared.rect.left, top: top, bottom: bot} if (!rect.left && !rect.right) result.bogus = true if (!cm.options.singleCursorHeightPerLine) { result.rtop = rtop; result.rbottom = rbot } return result } // Work around problem with bounding client rects on ranges being // returned incorrectly when zoomed on IE10 and below. function maybeUpdateRectForZooming(measure, rect) { if (!window.screen || screen.logicalXDPI == null || screen.logicalXDPI == screen.deviceXDPI || !hasBadZoomedRects(measure)) return rect let scaleX = screen.logicalXDPI / screen.deviceXDPI let scaleY = screen.logicalYDPI / screen.deviceYDPI return {left: rect.left * scaleX, right: rect.right * scaleX, top: * scaleY, bottom: rect.bottom * scaleY} } export function clearLineMeasurementCacheFor(lineView) { if (lineView.measure) { lineView.measure.cache = {} lineView.measure.heights = null if ( for (let i = 0; i <; i++) lineView.measure.caches[i] = {} } } export function clearLineMeasurementCache(cm) { cm.display.externalMeasure = null removeChildren(cm.display.lineMeasure) for (let i = 0; i < cm.display.view.length; i++) clearLineMeasurementCacheFor(cm.display.view[i]) } export function clearCaches(cm) { clearLineMeasurementCache(cm) cm.display.cachedCharWidth = cm.display.cachedTextHeight = cm.display.cachedPaddingH = null if (!cm.options.lineWrapping) cm.display.maxLineChanged = true cm.display.lineNumChars = null } function pageScrollX() { // Work around // which causes page_Offset and bounding client rects to use // different reference viewports and invalidate our calculations. if (chrome && android) return -(document.body.getBoundingClientRect().left - parseInt(getComputedStyle(document.body).marginLeft)) return window.pageXOffset || (document.documentElement || document.body).scrollLeft } function pageScrollY() { if (chrome && android) return -(document.body.getBoundingClientRect().top - parseInt(getComputedStyle(document.body).marginTop)) return window.pageYOffset || (document.documentElement || document.body).scrollTop } function widgetTopHeight(lineObj) { let height = 0 if (lineObj.widgets) for (let i = 0; i < lineObj.widgets.length; ++i) if (lineObj.widgets[i].above) height += widgetHeight(lineObj.widgets[i]) return height } // Converts a {top, bottom, left, right} box from line-local // coordinates into another coordinate system. Context may be one of // "line", "div" (display.lineDiv), "local"./null (editor), "window", // or "page". export function intoCoordSystem(cm, lineObj, rect, context, includeWidgets) { if (!includeWidgets) { let height = widgetTopHeight(lineObj) += height; rect.bottom += height } if (context == "line") return rect if (!context) context = "local" let yOff = heightAtLine(lineObj) if (context == "local") yOff += paddingTop(cm.display) else yOff -= cm.display.viewOffset if (context == "page" || context == "window") { let lOff = cm.display.lineSpace.getBoundingClientRect() yOff += + (context == "window" ? 0 : pageScrollY()) let xOff = lOff.left + (context == "window" ? 0 : pageScrollX()) rect.left += xOff; rect.right += xOff } += yOff; rect.bottom += yOff return rect } // Coverts a box from "div" coords to another coordinate system. // Context may be "window", "page", "div", or "local"./null. export function fromCoordSystem(cm, coords, context) { if (context == "div") return coords let left = coords.left, top = // First move into "page" coordinate system if (context == "page") { left -= pageScrollX() top -= pageScrollY() } else if (context == "local" || !context) { let localBox = cm.display.sizer.getBoundingClientRect() left += localBox.left top += } let lineSpaceBox = cm.display.lineSpace.getBoundingClientRect() return {left: left - lineSpaceBox.left, top: top -} } export function charCoords(cm, pos, context, lineObj, bias) { if (!lineObj) lineObj = getLine(cm.doc, pos.line) return intoCoordSystem(cm, lineObj, measureChar(cm, lineObj,, bias), context) } // Returns a box for a given cursor position, which may have an // 'other' property containing the position of the secondary cursor // on a bidi boundary. // A cursor Pos(line, char, "before") is on the same visual line as `char - 1` // and after `char - 1` in writing order of `char - 1` // A cursor Pos(line, char, "after") is on the same visual line as `char` // and before `char` in writing order of `char` // Examples (upper-case letters are RTL, lower-case are LTR): // Pos(0, 1, ...) // before after // ab a|b a|b // aB a|B aB| // Ab |Ab A|b // AB B|A B|A // Every position after the last character on a line is considered to stick // to the last character on the line. export function cursorCoords(cm, pos, context, lineObj, preparedMeasure, varHeight) { lineObj = lineObj || getLine(cm.doc, pos.line) if (!preparedMeasure) preparedMeasure = prepareMeasureForLine(cm, lineObj) function get(ch, right) { let m = measureCharPrepared(cm, preparedMeasure, ch, right ? "right" : "left", varHeight) if (right) m.left = m.right; else m.right = m.left return intoCoordSystem(cm, lineObj, m, context) } let order = getOrder(lineObj, cm.doc.direction), ch =, sticky = pos.sticky if (ch >= lineObj.text.length) { ch = lineObj.text.length sticky = "before" } else if (ch <= 0) { ch = 0 sticky = "after" } if (!order) return get(sticky == "before" ? ch - 1 : ch, sticky == "before") function getBidi(ch, partPos, invert) { let part = order[partPos], right = part.level == 1 return get(invert ? ch - 1 : ch, right != invert) } let partPos = getBidiPartAt(order, ch, sticky) let other = bidiOther let val = getBidi(ch, partPos, sticky == "before") if (other != null) val.other = getBidi(ch, other, sticky != "before") return val } // Used to cheaply estimate the coordinates for a position. Used for // intermediate scroll updates. export function estimateCoords(cm, pos) { let left = 0 pos = clipPos(cm.doc, pos) if (!cm.options.lineWrapping) left = charWidth(cm.display) * let lineObj = getLine(cm.doc, pos.line) let top = heightAtLine(lineObj) + paddingTop(cm.display) return {left: left, right: left, top: top, bottom: top + lineObj.height} } // Positions returned by coordsChar contain some extra information. // xRel is the relative x position of the input coordinates compared // to the found position (so xRel > 0 means the coordinates are to // the right of the character position, for example). When outside // is true, that means the coordinates lie outside the line's // vertical range. function PosWithInfo(line, ch, sticky, outside, xRel) { let pos = Pos(line, ch, sticky) pos.xRel = xRel if (outside) pos.outside = true return pos } // Compute the character position closest to the given coordinates. // Input must be lineSpace-local ("div" coordinate system). export function coordsChar(cm, x, y) { let doc = cm.doc y += cm.display.viewOffset if (y < 0) return PosWithInfo(doc.first, 0, null, true, -1) let lineN = lineAtHeight(doc, y), last = doc.first + doc.size - 1 if (lineN > last) return PosWithInfo(doc.first + doc.size - 1, getLine(doc, last).text.length, null, true, 1) if (x < 0) x = 0 let lineObj = getLine(doc, lineN) for (;;) { let found = coordsCharInner(cm, lineObj, lineN, x, y) let collapsed = collapsedSpanAround(lineObj, + (found.xRel > 0 ? 1 : 0)) if (!collapsed) return found let rangeEnd = collapsed.find(1) if (rangeEnd.line == lineN) return rangeEnd lineObj = getLine(doc, lineN = rangeEnd.line) } } function wrappedLineExtent(cm, lineObj, preparedMeasure, y) { y -= widgetTopHeight(lineObj) let end = lineObj.text.length let begin = findFirst(ch => measureCharPrepared(cm, preparedMeasure, ch - 1).bottom <= y, end, 0) end = findFirst(ch => measureCharPrepared(cm, preparedMeasure, ch).top > y, begin, end) return {begin, end} } export function wrappedLineExtentChar(cm, lineObj, preparedMeasure, target) { if (!preparedMeasure) preparedMeasure = prepareMeasureForLine(cm, lineObj) let targetTop = intoCoordSystem(cm, lineObj, measureCharPrepared(cm, preparedMeasure, target), "line").top return wrappedLineExtent(cm, lineObj, preparedMeasure, targetTop) } // Returns true if the given side of a box is after the given // coordinates, in top-to-bottom, left-to-right order. function boxIsAfter(box, x, y, left) { return box.bottom <= y ? false : > y ? true : (left ? box.left : box.right) > x } function coordsCharInner(cm, lineObj, lineNo, x, y) { // Move y into line-local coordinate space y -= heightAtLine(lineObj) let preparedMeasure = prepareMeasureForLine(cm, lineObj) // When directly calling `measureCharPrepared`, we have to adjust // for the widgets at this line. let widgetHeight = widgetTopHeight(lineObj) let begin = 0, end = lineObj.text.length, ltr = true let order = getOrder(lineObj, cm.doc.direction) // If the line isn't plain left-to-right text, first figure out // which bidi section the coordinates fall into. if (order) { let part = (cm.options.lineWrapping ? coordsBidiPartWrapped : coordsBidiPart) (cm, lineObj, lineNo, preparedMeasure, order, x, y) ltr = part.level != 1 // The awkward -1 offsets are needed because findFirst (called // on these below) will treat its first bound as inclusive, // second as exclusive, but we want to actually address the // characters in the part's range begin = ltr ? part.from : - 1 end = ltr ? : part.from - 1 } // A binary search to find the first character whose bounding box // starts after the coordinates. If we run across any whose box wrap // the coordinates, store that. let chAround = null, boxAround = null let ch = findFirst(ch => { let box = measureCharPrepared(cm, preparedMeasure, ch) += widgetHeight; box.bottom += widgetHeight if (!boxIsAfter(box, x, y, false)) return false if ( <= y && box.left <= x) { chAround = ch boxAround = box } return true }, begin, end) let baseX, sticky, outside = false // If a box around the coordinates was found, use that if (boxAround) { // Distinguish coordinates nearer to the left or right side of the box let atLeft = x - boxAround.left < boxAround.right - x, atStart = atLeft == ltr ch = chAround + (atStart ? 0 : 1) sticky = atStart ? "after" : "before" baseX = atLeft ? boxAround.left : boxAround.right } else { // (Adjust for extended bound, if necessary.) if (!ltr && (ch == end || ch == begin)) ch++ // To determine which side to associate with, get the box to the // left of the character and compare it's vertical position to the // coordinates sticky = ch == 0 ? "after" : ch == lineObj.text.length ? "before" : (measureCharPrepared(cm, preparedMeasure, ch - (ltr ? 1 : 0)).bottom + widgetHeight <= y) == ltr ? "after" : "before" // Now get accurate coordinates for this place, in order to get a // base X position let coords = cursorCoords(cm, Pos(lineNo, ch, sticky), "line", lineObj, preparedMeasure) baseX = coords.left outside = y < || y >= coords.bottom } ch = skipExtendingChars(lineObj.text, ch, 1) return PosWithInfo(lineNo, ch, sticky, outside, x - baseX) } function coordsBidiPart(cm, lineObj, lineNo, preparedMeasure, order, x, y) { // Bidi parts are sorted left-to-right, and in a non-line-wrapping // situation, we can take this ordering to correspond to the visual // ordering. This finds the first part whose end is after the given // coordinates. let index = findFirst(i => { let part = order[i], ltr = part.level != 1 return boxIsAfter(cursorCoords(cm, Pos(lineNo, ltr ? : part.from, ltr ? "before" : "after"), "line", lineObj, preparedMeasure), x, y, true) }, 0, order.length - 1) let part = order[index] // If this isn't the first part, the part's start is also after // the coordinates, and the coordinates aren't on the same line as // that start, move one part back. if (index > 0) { let ltr = part.level != 1 let start = cursorCoords(cm, Pos(lineNo, ltr ? part.from :, ltr ? "after" : "before"), "line", lineObj, preparedMeasure) if (boxIsAfter(start, x, y, true) && > y) part = order[index - 1] } return part } function coordsBidiPartWrapped(cm, lineObj, _lineNo, preparedMeasure, order, x, y) { // In a wrapped line, rtl text on wrapping boundaries can do things // that don't correspond to the ordering in our `order` array at // all, so a binary search doesn't work, and we want to return a // part that only spans one line so that the binary search in // coordsCharInner is safe. As such, we first find the extent of the // wrapped line, and then do a flat search in which we discard any // spans that aren't on the line. let {begin, end} = wrappedLineExtent(cm, lineObj, preparedMeasure, y) if (/\s/.test(lineObj.text.charAt(end - 1))) end-- let part = null, closestDist = null for (let i = 0; i < order.length; i++) { let p = order[i] if (p.from >= end || <= begin) continue let ltr = p.level != 1 let endX = measureCharPrepared(cm, preparedMeasure, ltr ? Math.min(end, - 1 : Math.max(begin, p.from)).right // Weigh against spans ending before this, so that they are only // picked if nothing ends after let dist = endX < x ? x - endX + 1e9 : endX - x if (!part || closestDist > dist) { part = p closestDist = dist } } if (!part) part = order[order.length - 1] // Clip the part to the wrapped line. if (part.from < begin) part = {from: begin, to:, level: part.level} if ( > end) part = {from: part.from, to: end, level: part.level} return part } let measureText // Compute the default text height. export function textHeight(display) { if (display.cachedTextHeight != null) return display.cachedTextHeight if (measureText == null) { measureText = elt("pre") // Measure a bunch of lines, for browsers that compute // fractional heights. for (let i = 0; i < 49; ++i) { measureText.appendChild(document.createTextNode("x")) measureText.appendChild(elt("br")) } measureText.appendChild(document.createTextNode("x")) } removeChildrenAndAdd(display.measure, measureText) let height = measureText.offsetHeight / 50 if (height > 3) display.cachedTextHeight = height removeChildren(display.measure) return height || 1 } // Compute the default character width. export function charWidth(display) { if (display.cachedCharWidth != null) return display.cachedCharWidth let anchor = elt("span", "xxxxxxxxxx") let pre = elt("pre", [anchor]) removeChildrenAndAdd(display.measure, pre) let rect = anchor.getBoundingClientRect(), width = (rect.right - rect.left) / 10 if (width > 2) display.cachedCharWidth = width return width || 10 } // Do a bulk-read of the DOM positions and sizes needed to draw the // view, so that we don't interleave reading and writing to the DOM. export function getDimensions(cm) { let d = cm.display, left = {}, width = {} let gutterLeft = d.gutters.clientLeft for (let n = d.gutters.firstChild, i = 0; n; n = n.nextSibling, ++i) { left[cm.options.gutters[i]] = n.offsetLeft + n.clientLeft + gutterLeft width[cm.options.gutters[i]] = n.clientWidth } return {fixedPos: compensateForHScroll(d), gutterTotalWidth: d.gutters.offsetWidth, gutterLeft: left, gutterWidth: width, wrapperWidth: d.wrapper.clientWidth} } // Computes display.scroller.scrollLeft + display.gutters.offsetWidth, // but using getBoundingClientRect to get a sub-pixel-accurate // result. export function compensateForHScroll(display) { return display.scroller.getBoundingClientRect().left - display.sizer.getBoundingClientRect().left } // Returns a function that estimates the height of a line, to use as // first approximation until the line becomes visible (and is thus // properly measurable). export function estimateHeight(cm) { let th = textHeight(cm.display), wrapping = cm.options.lineWrapping let perLine = wrapping && Math.max(5, cm.display.scroller.clientWidth / charWidth(cm.display) - 3) return line => { if (lineIsHidden(cm.doc, line)) return 0 let widgetsHeight = 0 if (line.widgets) for (let i = 0; i < line.widgets.length; i++) { if (line.widgets[i].height) widgetsHeight += line.widgets[i].height } if (wrapping) return widgetsHeight + (Math.ceil(line.text.length / perLine) || 1) * th else return widgetsHeight + th } } export function estimateLineHeights(cm) { let doc = cm.doc, est = estimateHeight(cm) doc.iter(line => { let estHeight = est(line) if (estHeight != line.height) updateLineHeight(line, estHeight) }) } // Given a mouse event, find the corresponding position. If liberal // is false, it checks whether a gutter or scrollbar was clicked, // and returns null if it was. forRect is used by rectangular // selections, and tries to estimate a character position even for // coordinates beyond the right of the text. export function posFromMouse(cm, e, liberal, forRect) { let display = cm.display if (!liberal && e_target(e).getAttribute("cm-not-content") == "true") return null let x, y, space = display.lineSpace.getBoundingClientRect() // Fails unpredictably on IE[67] when mouse is dragged around quickly. try { x = e.clientX - space.left; y = e.clientY - } catch (e) { return null } let coords = coordsChar(cm, x, y), line if (forRect && coords.xRel == 1 && (line = getLine(cm.doc, coords.line).text).length == { let colDiff = countColumn(line, line.length, cm.options.tabSize) - line.length coords = Pos(coords.line, Math.max(0, Math.round((x - paddingH(cm.display).left) / charWidth(cm.display)) - colDiff)) } return coords } // Find the view element corresponding to a given line. Return null // when the line isn't visible. export function findViewIndex(cm, n) { if (n >= cm.display.viewTo) return null n -= cm.display.viewFrom if (n < 0) return null let view = cm.display.view for (let i = 0; i < view.length; i++) { n -= view[i].size if (n < 0) return i } }