require 'json' require 'net/http' require 'openssl' require 'base64' require 'qnap/api_error' module Qnap class FileStation DEBUG = false DISCARD_EXTRANEOUS = true PROTOCOL = 'https' API_METHODS = { cancel_compress: [:pid], cancel_extract: [:pid], cancel_transcode: [:pid], cancel_trash_recovery: [:pid], compress: [:compress_file, :compress_name, :encryipt, :level, :pwd, :total, :type], copy: [:dest_path, :dup, :mode, :source_file, :source_path, :source_total], createdir: [:dest_folder, :dest_path], delete: [:file_name, :file_total, :path], delete_share: [:download_link, :file_total, :filename], delete_share_all: [], delete_transcode: [:file_name, :file_total, :keep_trans, :mode, :path], download: [:compress, :isfolder, :source_file, :source_path, :source_total], extract: [:code_page, :dest_path, :extract_file, :mode, :overwrite, :path_mode, :pwd], get_compress_status: [:pid], get_domain_ip_list: [], get_extract_list: [:code_page, :dir, :extract_file, :limit, :path, :sort, :start], get_file_size: [:name, :name, :path, :total], get_list: [:dir, :filename, :flv_720, :hidden_file, :is_iso, :limit, :list_mode, :mp4_360, :mp4_720, :path, :sort, :start, :type], get_share_link: [:access_code, :access_enabled, :addressee, :content, :day, :download_type, :file_name, :file_total, :hostname, :hour, :include_access_code, :network_type, :path, :ssl, :subject, :valid_duration], get_share_list: [:dir, :limit, :sort, :start], get_thumb: [:name, :path, :size], get_tree: [:is_iso, :node], get_video_qstatus: [:pid], move: [:mode, :source_file, :source_path, :source_total], qrpac: [:op], rename: [:dest_name, :path, :source_name], search: [:dir, :keyword, :limit, :sort, :source_path, :start], share_file: [:access_code, :access_enabled, :addressee, :content, :day, :dowdownload_type, :expire_time, :file_name, :file_total, :hostname, :hour, :include_access_code, :link_url, :mail_content_date, :mail_content_pwd, :network_type, :path, :ssl, :subject, :valid_duration], stat: [:file_name, :file_total, :mtime, :path, :settime], trash_recovery: [:mode, :source_file, :source_path, :source_total], update_share_link: [:access_code, :access_enabled, :datetime, :dowdownload_type, :file_total, :hostname, :ssids, :ssl, :valid_duration], upload: [:dest_path, :overwrite, :progress, :type], video_list: [:source_path, :source_total], video_ml_queue: [:filename, :op, :path, :subop, :total], video_ml_status: [:filename, :path, :total], } def self.session(*args) ds = *args begin yield ds ensure ds.logout end end API_METHODS.each do |method_name, fields| next if method_defined? method_name define_method method_name, { |params={}| if (diff = fields - params.keys).count > 0 puts "Missing keys: #{diff}" if DEBUG end if DISCARD_EXTRANEOUS and (diff = params.keys - fields).count > 0 puts "Discarding extra keys: #{diff}"! { |k, v| fields.include? k } end despatch_query @path, params.merge(func: method_name, sid: get_sid) } end alias get_network_players qrpac def login(params={}) despatch_query( "/cgi-bin/filemanager/wfm2Login.cgi", params ) end def logout(params={}) return unless @sid despatch_query( "/cgi-bin/filemanager/wfm2Logout.cgi", params.merge(sid: @sid) ) @sid = nil if @agent.started? @agent.finish puts "\e[1;32mClosing connection\e[0m" if DEBUG end end def get_sid @sid ||= login(user: @username, pwd: Base64.encode64(@password).strip)[:sid] end def initialize(host, username, password) @host = host @username = username @password = password @sid = nil @base_uri = URI "#{PROTOCOL}://#{@host}" @path = "/cgi-bin/filemanager/utilRequest.cgi" @agent =, @base_uri.port @agent.use_ssl = PROTOCOL == 'https', @agent.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE @agent.keep_alive_timeout = 10 @agent.set_debug_output $stdout if DEBUG end private def despatch_query(path, params) uri = @base_uri.clone uri.path = path uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(params) if params.keys.length > 0 req = uri puts "\n\n\e[1;32mDespatching request to #{params[:func]}\e[0m" if DEBUG @session = @agent.start unless @agent.started? response = @session.request req puts "\e[1;32mResponse received\e[0m" if DEBUG unless (200..299).include? response.code.to_i raise "Error response from #{uri} -> #{response.read_body}" end case response['content-type'] when /application\/json/ data = JSON.parse response.read_body, symbolize_names: true when /application\/force-download/ data = response.read_body.force_encoding('UTF-8') else raise "Don't know how to parse #{response['content-type']}" end if data.respond_to?(:key?) and data.key?(:status) and data[:status] != 1 raise data[:status], uri, response end data end end end