class Lono::Template::Dsl::Builder module Fn # Also act as documentation on the method signatures # Also used in Coder crafting so should always list all the functions here # even if they are overriden with specific implementations below FUNCTIONS = { base64: :simple, cidr: :array, find_in_map: :array, get_att: :array, # special case # get_azs: :simple, # special map to GetAZs, and default region='' import_value: :simple, # join: :array, # special case select: :array, split: :array, # sub: :array, # special case transform: :simple, # Conditional methods # Most of the condition methods need to be accessed via the modulde # since they are Ruby keywords. So Fn::if , also builder has an fn method # so they can also be called via fn::if and: :array, equals: :array, if: :array, # special case, if is a Ruby keyword not: :array, or: :array, ref: :simple, } # These are also Ruby keywords # keywords: and if not or # Defines both normal method and bang method. Example: if and if! def self.define_methods(name, &block) define_method(name, &block) define_method("#{name}!", &block) end # Note, for if function, do not flatten the args. Its arguments can be Arrays. Example: # # SecurityGroups: # Fn::If: # - ExistingSecurityGroupIsBlank # - - GroupId: # Ref: SecurityGroup # - - GroupId: # Ref: SecurityGroup # - GroupId: # Ref: ExistingSecurityGroup FUNCTIONS.each do |name, type| if type == :simple define_methods(name) do |arg| id = fn_id(name) { id => arg } end else # array define_methods(name) do |*args| id = fn_id(name) # Note, do not flatten args for if statement as it can have Array as arguments. args = args.flatten unless name == :if { id => args } end end end def fn_id(name) "Fn::#{name.to_s.camelize}" end # special cases def ref(name) name = name.to_s.camelize { "Ref" => name } end # Examples: # get_attr("logical_id.attribute") # get_attr("logical_id", "attribute") # get_attr(["logical_id", "attribute"]) def get_att(*item) item = item.flatten options = item.last.is_a?(Hash) ? item.pop : {} # list is an Array list = if item.size == 1 item.first.split('.') else item end #!(&:camelize) unless options[:autoformat] == false # TODO: maybe add as an option. # feel this may be to destructive since am going with auto_camelize false for resources now. args = [list[0], list[1..-1].join('.')] { "Fn::GetAtt" => args } end def join(delimiter, *list) list = list.flatten { "Fn::Join" => [delimiter, list] } end def get_azs(region='') { "Fn::GetAZs" => region } end def sub(str, vals={}) { "Fn::Sub" => [str, vals] } end # for fn::if and fn.if to work def fn Fn end extend self # for Fn::if and Fn.if def self.included(base) base.extend(Fn) end end end