// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2009 Apple, Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licened under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== sc_require('views/view') ; sc_require('mixins/control') ; sc_require('mixins/validatable') ; /** @class Base view for managing a view backed by an input element. Since the web browser provides native support for editing input elements, this view provides basic support for listening to changes on these input elements and responding to them. Generally you will not work with a FieldView directly. Instead, you should use one of the subclasses implemented by your target platform such as SC.CheckboxView, SC.RadioView, SC.TextFieldView, and so on. @extends SC.View @extends SC.Control @extends SC.Validatable @since SproutCore 1.0 */ SC.FieldView = SC.View.extend(SC.Control, SC.Validatable, /** @scope SC.FieldView.prototype */ { /** The raw value of the field itself. This is computed from the 'value' propery by passing it through any validator you might have set. This is the value that will be set on the field itself when the view is updated. @property {String} */ fieldValue: function() { var value = this.get('value'); if (SC.typeOf(value) === SC.T_ERROR) value = value.get('value'); return this.fieldValueForObject(value); }.property('value', 'validator').cacheable(), // .......................................................... // PRIMITIVES // /** Override to return an CoreQuery object that selects the input elements for the view. If this method is defined, the field view will automatically edit the attrbutes of the input element to reflect the current isEnabled state among other things. */ $input: function() { return this.$('input').andSelf().filter('input'); }, /** Override to set the actual value of the field. The default implementation will simple copy the newValue to the value attribute of any input tags in the receiver view. You can override this method to provide specific functionality needed by your view. @param {Object} newValue the value to display. @returns {SC.FieldView} receiver */ setFieldValue: function(newValue) { if (SC.none(newValue)) newValue = '' ; this.$input().val(newValue); return this ; }, /** Override to retrieve the actual value of the field. The default implementation will simply retrieve the value attribute from the first input tag in the receiver view. @returns {String} value */ getFieldValue: function() { return this.$input().val(); }, _field_fieldValueDidChange: function(evt) { SC.RunLoop.begin(); this.fieldValueDidChange(NO); SC.RunLoop.end(); }, /** Your class should call this method anytime you think the value of the input element may have changed. This will retrieve the value and update the value property of the view accordingly. If this is a partial change (i.e. the user is still editing the field and you expect the value to change further), then be sure to pass YES for the partialChange parameter. This will change the kind of validation done on the value. Otherwise, the validator may mark the field as having an error when the user is still in mid-edit. @param partialChange (optional) YES if this is a partial change. @returns {Boolean|SC.Error} result of validation. */ fieldValueDidChange: function(partialChange) { // collect the field value and convert it back to a value var fieldValue = this.getFieldValue(); var value = this.objectForFieldValue(fieldValue, partialChange); this.setIfChanged('value', value); // validate value if needed... // this.notifyPropertyChange('fieldValue'); // // // get the field value and set it. // // if ret is an error, use that instead of the field value. // var ret = this.performValidate ? this.performValidate(partialChange) : YES; // if (ret === SC.VALIDATE_NO_CHANGE) return ret ; // // this.propertyWillChange('fieldValue'); // // // if the validator says everything is OK, then in addition to posting // // out the value, go ahead and pass the value back through itself. // // This way if you have a formatter applied, it will reformat. // // // // Do this BEFORE we set the value so that the valueObserver will not // // overreact. // // // var ok = SC.$ok(ret); // var value = ok ? this._field_getFieldValue() : ret ; // if (!partialChange && ok) this._field_setFieldValue(value) ; // this.set('value',value) ; // // this.propertyDidChange('fieldValue'); // // return ret ; }, // .......................................................... // INTERNAL SUPPORT // /** @private invoked when the value property changes. Sets the field value... */ _field_valueDidChange: function() { this.setFieldValue(this.get('fieldValue')); }.observes('value'), /** @private after the layer is created, set the field value and observe events */ didCreateLayer: function() { this.setFieldValue(this.get('fieldValue')); SC.Event.add(this.$input(), 'change', this, this._field_fieldValueDidChange) ; }, willDestroyLayer: function() { SC.Event.remove(this.$input(), 'change', this, this._field_fieldValueDidChange); }, /** @private when the layer is updated, go ahead and call render like normal. this will allow normal CSS class + style updates. by then also update field value manually. Most subclasses should not regenerate their contents unless necessary. */ updateLayer: function() { sc_super(); // only change field value if it has changed from the last time we // set it. This allows the browser-native field value to change without // this method interfering with it. var fieldValue = this.get('fieldValue'); this.setFieldValue(fieldValue); }, // ACTIONS // You generally do not need to override these but they may be used. /** Called to perform validation on the field just before the form is submitted. If you have a validator attached, this will get the validators. */ // validateSubmit: function() { // var ret = this.performValidateSubmit ? this.performValidateSubmit() : YES; // // save the value if needed // var value = SC.$ok(ret) ? this._field_getFieldValue() : ret ; // if (value != this.get('value')) this.set('value', value) ; // return ret ; // }, // OVERRIDE IN YOUR SUBCLASS // Override these primitives in your subclass as required. /** Allow the browser to do its normal event handling for the mouse down event. But first, set isActive to YES. */ mouseDown: function(evt) { if (this.get('isEnabled')) { this.set('isActive', YES); this._field_isMouseDown = YES; } evt.allowDefault(); return YES; }, /** @private Remove the active class on mouseOut if mouse is down. */ mouseOut: function(evt) { if (this._field_isMouseDown) this.set('isActive', NO); evt.allowDefault(); return YES; }, /** @private If mouse was down and we renter the button area, set the active state again. */ mouseOver: function(evt) { this.set('isActive', this._field_isMouseDown); evt.allowDefault(); return YES; }, _field_isMouseDown: NO, /** @private on mouse up, remove the isActive class and then allow the browser to do its normal thing. */ mouseUp: function(evt) { // track independently in case isEnabled has changed if (this._field_isMouseDown) this.set('isActive', NO); this._field_isMouseDown = false; evt.allowDefault(); return YES ; }, // called whenever the value is set on the object. Will set the value // on the field if the value is changed. // valueDidChange: function() { // var value = this.get('value') ; // var isError = SC.typeOf(value) === SC.T_ERROR ; // if (!isError && (value !== this._field_getFieldValue())) { // this._field_setFieldValue(value) ; // } // }.observes('value'), // these methods use the validator to convert the raw field value returned // by your subclass into an object and visa versa. _field_setFieldValue: function(newValue) { this.propertyWillChange('fieldValue'); if (this.fieldValueForObject) { newValue = this.fieldValueForObject(newValue) ; } var ret = this.setFieldValue(newValue) ; this.propertyDidChange('fieldValue'); return ret ; }, _field_getFieldValue: function() { var ret = this.getFieldValue() ; if (this.objectForFieldValue) ret=this.objectForFieldValue(ret); return ret ; } }) ;