module RSpec module Mocks class Mock include Methods # Creates a new test double with a +name+ (that will be used in error messages # only) def initialize(name=nil, stubs_and_options={}) if name.is_a?(Hash) && stubs_and_options.empty? stubs_and_options = name @name = nil else @name = name end @options = extract_options(stubs_and_options) assign_stubs(stubs_and_options) end # This allows for comparing the mock to other objects that proxy such as # ActiveRecords belongs_to proxy objects. By making the other object run # the comparison, we're sure the call gets delegated to the proxy # target. def ==(other) other == __mock_proxy end def inspect "#<#{self.class}:#{sprintf '0x%x', self.object_id} @name=#{@name.inspect}>" end def to_s inspect.gsub('<','[').gsub('>',']') end alias_method :to_str, :to_s def respond_to?(sym, incl_private=false) __mock_proxy.null_object? && sym != :to_ary ? true : super end private def method_missing(sym, *args, &block) raise NoMethodError if sym == :to_ary __mock_proxy.record_message_received(sym, *args, &block) begin __mock_proxy.null_object? ? self : super rescue NameError __mock_proxy.raise_unexpected_message_error(sym, *args) end end def extract_options(stubs_and_options) if stubs_and_options[:null_object] @null_object = stubs_and_options.delete(:null_object) RSpec.deprecate(%Q["double('name', :null_object => true)"], %Q["double('name').as_null_object"]) end options = {} extract_option(stubs_and_options, options, :__declared_as, 'Mock') options end def extract_option(source, target, key, default=nil) if source[key] target[key] = source.delete(key) elsif default target[key] = default end end def assign_stubs(stubs) stubs.each_pair do |message, response| stub(message).and_return(response) end end end end end