require 'spec_helper' describe Nydp::Parser do let(:empty) { :"", ns } let(:aa) { :aa, ns } let(:a) { :a, ns } let(:b) { :b, ns } let(:c) { :c, ns } let(:d) { :d, ns } let(:zz) { :zz, ns } let(:foo) { :foo, ns } let(:bar) { :bar, ns } let(:foobar) { :foobar, ns } let(:zab) { :zab, ns } let(:quote) { :quote, ns } let(:quasiquote) { :quasiquote, ns } let(:unquote) { :unquote, ns } let(:prefix_list) { :"prefix-list", ns } let(:unquote_splicing) { :"unquote-splicing", ns } let(:comment) { :comment, ns } let(:dotsyn) { :"dot-syntax", ns } let(:cocosyn) { :"colon-colon-syntax", ns } let(:colosyn) { :"colon-syntax", ns } let(:atsyn) { :"at-syntax", ns } let(:string_pieces) { :"string-pieces", ns } it "should return a stream of tokens" do reader = "" t = Nydp.new_tokeniser reader expect(t.next_token).to eq nil end it "should parse an empty expression" do expect(parse "").to be_nil end it "should parse an empty expression" do expect(parse "()").to eq Nydp::NIL end it "should parse a lisp expression" do expect(parse "(foo bar)").to eq pair_list([foo, bar]) end it "should parse untidy symbols" do s0 = sym "foo bar" s1 = sym "" s2 = sym '" hello, there, silly billy!"' expect(parse "(|foo bar| || |\" hello, there, silly billy!\"|)").to eq pair_list([s0, s1, s2]) end it "should parse untidy symbols with special syntax" do quote_foo_bar = parse "'|foo bar|" expect(quote_foo_bar).to eq pair_list([quote, sym("foo bar")]) end it "should parse empty symbol with special syntax" do quote_empty = parse "'||" expect(quote_empty).to eq pair_list([quote, sym("")]) end it "should parse numbers expression" do expect(parse "(1 2 3)").to eq pair_list([1, 2, 3]) end it "should parse an improper list" do expect(parse "(1 2 3 . 4)").to eq pair_list([1, 2, 3], 4) end it "should parse an improper list containing symbols" do expect(parse "(foo foo . bar)").to eq pair_list([foo, foo], bar) end it "should parse a string" do s2 = "hello there", '"hello there"' x1 = 1 x2 = "hello there" x3 = 3 expected = pair_list [x1, x2, x3] expect(parse '(1 "hello there" 3)').to eq expected end it "should parse a string" do x1 = sym 'join' x2 = " - " x3 = 1 x4 = 2 x5 = 3 expected = pair_list [x1, x2, x3, x4, x5] expect(parse '(join " - " 1 2 3)').to eq expected end it "should not get confused by embedded lisp in a string" do s2 = "hello (1 2 3) there", '"hello (1 2 3) there"' x1 = 1 x2 = "hello (1 2 3) there" x3 = 3 expected = pair_list [x1, x2, x3] expect(parse '(1 "hello (1 2 3) there" 3)').to eq expected end it "should handle escaped quotes inside a string" do s2 = "hello there \"jimmy\"", '"hello there \"jimmy\""' x1 = 1 x2 = "hello there \"jimmy\"" x3 = 3 expected = pair_list [x1, x2, x3] expect(parse '(1 "hello there \"jimmy\"" 3)').to eq expected end it "should handle escaped tabs and newlines inside a string" do expected = "hello\tworld\nnice day" parsed = parse "\"hello\\tworld\\nnice day\"" expect(parsed).to eq expected end it "should parse a brace list" do expect(parse "{a b c d}").to eq pair_list [sym("brace-list"), a, b, c, d] end it "should parse a plain symbol" do expect(parse "foo").to eq foo end it "should parse a dotted symbol" do expect(parse "").to eq pair_list([dotsyn, foo, bar]) end it "should spot numbers hiding in special syntax" do parsed = parse("foo.2:3:4") expect(parsed.inspect).to eq "(colon-syntax (dot-syntax foo 2) 3 4)" expect( &:class).to eq [Nydp::Symbol, Nydp::Pair, Integer, Integer] expect( &:class).to eq [Nydp::Symbol, Nydp::Symbol, Integer] end it "should handle prefix and postfix syntax also" do parsed = parse(".foo123:") expect(parsed.inspect).to eq "(colon-syntax (dot-syntax || foo123) ||)" end it "should parse a dotted symbol" do expected = parse "(list a b (dot-syntax foo bar) c)" expect(parse "(list a b c)").to eq expected end it "should parse a colon-colon symbol" do expect(parse "foo::bar").to eq pair_list([cocosyn, foo, bar]) end it "should parse an at symbol" do expect(parse "foo@bar").to eq pair_list([atsyn, foo, bar]) end it "should parse a prefix-at symbol" do expect(parse "@foobar").to eq pair_list([atsyn, empty, foobar]) end it "should parse a colon-symbol within a colon-colon within a dotted symbol" do expected = parse "(colon-colon-syntax (colon-syntax (dot-syntax aa foo) foo) (colon-syntax bar (dot-syntax bar zz)))" expect(parse "").to eq expected end it "should quote symbols" do expect(parse "'foo").to eq pair_list([quote, foo]) end it "should not let quote decorations trick it into thinking numbers are symbols" do two = parse("'2") expect(two.class).to eq 2.class expect(two).to eq 2 end it "should not let unquote decorations trick it into thinking numbers are symbols" do two = parse(",2") expect(two.class).to eq 2.class expect(two).to eq 2 end it "should not let unquote-splicing decorations trick it into thinking numbers are symbols" do two = parse(",@2") expect(two.class).to eq 2.class expect(two).to eq 2 end it "should quote-unquote symbols" do expect(parse "',foo").to eq pair_list([quote, pair_list([unquote, foo])]) end it "should unquote-unquote_splicing symbols" do expect(parse(",,@foo").inspect).to eq "(unquote (unquote-splicing foo))" end it "should quote lists" do expect(parse "'(foo)").to eq pair_list([quote, pair_list([foo])]) end it "should unquote atoms" do expect(parse ",foo").to eq pair_list([unquote, foo]) end it "should unquote lists" do expect(parse ",(bar)").to eq pair_list([unquote, pair_list([bar])]) end it "retains otherwise unidentified list prefixes" do expect(parse "%wong(bar)").to eq pair_list([prefix_list, "%wong", pair_list([bar])]) end it "should do some complicated unquote stuff with lists" do expect(parse("`(a b `(c d ,(+ 1 2) ,,(+ 3 4)))").inspect).to eq "(quasiquote (a b (quasiquote (c d (unquote (+ 1 2)) (unquote (unquote (+ 3 4)))))))" end it "should do some complicated unquote stuff with mixed lists and symbols" do expect(parse("`(a b `(c d ,,@foo e f))").inspect).to eq "(quasiquote (a b (quasiquote (c d (unquote (unquote-splicing foo)) e f))))" expect(parse("`(a b `(c d ,@,foo e f))").inspect).to eq "(quasiquote (a b (quasiquote (c d (unquote-splicing (unquote foo)) e f))))" expect(parse("`(a b `(c d ,',foo e f))").inspect).to eq "(quasiquote (a b (quasiquote (c d (unquote (quote (unquote foo))) e f))))" end it "should do some complicated unquote stuff with lists" do expect(parse("`(a b `(c d ,(+ 1 2) ,,@(list 3 4)))").inspect).to eq "(quasiquote (a b (quasiquote (c d (unquote (+ 1 2)) (unquote (unquote-splicing (list 3 4)))))))" end it "should do some complicated unquote stuff with symbols" do expect(parse("`(a b `(c d ,(+ 1 2) ,,x))").inspect).to eq "(quasiquote (a b (quasiquote (c d (unquote (+ 1 2)) (unquote (unquote x))))))" end it "should unquote-splicing atoms" do expect(parse ",@foo").to eq pair_list([unquote_splicing, foo]) end it "should unquote-splicing lists" do expect(parse ",@(bar)").to eq pair_list([unquote_splicing, pair_list([bar])]) end it "should quasiquote atoms" do expect(parse "`foo").to eq pair_list([quasiquote, foo]) end it "should quasiquote lists" do expect(parse "`(bar)").to eq pair_list([quasiquote, pair_list([bar])]) end it "should parse nested lists" do expect(parse "(a b (c) d)").to eq pair_list([a, b, pair_list([c]), d]) end it "parses a simple string" do expect(parse '"foo"').to eq "foo" end it "parses a string with a simple interpolation" do str = "foo " empty = "" expect(parse '"foo ~foo"').to eq pair_list([string_pieces, str, foo]) end it "parses a string with a more complex interpolation" do strf = "foo " strb = " bar" expect(parse '"foo ~(foo bar) bar"').to eq pair_list([string_pieces, strf, pair_list([foo, bar]), strb]) end it "parses a string with an interpolation containing a nested interpolation" do strf = "foo " strb = " bar" nested = pair_list [string_pieces, strf, foo, strb] expr = pair_list [foo, nested, bar] expect(parse '"foo ~(foo "foo ~foo bar" bar) bar"').to eq pair_list([string_pieces, strf, expr, strb]) end it "parses a string with only an interpolation" do empty = "" expect(parse '"~foo"').to eq foo end it "should even parse comments" do txt = "(def foo (bar) ; here's a comment (zab)) " c1 = pair_list([comment, "here's a comment"]) fbar = pair_list([bar]) fzab = pair_list([, ns)]) fdef =, ns) expr = pair_list([fdef, foo, fbar, c1, fzab]) expect(parse txt).to eq expr end it "parses an expression with whitespace before closing paren" do txt = <