class Hash # Merges with another hash but also merges all nested hashes and arrays/values. def deep_merge(with, merge_arrays: true, overwrite: true, uniq: false) merger = proc do |_k, v1, v2| if BBLib.are_all?(Hash, v1, v2) v1.merge(v2, &merger) elsif merge_arrays && BBLib.are_all?(Array, v1, v2) uniq ? (v1 + v2).uniq : v1 + v2 else overwrite || v1 == v2 ? v2 : (uniq ? [v1, v2].flatten.uniq : [v1, v2].flatten) end end merge(with, &merger) end # In place version of deep_merge def deep_merge!(*args) replace deep_merge(*args) end # Converts the keys of the hash as well as any nested hashes to symbols. def keys_to_sym(clean: false, recursive: true) each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), memo| key = clean ? k.to_s.to_clean_sym : k.to_s.to_sym memo[key] = recursive && v.respond_to?(:keys_to_sym) ? v.keys_to_sym(clean: clean) : v end end # In place version of keys_to_sym def keys_to_sym!(clean: false, recursive: true) replace(keys_to_sym(clean: clean, recursive: recursive)) end # Converts the keys of the hash as well as any nested hashes to strings. def keys_to_s(recursive: true) each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), memo| memo[k.to_s] = recursive && v.respond_to?(:keys_to_sym) ? v.keys_to_s : v end end # In place version of keys_to_s def keys_to_s!(recursive: true) replace(keys_to_s(recursive: recursive)) end # Reverses the order of keys in the Hash def reverse to_a.reverse.to_h end # In place version of reverse def reverse! replace(reverse) end # Like unshift for Arrays. Adds a key to the beginning of a Hash rather than the end. def unshift(hash, value = nil) hash = { hash => value } unless hash.is_a?(Hash) replace(hash.merge(self).merge(hash)) end # Displays all of the differences between this hash and another. # Checks both key and value pairs. def diff(hash) to_a.diff(hash.to_a).to_h end # Returns all matching values with a specific key (or keys) recursively within a Hash (including nested Arrays) def dive(*keys) matches = [] each do |k, v| matches << v if keys.any? { |key| (key.is_a?(Regexp) ? key =~ k : key == k) } matches += v.dive(*keys) if v.respond_to?(:dive) end matches end # Navigate a hash using a dot delimited path. def path_nav(obj, path = '', delimiter = '.', &block) case obj when Hash if obj.empty? yield path, obj else obj.each do |k, v| path_nav( v, (path ? [path, k.to_s.gsub(delimiter, "\\#{delimiter}")].join(delimiter) : k.to_s.gsub(delimiter, "\\#{delimiter}")).to_s, delimiter, &block ) end end when Array if obj.empty? yield path, obj else obj.each_with_index do |ob, index| path_nav( ob, (path ? [path, "[#{index}]"].join(delimiter) : "[#{index}]").to_s, delimiter, &block ) end end else yield path, obj end end # Turns nested values' keys into delimiter separated paths def squish(delimiter: '.') sh = {} path_nav(dup, nil, delimiter) { |k, v| sh[k] = v } sh end # Expands keys in a hash using a delimiter. Opposite of squish. def expand {}.to_tree_hash.tap do |hash| each do |k, v| hash.bridge(k => v) end end.value end # Returns a version of the hash not including the specified keys def only(*args) select { |k, _v| args.include?(k) } end # Returns a version of the hash with the specified keys removed. def except(*args) reject { |k, _v| args.include?(k) } end # Convert this hash into a TreeHash object. def to_tree_hash end # Run a map iterator over the values in the hash without changing the keys. def vmap return map unless block_given? map { |k, v| [k, yield(v)] }.to_h end # Run a map iterator over the keys in the hash without changing the values. def kmap return map unless block_given? map { |k, v| [yield(k), v] }.to_h end # Map for hash that automatically converts the yield block to a hash. # Each yield must produce an array with exactly two elements. def hmap return map unless block_given? map { |k, v| yield(k, v) }.compact.to_h end end